Chapter 7: The Meeting

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 Andromeda tried to look at everything at once. The sloths hanging from the trees, the fruit also hanging on the trees, the green leaves, the green grass, and all of the RainWings. Andromeda had never seen so much color in her life. Most of the RainWings were purple. Andromeda wondered what this meant. Queen Glory herself was a deep purple, but her underbelly was regal blue. It was a bad combination, Glory herself realized this because she suddenly changed yellow to match the blue. "So, you already met Deathbringer." Glory said waving her talons at the NightWing. "But who I really want you guys to meet is Tsunami." 

"Whose Tsunami?" Andromeda asked. 

"She's general of my RainWings and she's also a SeaWing." Glory said spreading her wings, ready to fly. Andromeda suddenly noticed the sloth hanging around her neck and wondered why she didn't eat it. 
"What are you doing with another SeaWing?" Waterscale asked, also spreading his wings. 

"What do you mean?" Glory asked. "You've never heard of Tsunami? I thought SeaWings like yourselves would know who she was." Glory jumped into the air and started to fly, her scales turning purple again. Andromeda jumped after her and Waterscale after Andromeda. Deathbringer followed as well. 
"We don't know much about other SeaWings," Waterscale answered Glory. "Our mothers, I mean our mothers and Andromeda's aunt didn't want us to know much." 

"Why not?" Glory asked, diving through the trees and vines. It was much harder for Andromeda and Waterscale who had never flone between trees and vines. 

"Well, because they didn't want me to know I was a royal heir to the SeaWing throne," Andromeda admitted. "They thought, if I knew too much, I would make the connection!" Glory stopped flying and just hovered. Andromeda almost flew into her but dodged just in time. 
"How old are you?" Glory asked nervously. 

"I'm still a dragonet, six if you want to get real." Andromeda said looking confused. "Waterscale is too." 

"Well, come with me." Glory said, motioning. 

"That's what we were doing!" Waterscale said surprised.

"Right, of course." Glory muttered. She flew again and they followed her. They didn't speak until they got there, which was a beautiful hut. It was made of leaves and had flowers entangled in it. Glory flew inside and Andromeda, Waterscale, and Deathbringer followed her. Inside were five other dragons, they all looked Andromeda's age. There was two NightWings, (if you didn't count Deathbringer) a small golden SandWing, a MudWing, and a SeaWing who must've been Tsunami. "Friends, this is Andromeda and Waterscale." Glory said to the other dragonets. 

"Hello!" beamed the SandWing. "My name's Sunny!" The male NightWing nodded while the female smiled and said; "My name's Fatespeaker." The MudWing stomach spoke before the MudWing could. It growled and the MudWing blushed. "My name is Clay, and I'm hungry." The SeaWing didn't make any sign that she knew more dragons had entered the hut. Instead, she looked at Glory and spoke; "Why do we have to meet?" 

"Because, Tsunami, this dragon," Glory motioned atAndromeda. "Has the royal pattern." There was silence threw the hut. No one spoke. SoAndromeda decided she had to say something. 

"Uh? May I speak?"Andromeda said, her voice sounded awkward after the pause. Glory nodded andAndromeda swallowed. "I don't understand, you don't know anything about me!"

"Well,Andromeda, we know more then you think. We know, that you never met your mother, Queen Coral, that is, until yesterday!" Glory stated. 

"That actually is true. I believed I was the Missing Princess!"Andromeda muttered. "But how did you find out?" 

"That doesn't matter." Glory said. 

"It doesn't?"Andromeda screamed. "I just met everyone in this hut, besides Waterscale, today! And you know a lot about me!" Glory watched her for a moment then said;

"That's true, but that doesn't matter right now, what does matter is that you have to royal pattern and that you could be the actual Missing Princess."

"Can you listen, Queen Glory?"Andromeda asked, now angry. "I said I believed I was the Missing Princess, not that I think I am the Missing Princess." Glory looked taken aback. Andromeda was pleased to see this. 

"So, you already talked to her about your patterns?" Asked the male NightWing whose name Andromeda didn't know. 

"That's right," Andromeda said, nodding. "She said, that I was an heir that was pushed aside in case Queen Coral didn't have any other daughters." Andromeda suddenly realized that she had tears in her eyes, she blinked them back. "I'm not the Missing Princess if they had a Forgotten Princess that would be me." Tsunami looked half joyful half angry then, confused. 

"Wait, when did you talk to her?" Tsunami asked Andromeda. 

"Uh, yesterday?" Andromeda answered. "That's when Glory said I first met her and she was right." 

"Well, then it wasn't her." Tsunami proclaimed. 

"Wha- yes it was!" Andromeda answered angrily. "She was the same color blue like you, had pearls around her horns, neck, and wings, and had a dragonet with her!"

"Did you see her at the Summer Palace or the Deep Palace?" Tsunami asked.

"The Summer Palace." Andromeda snapped. 

"The Summer Palace was destroyed by SkyWings!" Tsunami roared. Pause. 

"It was?" Andromeda asked. The room was so very quiet. 

"How can you not know that?" Tsunami screamed. 

"Because I wasn't supposed to know anything about the royal family or I might make the connection that I was an heir!" Andromeda yelled back at her with tears running down her face. Waterscale patted her shoulder.

"So it's true, your actually an heir?" Tsunami asked. Andromeda gulped and blinked her eyes to get rid of the tears. 

"Y-yes." She gulped. She lifted her wings so everyone in the rooms could see the royal pattern. Tsunami looked at her own wings. She had the same pattern. 

"Why would you think you went to the Summer Palace?" Asked the male NightWing. 

"I saw it, it had a vine canopy, and the white marble, and the jewels, and the thrones. I saw Queen Coral herself and she spoke to me and told me everything. 

"But, the Palace was destroyed. Did you see anyone on the way to the Summer Palace?" Fatespeaker asked. Andromeda thought for a while and then realized she did see someone. 

"Yes, I saw Shark, you know, the queen's guard."

"Shark?" Tsunami asked. "I hate him." 

"Yes, I rather dislike him too." Glory admitted. 

"Wait... the Coral said to me that animus dragons are in the royal SeaWing blood, do you think that Shark is an animus?" Tsunami asked with a growl. 

"Maybe, but what would that have to do with anything." Sunny asked.

"I don't know." Tsunami admitted. 

"Moving over that, I have something else to tell you." Glory stated.

"What is it?" Eight dragonets asked at the same time. 

"I have something more, uh, confusing to discuss." She scratched her chin then said. "Andromeda here," She nodded at Andromeda. "Was born on the brightest night. She might be the SeaWing dragonet of destiny." 

"What's that?" 

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