Round Two, Scene Six (Finale)

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Eaglestar summoned his Clanmates with a loud yowl. "Your votes have been cast and counted. Now, here are the results."

"Can't we all just live in peace?" Smokewhisper muttered. He scanned the clearing, looking at his Clanmates pleadingly.

The warriors looked expectantly at Eaglestar, who announced, "Cloudfeather has been voted guilty."

All of the warriors- except for Shellmist, who had voted innocent- turned on the albino she-cat. As one, they surged forward to attack her, to avenge the cats who they thought had been her victims.

Cloudfeather let loose a long wail. "You have no proof that it was me!"

"Save it, Cloudfeather," Thistlecloud growled threateningly. She flashed her claws and swiped Cloudfeather's muzzle, narrowly avoiding slicing her throat open. "The rules are that if you're voted guilty, you'll be exiled."

"Almost everyone thinks you did it," Ravenflight put in. "How do I know it wasn't you who attacked me?"

The wave of Cloudfeather's former Clanmates shoved her outside of the bramble barriers. No matter how hard she tried to fight her way through, she was no match for seven warriors.

But if she was to be banished, she wanted one last thing to take with her.

Tauntingly, she meowed, "Eaglestar! Why don't you help your little Clanmates instead of sitting back and letting them have all the fun?"

Eaglestar let out a low growl. "If you want your own leader to personally help exile you, than so be it." He stepped forward to join his Clanmates. "Don't expect me to regret it."

He raised a paw to strike Cloudfeather, but before he could bring his paw down, Cloudfeather lashed out, tearing her former leader's throat.

Eaglestar stumbled. A torrent of dark red blood spurted from his throat. Petalfern broke from the wall of warriors, sternly meowing, "I can heal him. Shellmist, come with me and help. The rest of you,get rid of her!" The two she-cats supported Eaglestar and lead him to the medicine den.

"You think we'll let you live now?" Ryefrost spat at Cloudfeather. "You deserve to die!" She fell upon the albino she-cat, fang bared and claws extended, ready to tear her apart. Her Clanmates unhesitantly joined her, and soon Cloudfeather lay dead on the ground, a mess of fur and blood, just like her victims.

Thistlecloud curled her lip in disgust and stalked away. "Murderer!"

Ravenflight stared in horror at Cloudfeather's body, thinking about how he could've been one of the lives this cat took. He was lucky to be alive.

The Clan never spoke of Cloudfeather again, but held honor for her victims. Eaglestar lost a life, but recovered under the medicine cat's care. Afterwards, there were no more murders, and the Clan lived on peacefully.

The Clan wins.

Thanks for playing Traitor!

Traitor: Cloudfeather

Deputy: Smokewhisper

Medicine Cat: Petalfern

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