Round Three, Scene Two

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"Good evening, Heathercloud," a voice whispered in the dark.

"Who is it?" Heathercloud muttered drowsily. She tried to get up, but she was pinned down by invisible paws.

"Who is it? Wait, what are you doing?" She struggled to free herself, but to no avail.

"Oh, let's just say, I'm here to grant you the same fate as poor Vixenlight." There was venom, even a bit of hysteria, in the cat's voice.

"No! Let- me- go- now- " Heathercloud choked out, every word harder to form as the killer's paws tightened around her neck.

A small noise stirred in the far corner of the warrior's den.

Heathercloud's attacker traced their claws over her fur, "Call me what you want- evil, heartless, a Dark Forest cat. You would be right, and I'd take it as a compliment."

"Heathercloud, I'm trying to sleep," a different voice whispered. "What's going on?"

"This monster is trying to murder me!" Heathercloud snarled. But the moment those words left her mouth, her captor released her, afraid of being recognized.

Heathercloud's heart raced. She'd almost become the killer's next victim, if not for the witness who's woken up to her screeching.

"Thank you..." Heathercloud meowed to the second voice, before settling back into her nest. That night, she lay wide awake, unable to think of anything but that moment of terror that she kept replaying in her mind.


"What?" Sootbreeze gaped at Heathercloud. "Why would anyone want to kill you?" It was midday, and Heathercloud had told everyone about her near-death experience.

"I don't know." Heathercloud shook her head hopelessly. "The killer's probably just go ig after random cats. They don't care who they kill, as long as they wipe us out."

"We're going to have to watch out for the murderer." Snakefang growled. "Other cats may not be as lucky as Heathercloud was..."

"Snakefang is right." Quietstar meowed. "We need to raise our guard and be more careful."

Mothblaze raised her tail. "Then that means that we should not hold another vote. And we should see if Sootbreeze is innocent or not."

Quietstar nodded. "Yes. Sootbreeze has been voted innocent."

Sootbreeze gave a silent sigh of relief.

"As for another vote... I don't know. No other cat has been accused yet. Does anyone have any accusations?" she raked her yellow gaze over her cats.

This time, the reply was almost immediate.


Quietstar frowned. Fernfur didn't seem very suspicious to her, but anything could happen. "Please vote on whether or not Fernfur is innocent. The rules are exactly the same as last time."

Do you think that Fernfur is innocent? Cast you vote in the comments!

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