Chapter 2: The Failed Attempt

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 Andromeda followed her mother home with sadness. She realized she had to make a plan to escape if she wanted to save her friend. She started to think of a plan and thought that she was lucky her mother wasn't a mindreading NightWing. She didn't eat that night but went right to bed. She knew she couldn't hide with her friend under water. She had to go to the surface. But how? Waterscale would be more closely watched after her mother told him what he might have done. Maybe they could run away while swimming to the Summer Palace? No... her mother was to fast of a swimmer. Maybe she could wait until Waterscale's mother was asleep and go get him then? Yes... she might have a chance then... Her mother would never know where she went. But would Waterscale want to go? Of course, he would. He didn't want the queen to find out about the lie her mother came up with. She would go as soon as her mother was asleep. 

There was a light at the door of her room and her mother was standing there. She was speaking Aquatic to her. 

"Andromeda?" She asked. 

"Yes?" Andromeda said.

"I want you to know, that, you don't have royal patterns on your wings. Those are birthmarks." Her mother said as she swam next to Andromeda.

"Mom, I know your lying. What's the chance of me have birthmarks that look exactly like the royal pattern?" Andromeda's mother stayed silent watching Andromeda. "When we go see Queen Coral tomorrow, I'm going to show her the pattern and see what she has to say. Maybe I'm The Missing Princess." Andromeda's mother shook her head. 

"I forbid you to do that. You hatched out of my egg. Not Corals. Maybe it's better that you stay here." She said. 

"No, I'm coming," Andromeda said. "I want to make sure that Waterscale has at least one fair spokes dragon."

"We'll see." Andromeda's mother said as she swam out of the room. "Good night." 

 Andromeda laid her head down on the bed of seaweed. She was waiting for her mother to fall asleep. When she finally heard her mother's slow breathing, she knew she was asleep. 

She swam quietly and quickly from the cave. She swam over coral and fish to Waterscales. When she got there she looked in. Waterscales mother was snoring in her room. Waterscale was sitting in the middle of the room looking really upset. "Waterscale!" Andromeda said as she swam over to him. "How are you?" Waterscale looked up quickly and the towards his mother's room. 

"You shouldn't have come. My mom won't like this." He said quickly. 

"She won't know about me coming because you're coming with me," Andromeda said fiercely.

"What?" Waterscale asked. 

"I'm here to take you to the surface. We'll fly away and you won't have to see the queen." Andromeda said spinning her tail around his. 

"No, I want to go." He said shaking his head. 

"What? Why? You know she won't take your side." Andromeda said hotly. 

"It's not because I want to get a punishment. I want you to go to find out about your royal markings." He said lightly his scales sadly. 

"Well, I can go any old time I want. Let's get you out of here." She said pulling on his wing. 

"I can't." He said batting her talons away. "My mom put, a, um, a chain around my neck so I can't leave." 

"She did what? Your kidding." Andromeda lighted her scales as she craned her neck to see the chain. It was true. There was a chain. "We'll just have to get it off," Andromeda said as she bit it. It was very hard. She nearly cracked a tooth. 

"You can't," Waterscales said sadly. "My mom will make it so that you can't get it off." 

"That's right." New scales shined as they entered the room. Waterscale's green mom entered the room. "I knew we should've gone today. Come on Waterscales. We're going to the queen. And I have to take you home to your mother." She grabbed Waterscales chained and yanked hard. It fell apart. She grabbed another one and threw it on her back. She then pulled on Waterscales wing and motioned for me to follow. There was nothing she could do. They swam for a while. Andromeda watched as Waterscales turned greener and greener. Andromeda knew he wasn't RainWings but he was defiantly more green. 

We swam to my cave where Waterscales mom knocked loudly on the wall. There was stomping and Andromeda's mother came out. She took one look at Andromeda and then lit up her scales very slowly. 

"What did my daughter do?" She asked. 

"She was trying to help my son escape to the surface." Waterscales mother answered. "I'm going to see the queen right know but I thought you might want to see your daughter first."

"Thank you." Replied Andromeda's mother. She walked across the room to Andromeda and grabbed her tail and started to drag her to her room. 

"What are you doing?!?" Andromeda asked clawing at the floor to try and slow herself down. "I want to come!"

"You've been naughty." Her mother lit up her scales still in the same slow way. "You can't come."

Andromeda turned and bit her mother's hand. Her mother screamed with pain and hissed at Andromeda. 

"You're not my mother!" Andromeda said her mind clogging with anger. "Therefore you can't punish me!" 

"I am your mother!" She said holding her hand. 

"Your just a lying, stealing ghoul!" Andromeda's scales were flashing quickly. She could see the blue reflected in her eyes. They were filled with anger. Then, her talons slashed across Andromeda's face. Blood poured out. Waterscales yelled. Andromeda shook her head and glared at the women who claimed to be her mother. 

"A real mother wouldn't do that," Andromeda said as she held her face. 

"Well, you got me. I'm not your mother." She said grinning. "But you are still staying here. She grabbed the chain off of Waterscale's mother's back and tied it around Andromeda's neck. She then attached it to the wall. Then they left. Andromeda was now tied up and her friend was going to die. 

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