Round Six, Scene Seven

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"Swiftshine is innocent," Sleekstar announced. Then he muttered under his breath, "As I suspected." He cleared his throat. "You may return to your duties."

Swiftshine was shaking uncontrollably, poised to run away if anyone attacked her. "Why would a-anyone think I did it?" She shot nervous glances to those who had voted guilty- Starlingtalon, Birchtuft and Brindlespring.

"Oh- shush, it's fine." Dawndust approached the shivering cream she-cat and comforted her with surprising gentleness. He glared at the cats who's voted 'guilty' for her. "You guys, that was a pretty illogical choice."

"We just wanted to be sure," Birchtuft meowed defensively. "No cat knows for sure who's innocent and who isn't."

Dawndust rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything more.

Pebblestrike rose and flicked his tail at Swiftshine. "Well, I think Swiftshine needs to rest and recover, isn't that right?"

Swiftshine nodded gratefully and let Pebblestrike lead her to the warriors' den.

Starlingtalon sighed. "Well, fine. We don't know anything that could lead to the murderer's identity, so I don't know why Swiftshine was even suspected. I'll admit, she's too timid to even kill prey animals, let alone cats."

"But we still was no proof that it wasn't her," Brindlespring pointed out. "It could be anyone!"

"You've never trusted any of us, Brindlespring," Dovefern sighed, exasperated.

"Hey, I'm just bring cautious!"

"Enough arguing," Birchtuft intervened. Then he murmured, half to himself, "What have these murders done to us? We've grown so far apart."

"Maybe we should go on patrol," Dawndust suggested, overhearing Birchtuft's worrisome statement. "Let's just try to act like normal Clanmates again. Pebblestrike and Swiftshine can stay here and sleep," Glancing back, he added, "Well, they're already doing that anyway. But us five can split into two patrols."

"But what if the killer strikes again?" Starlingtalon questioned. Mild distrust glimmered in her gaze.

"The killer only strikes at night," Dawndust meowed. "It's not even dusk yet; we should go now and return by nightfall."

"Alright," Perchberry nodded. "Then it's decided. Let's go."

  Little did they know, the killer had chosen to break their pattern today.  


"Can you smell anything, Birchtuft?" Perchberry raised her head and opened her jaws, trying to pick up any prey-scent in the air. 

Birchtuft waved his tail in the air, but didn't say anything. Perchberry could see him lower himself to the ground and carefully slink under a frond of fern. She looked at where his eyes were locked. There on the ground, a tree sparrow pecked around at the forest floor, unaware of its stalker. 

Birchtuft tensed, then bunched up his weight in his haunches, ready to pounce, but just before he did, a loud hiss, followed by a yowl, pierced the air. The sparrow took off, letting out an alarm cry as it slowly disappeared from view.


"That wasn't me!" The silver she-cat angled her ears around. trying to pick up any more sound, but nothing followed. She exchanged an alarmed glance with Birchtuft, and both cats came to the same conclusion: some cat had been attacked. 

"Let's hurry." Perchberry dashed off to where she thought the noise's source was, wasting no time to wonder. And by the time they got there...

The rest of the Clan- or what was left of the Clan after the murders- was huddled together. Even a drowsy-looking Pebblestrike was there, carefully blocking Swiftshine from whatever lay in the middle. 

When they approached, the others turned to face the two new arrivals. Brindlespring and Dovefern exchanged a quick glance, then parted to let Birchtuft and Perchberry see Dawndust's dying form. His body lay bleeding on the ground, a long gash stretching from his leg to his haunches. 

"W-What happened?" Birchtuft demanded, breaking the silence. He stared at the ginger tabby tom, shock filling his gaze. "How did you get targeted now?"

A sharp laugh sounded from somewhere in the crowd. Swiftshine backed away skittishly and whimpered, then dashed away into the forest.

"Ah, Swiftshine-" Pebblestrike started to follow her, but Starlingtalon stopped him. "You're not fast enough to catch her." She glanced around, a growl rising in her throat. "She can watch herself for now."

"Ah, Swiftshine," the voice sneered. "The so-called warrior who needed to be brave, but acts like a coward.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Brindlespring demanded.

"Show myself? That'd be foolish, wouldn't it, Brindlespring, since if I did you'd all know who I was!" The voice changed to an amused, yet menacing hiss. "As for why... I'm afraid Lichenleaf's death didn't satisfy me enough. I had the blood, the flesh, but one thing was missing... The despair. So now I've simply used Dawndust to drink in your despair. It's just plain delightful."

Then, a quick, pattering sound came from the distance. At first, it was faint, but it steadily grew stronger and stronger.

"Ha! My time to leave approaches. Which one of you will become my next meal?"

A moment later, Sleekstar burst out of the undergrowth. He stared at Dawndust's dying form in shock. "What is the meaning of this?"

Dovefern, who had been by Dawndust's side murmuring comfort to him, stood up. Leaning into Sleekstar's ear, she said, "Dawndust was attacked by the murderer. I don't-" Her voice caught in her throat, and her meow wavered tremulously. "I don't think we can save him." She turned away, gritting her teeth.

Starlingtalon's expression changed to a mixture of anger and grief, inferring what Dovefern had told her father. "No... not another death."

"At least we can have a proper burial this time," Brindlespring muttered to herself. She didn't mean for her words to be overheard by the others, but Perchberry whipped towards her, having listened to what she'd said.

"Could you be any more insensitive? A cat is dying, and that's all you have to say?" She faced Dawndust, her eyes stinging. "I... I'm sorry for accusing you of being the guilty one..."

Dawndust purred, but it quickly turned into a raspy cough. "Well, this should be enough to clear my name," he joked. Though he was making an attempt to lighten the mood, his voice was weak and fragile, and his eyes were glassy with pain. Then he gave a massive shudder, and his gaze locked onto something past Perchberry's shoulder. "You... You're the fallen ones, too... You've come for me, haven't you?"

Dawndust closed his eyes and let out a long, final breath.

Perchberry thrust her muzzle into the dead tom's fur wordlessly. The others followed suit, sharing tongues with him one by one.

Sleekstar held back, and when his warriors had finished, he merely said, "You will be remembered." He shook his head, as if clearing his thoughts. "Ah- Another cat has been accused," he forced himself to say. "I have thought more about your words," he dipped his head towards Perchberry, "and chosen another cat who might be guilty. That cat is Birchtuft."

Birchtuft froze for a split second. Then he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Why me?"

Sleekstar didn't even flinch. "All of us consider you the most loyal of us all, but in this dark time, none of us know whether or not that loyalty is genuine." Sleekstar raised his voice, addressing everyone. "Warriors, I must ask you to once again vote on the fate of another warrior. Choose wisely, as if more cats vote him guilty, he will be banished forever." Sleekstar cast a glance at the Siamese tom, unreadable emotions flickering in his eyes, then started to lead the warriors back to their home.

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