Chapter 9: The MudWing Queen

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"Tonight?" Andromeda breathed. 

"Yeah, tonight! I've been to that place before and it's terrible, I don't know if Ruby's and different then Scarlet if she's her daughter, but I'm telling you, let's go tonight!" Tsunami said quickly. 

"Yes, Yes! I totally agree! Tonight!" Andromeda answered. "But, didn't Webs say she left when she was four? How long do you think she was living in the mountains?" 

"I dunno, a year?" Tsunami said. 

"Then she's been at the SkyWing palace for a year and Ruby hasn't been the queen that long." 

"So, you're saying she might not be there?" 


"Then we have to go right now!" 

"I agree, let's go tell Glory!" 

"No!" Tsunami yelled. "You know what Glory will say, "Oh, we can't afford to lose our general." And other stuff, let's leave now!"

"But, if we leave without telling anyone, then they'll think something terrible has happened to us!" Andromeda wailed. Tsunami thought for a moment. 

"We can tell Clay, he wouldn't say anything until Glory asked and that might be after we come back!" She explained. 

"Okay, let's tell Clay!"Andromeda agreed. They flew down until they reached a platform where Clay, the MudWing, was eating fruits. 

"Hey, Clay!" Tsunami said as she landed next to him. 

"Oh, hello Tsunami, Hi Andromeda, Hi dragon I don't know!"

"This is Waterscale," Andromeda remarked as she motioned towards Waterscale. 

"Anyway Clay, I wanted to ask you something." Tsunami continued. 

"Ask way!" Clay smiled as he picked up a red fruit. 

"If you were listening in the royal hut, Andromeda and I have two sisters, one of them is a prisoner in the SkyWing palace, Andromeda, Waterscale, and I are going to rescue her now, don't tell Glory unless you need to!" Clay nodded happily as he chewed his fruit. "Cool, thanks, Clay!" Tsunami said as she started to fly. Andromeda and Waterscale followed her. 

"What do you think our sister is like?" Andromeda asked after a pause. 

"I don't know, I think they both might be a little reckless because they left Coral at the age of four." Tsunami admitted. 

"Do you think they'll be happy to see us?" Andromeda asked. This was the question she was really worried about. 

"Well, since you were in a cave like me your whole life, they don't know us, but I bet if they come with us when we rescue our other sister from Blister they'll be happy to see us." Tsunami said awkwardly. 

"Right..." Andromeda said as her voice trailed away. They had left the Rainforest and now they were flying over the mud kingdom. 

"So, even if we get through the mud kingdom today," Tsunami said. "It'll still take about two days to get there." 

"I say we fly during the night, too," Andromeda stated. "That way we'll get there faster."

"No, we need to sleep at some point!" Waterscale reminded her. 

"Come on, Waterscale, we need to get there!" Andromeda begged. 

"No, he's right." Tsunami cut in. "If we're tired when we get here we won't be able to fight." Andromeda sighed. She knew what Tsunami was saying is true but she wanted to save her sisters. 

"Could someone please explain to me why three SeaWing dragonets would be in the MudWing kingdom?" Said an unkind voice from behind them. They all turned around to see two full-grown MudWings flying behind them. They were smirking. Andromeda knew they were in big trouble. 

"Uh, we're just passing through-" Andromeda started to say.

"We don't care why you're here!" Said the other MudWing. 

"We just want to bring you to Queen Moorhen so we can get off this guard job!" Growled the other. Tsunami bared her fangs and Waterscale hid behind her.

"Please, we don't mean any harm!" Andromeda begged. 

"Didn't I already say I don't care?" demanded the second MudWing. "You're going to the dungeons and you're going to be punished for being allies with Blister!" 

"Oh yeah? You'll never make us come!" Tsunami yelled. 

"Three little SeaWings against two full grown MudWings! You make me laugh!" Sneered the first. "If you don't fight we might not hurt you!" 

"That doesn't sound reassuring," Waterscale whispered from behind Tsunami. The MudWings laughed at him and he ducked his head and hid it behind his wing. 

"Not reassuring?" Choked one of the guards. "We're not supposed to be reassuring!" 

"Okay dragonets, the game is up! Stop playing and we'll take you down to Queen Moorhen." Laughed the other. He stopped laughing and lunged at Tsunami before she could say anything. But Tsunami was faster then he realized because she brought down her powerful tail down on his head, hard! There was a loud cracking noise and the guard was sent falling towards the earth. His friend roared with anger and slammed Tsunami with his tail on her back. It wasn't as powerful as Tsunami's blow but it hurt either way, but Tsunami didn't show it. She gritted her teeth and bit the MudWing's tail. He hollered with pain and shook her off then bit her forearm.

"TSUNAMI!" Andromeda yelled as she rushed towards her sister. Andromeda bit the guard's neck and he let go of Tsunami and smacked Andromeda with all of his talons. Andromeda stopped biting him and clutched her head where he had hit. Then, Waterscale came zooming out of nowhere and smacked the MudWing guard with his powerful tail. It was nowhere near as hard as Tsunami so the guard was still flying. He realized what he had to do. He lunged towards Tsunami and smacked her again with his tail in the same place. Tsunami dug her razor-sharp talons in retaliation. He screamed with pain but instead of running, he smacked Tsunami again with his tail. This time, Tsunami was the one to fall, but Waterscale caught her and laid her on a branch of a nearby tree. 

"Is Tsunami alright?" Andromeda half asked half yelled. 

"She's still alive!" Waterscale panted. 

"You're going to pay!" Andromeda spat at the guard. She flew as fast as she could towards the male MudWing and he dug his talons into Andromeda gills. She shrieked with pain and smacked him with her tail and blood poured out. Then she dug her own talons into his tail and bit it, hard. He winced but kept his talons in Andromeda's gills. Then Waterscale rammed into the guard and scratched his talons into the guard's eyes. The guard screamed with pain as blood poured out of his eyes. The guard was now blind. 
"Waterscale! Grab Tsunami and fly as fast as you can!" Waterscale nodded and spun around, so did Andromeda but something hard hit her the moment she had her back turned to the blind MudWing and she fainted. 


Andromeda kept her eye's closed. Hoping it was all a bad dream and she'd wake up and be in her underwater cave, or better, the rainforest. But she wasn't breathing out of her gills, so that ruled out the possibility of underwater and she wasn't in a warm place, it was cold and hard. Most unlike the warm forest she once felt. She heard growling from her left and whimpering from her right. She decided she'd have to find out what was happening. She opened her eye's slowing and found herself chained to a cold hard stone floor with Waterscale on her right staring up into the face of Queen Moorhen. On her left Tsunami was growling, also staring at Queen Moorhen. Wait, Queen Moorhen? Oh-no! We're trapped! Andromeda thought hopelessly. She too looked up into the smiling face of the MudWing Queen. 

"So good of you to wake up SeaWing, I was beginning to think my MudWing guards killed you." The Queen said in a silky voice. Does everyone think that when I'm asleep? Andromeda thought

"Well, I'm not dead, so there you are." Andromeda said with a much more braver voice then she would normally use. 

 "I'm very glad your not dead." Said the MudWing queen. "I need information out of you." 

"Well, you won't get any!" Tsunami roared. "We're not dumb enough to give you any!" 

"I have a very special way of getting information." The queen reminded Tsunami. "And trust me, when I want it, I will get it any way possible." Did she really mean any way? Andromeda thought.

"Well, you 'special' way won't work on us!" Tsunami declared. They had all four legs pinned to the floor with chains. Tsunami couldn't fight like this. 

"But I haven't told you my special way yet!" Queen Moorhen pouted. Tsunami rolled her eyes and the queen glared at her. "My special way is to kill when I don't get what I want." The queen said. 

"Sorry to break it to you, but all queen's use that way." Tsunami sneered. 

"True, true, but, I still love it!" Queen Moorhen purred. "Now, be good dragonets and tell Queen Moorhen what you were doing!"

"Flying?" Tsunami joked. "What did it look like we were doing." 

"Silly me, let me rephrase that question." Queen Moorhen fumed. "Why were three SeaWing dragonets flying over my kingdom?" 

"I already said, your highness, we're not going to tell you anything!" Tsunami roared. 

"Very well, if you won't be sensible, we're going to have to use, 'my special way.'" The queen snapped. "Kill the male, let them watch, then we'll see if they'll talk." One of the MudWing guards next to the queen nodded and clutched the spear tighter in his talons. He walked over to the trembling Waterscale and aimed the spear at a point in his neck. 

"No!" Andromeda blurted. "Don't kill Waterscale!" The queen peered down at Andromeda. 

"Hmm, looks like we have a dragon here that want to talk, tell me SeaWing, what were you doing?" The queen asked. Andromeda stared, horror-struck at the queen. She knew SkyWing's and MudWing's were allies, and if she told her, the SkyWing's would be informed, but she didn't want Waterscale to die. She'd have to lie. 

"We were, um, going to see Blister!" Andromeda lied. She hoped Queen Moorhen couldn't see the guilty look on her face. Moorhen spat in her face. 

"I'm not an idiot! You were flying towards the SkyWing kingdom! Well, you're here!" Andromeda suddenly realized the room around her. It was made of stone and there were chambers with red, orange, and amber dragons inside. Also, there were some brown MudWings, some green and blue SeaWings, a SandWing and an IceWing. Andromeda wondered why the prisoners were in a dungeon and not on the tall pillers that Tsunami had described. "I gave you a chance, to tell the truth! I did!" The queen started ranting. "But, seems like I am still being lied to." She continued. "Kill the male, quickly, now!" Queen Moorhen clapped her talons together and the MudWing guard lunged the spear at Waterscale's neck. But before it came in contact with his neck, Andromeda threw out her wing and the spear sank into the bone. 

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