Chapter 2

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When I step onto my private plane, 'cause apparently I have one of those now, I stand for a moment and stare at the interior.

I'm sure I've seen the inside of private planes as they look in movies and stuff, but this is nothing like that. Before me are four of the comfiest looking chairs I've ever seen. There's also a full blown table, a liquor cabinet and a whole army of staff.

One of them, a lady wearing an air hostess uniform, steps forward. "Good morning, sir. May I take your bag?"

I swing my backpack off my shoulder and hold it out to her. "Sure, but please, just call me Sho. I am not one for formal stuff."

"Of course. I apologise."

"So, can I just sit anywhere or are we waiting for someone else?"

She looks at me quizzically before she replies, "we're waiting for one other contestant, then we're taking off. And yes, you can sit wherever you like."

Ok, so I'm going to be stuck with someone who I probably won't recognise. Great.

I choose a window seat and the hostess, who I discover is called Leia, offers me a drink. I ask for a gin and tonic, one of the cheapest drinks I can think of, and she gives it to me. When I reach for my wallet, she once again looks at me with that vacant expression. "Um, everything is already paid for by the producers," she explains.

I put my wallet away, cursing myself for being so stupid. "Oh, sorry. And thank you."

She smiles and turns away, just as another person comes racing up the stairs. He sounds breathless as he explains, "sorry. Babysitter cancelled and I had to find someone else. Took ages."

He doesn't look old enough to be a dad, so I assume if he has got a kid it's a newborn. I'd estimate he's around 17, a couple years younger than me. Maybe 18 at a stretch. Still, he looks too young to be a celebrity.

He wastes no time in throwing his bag to the floor and sitting opposite me. "Hey, so, you're my plane buddy for the next seven hours?"

"I guess so."

"Cool. At least I'm not stuck with a girl."

"Sorry, I probably should've introduced myself. Sho Kuronaga." When he looks at me quizzically I add, "I'm the lottery winner."

He looks confused for a split second before he seemingly remembers that that was a thing. "Oh yeah, forgot about that shit. I'm Zack. I created that video game Dungeon Masters?"

I vaguely remember it, but when I think of a video game creator, I think of someone much older than him. Also way better dressed. He's wearing a jacket which has some sort of stain on it, and his clothes look ragged and way too old to belong to a celebrity.

"Wow, you created that? No offence, but you look super young."

"I'm 20. And I guess I look young 'cause I'm always doing shit for my siblings. I have two of them and they are nothing but trouble."

I'm surprised by this answer, but I guess it explains the babysitter. "How many siblings do you have?"

"Just two, but they're twins, and they've just turned 4. It's a nightmare. I'm doing this show to get them some money for college."

"That's really sweet. I couldn't imagine having 4 year old siblings. Are your parents looking after them then?"

He looks away for a moment, and I realise straight away that I've said the wrong thing. It doesn't seem to deter him for long though. He replies, "no. My dad died when I was a kid, then my mum married again and had the twins. My step dad left after that and my mum died a year ago. It was just after I turned 18 so I gave up everything to look after my half siblings."

I admire him a lot for that. There are a lot of people in this world who wouldn't even give up everything for their own kids, let alone kids that aren't theirs.

"Sorry, didn't mean to upset you. Your parents dead or something too?"

I don't take notice of his rather insensitive way of asking this question and just answer, "yeah. My parents died in a house fire when I was a baby. I've been in care my whole life. I live alone now though. I'm 19."

"Woah, it must be great to live alone."

"Not really. I have to work loads to pay for all my stuff," I explain.

He looks away at this comment, though I'm not sure why.

He doesn't say a word over the rest of the flight. Instead we both enjoy watching movies on tablets the air hostess offers us. From what I can hear, he's chosen a Marvel movie. Not sure which one. I've chosen a movie adaptation of one of my favourite books.

It's only when the flight has landed that he grabs my bag off the hostess as well as his own.

"Hey, it's ok, I can-"

"I'll take it for you," he replies.

"Oh. Thanks."

When we get off the plane and we're out of the airport, we're herded into a taxi.

Unexpectedly, Zack once again does something kind of sweet and holds the door open for me. When I look at him to say thanks, he won't make eye contact with me, but I still say, "thanks," anyway.

On our way to what I'm guessing is the castle, I decide to watch another book to movie adaptation. I'm a little surprised when I realise halfway through that he's watching it too. I pause it and he looks at me for the first time in several hours. "What's up? You bored?"

"A little," I lie.

"Wanna learn more about each other then?"

"Why would you want to learn about me? You're a celebrity aren't you? Surely you want to learn more about the other guys, not me."

He looks confused. "I don't want to be considered a 'celebrity'," he explains, using air quotes. "I'd rather get to know someone who's down to earth, like you."

I'm not sure if he meant that as a compliment, but part of me still replies, "thanks I guess. Sure. Ask me your questions then."

"I would've thought you'd have hundreds of questions for me. Most people who chat to me online want to know everything about Dungeon Masters. How did I create it? Why? Who's my idol? Will I be creating anymore games? All that stuff. And yet you want me to ask you something first?"

"I thought you said you don't want to be considered a celebrity. You sound pretty obnoxious right now."

He looks away sheepishly and I realise I've offended him. "Sorry."

"No. You're right. I didn't mean to sound stuck up." He scoffs. "Now I look like an idiot. Let's change the subject. So, you said you were in care. So that means you have foster parents, right?"

"Yeah, but I live by myself now. They kicked me out when I turned 18. On my birthday to be exact."

"Literally on your birthday?"

"Yep. Anyway, it's my turn. Since people always ask about your game, how about I ask about you. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope. I...," he trails off a little before he continues, "I'm gay actually. Don't worry I'm not about to kiss you or anything."

"Wasn't betting on it. Do people really assume that when you tell them you're gay?"

"I got kicked out of school when I was 15. I told the guy I had a crush on that I liked him and he wasn't exactly accepting of gay rights and stuff. He reported me to the school and said I was coming onto him."

My face obviously changes to one of disgust since he laughs. I quickly reply, "that's horrible. I'm sorry."

"It's cool, I'm over it now. Besides, I'll find someone better. Ok, my turn. What's your sexuality? If you're ok sharing of course. If not, favourite colour?"

"Um, I'm bisexual. And my favourite colour's red."

"This is getting kinda boring. Let's spice things up. Your turn to ask, but let's both answer the questions."

"Ok....ever broken the law, if so which one or ones?"

"Uh...yeah but we're not getting into that. You?"

I don't look him in the eyes as I say, "yeah, shoplifting."

"Oof, rough. How many people have you slept with?"

"Zack! You can't ask someone that!"

"Just did. Fine, I'll answer first. Two. One girl, one guy. The girl was a sort of test to make sure I was gay. I know it was wrong, sue me."

I laugh as he pretends to have his hands tied behind his back. He's really good at making me laugh. "Um, I haven't slept with anyone."

"Oh shit. Sorry I didn't mean-"

"You're fine, Zack."

The game wears off here, and it's not until we arrive at the castle that Zack grabs my hand and stops me opening the door. "Hey, are we friends?"

"Yeah sure," I say with a shrug.

"Then whatever happens in there, whoever we end up meeting, stick by me. I'm gonna look out for you, ok?"

I smile, but don't reply as we get out of the taxi. That's when we lay our eyes on the castle for the first time.

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