Chapter 5: To the Surface

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I have to go to the surface. Andromeda thought. But how? Andromeda had never been so confused in her life. She knew she had to escape but how and when was the question she was asking herself. She also thought that she should take Waterscale if he wanted to come. But why? Why force him? Maybe it was better if she went by herself. She wondered if she could sneak off right now because she heard her aunt's snores. She poked her head out and saw the huge form of her aunt rising and falling in time with the snores right in front of her door. She couldn't leave. She wondered if she could swim over, but it was impossible. Now what? She asked herself. She thought she could make a break for it during the daytime when she left the house to play with Waterscale and Neptune. But no, her aunt wouldn't let her leave. She was surely grounded. She turned looking all over her room, looking for something to help her escape, then her eyes landed on her window.

It's a crazy idea, but it might work. Andromeda thought as she poked her head through. It was small, too small for her to fit. And Andromeda was big for her age of six years. Thinking for a moment, she felt the window. It was smooth and would be easy to fit through if she really tried. She knew what she had to do. She tried to fit her whole body through but she failed. Now she was stuck. Her back legs were inside her room and her front ones were outside, along with half of her wings and her head. Brilliant plan. She told herself bitterly. You amaze me.
"Andromeda?" Flashed some scales to Andromeda's right. Andromeda turned her head to see

"Waterscale! How did you get here?" Andromeda smiled at her friend.

"I escaped. When we got back, my mother was so angry the queen lets me off. She started attacking everything in sight for some reason. I had to get out of there!" Water grimaced. Andromeda tried to hug her friend but he was too far. "So how did you get stuck?" Waterscale asked.

"Long story. To cut it short, I'm escaping." Andromeda said as she tried to wriggle free. "Can you help me?"

"I can try," Waterscale said squinting at Andromeda. "What should I do?" He asked.

"Try and pull me out," Andromeda said. Waterscale seized her talons and started pulling so hard it was like he was trying to pull her talons off. Andromeda kicked at the water in her room, trying to help Waterscale free her, but it was no use. Suddenly, there was a roar from behind her, and Andromeda's tail fell in a bucket of pain.

She kicked harder and harder, not knowing what was behind her and biting her tail so hard. As soon as it came, the pain stopped. But Andromeda's aunt was looming behind Waterscale looking as angry as Andromeda had ever seen her.
"Look out!" Andromeda's scales flashed as she pointed at Atlantic. Waterscale looked around just in time to see Atlantic trying to bite his tail. He dodged out of the way and Atlantic's lung sensed her into the wall of the cave.
"What are you doing?" Atlantic's scales flashed quickly and her face was nothing but anger.

"I'm trying to escape, duh!" Andromeda said rolling her eyes. "Waterscale is helping me."

"Why are you trying to escape? Do you realize the trouble I'll be in if you do." Andromeda's aunt asked.

"Oh, I realized it alright. That's partly why I am escaping!" Andromeda shot back.

"Why are you doing this?" Atlantic hissed again.

"Because you've been nothing but horrible to my friends and me. I let it happen but once you lied so Waterscale could get in trouble for something he didn't even do, I had enough." Andromeda spat at her. She looked shocked then angry again.

"I won't let you leave. You'll be stuck there for a month and you'll go hungry." She smirked. "The once I let you out, you'll eat whatever I give you and you'll stay here." Andromeda's aunt smirked. 

"That's an evil, terrible thing to do to a dragon!" Waterscale reminded Atlantic. "Anyways, if you just leave Andromeda here other dragons will see her and ask questions, won't they?" Atlantic stared at him with dislike for a moment then sighed. 

"My sister ordered me to keep Andromeda clueless about the royal SeaWing line and everything else that connected her to the royal family." She scratched her chin. "I see I have failed. You know everything." 

"My mother doesn't care about me. If you set me free she won't give a damn." Andromeda said. 

"True, true," Atlantic said as if she was a child seeking for answers. "But I was ordered-"

"Your a royal SeaWing too!" Andromeda hinted. "You don't have to take orders from her. Anyways, she didn't know you were coming and forgot all about you and what you looked like, so why would she care?" Atlantic stared at Andromeda for a moment then said; 

"You know, I never realized why Coral wanted a daughter she never knew. Perhaps, I have treated you badly for the past six years." She rubbed her forehead with confusion. Then she lit the scales on her wings and tail. This meant; "I'm setting you free."

"And Waterscale too?" Andromeda asked. Atlantic stared at him for a moment and then asked; 

"How was your mother acting when you left?" 

"Terrible, she was smashing everything, I want to escape too!" 

"Alright, I'll make an excuse for your mother about why you left." She turned to Andromeda who was still stuck in the wall. "And, sorry for treating you awfully." Andromeda nodded and smiled. 

"It happens to the best of us." She beamed. Andromeda's aunt grabbed her right arm and Waterscale grabbed her left. They pulled and with the combined strength of the two dragons, Andromeda was free. She hugged Waterscale and Atlantic.

 "Let's go!" She smiled at Waterscale who nodded in answer to her question. Together, they swam up to the air, and right when they were about to hit it, Andromeda looked down at her aunt, and the home she was leaving behind. She waved to Atlantic one last time who waved back, then she lifted her head to the air after nodding at Waterscale, and she breathed the ocean air. 

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