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Will pov

So I didn't see Nico after dinner or at dinner I looked at Jason confused he shrugged

"I don't know I haven't seen him since the docks so don't look at me " he said putting hands up in surrender I then see Nico leaning against the pillar watching us intensely I wonder if he ate anything 

"Hey N-" I was cut off by him biting into a apple but it wasn't a normal bite he was being dramatic about it I saw Annabet snicker like she knows what was going on

"Ok as I was trying to s-" I was cut of again by him biting the Apple dramaticly I looked at him confused as ever Annabeth whispered in Percys ear he covered his mouth trying not to laugh he whispered in Jason's ear who had the same reaction and he told Piper who looked ready to burst she told Leo who actually laughed out loud

"Nico will you st-" he did it again this went on for awhile till he was to the core of the Apple well at least he ate something he threw it away and looked at me grinning

"Nico what was that about and why is everyone laughing I am so confused " I said looking at him for a answer

"Well I don't know you know what they say ....a Apple a day keeps the doctors away" by then everyone was laughing Nico was grinning proudly I laughed that was so cringy but amazing 

I have noticed a change in Nico ever since he came out to everyone it's like a weight has lifted off his shoulders and he can be himself again but there are times where he will go back to his shadowy ways but sometimes makes him sexy as fuck I just want to pin him to a wall sometimes

Nico raised a eyebrow at me he was blushing darkly  and grabbed my arm shadow traveling us to his cabin

"Nico what have I said about shadow traveling " I said sternly he rolled his eyes smirking and blushing

"Will when your distracted you speak your thoughts out loud you said and I quote 'makes him sexy as fuck I just want to pin him to a wall sometimes ' Leo and I heard that and before he could say anything I shadow traveled us here " he said

I nodded blushing looking at him he looked lost in thought I raise is head up to make eye contact with me

"What are you thinking " I asked me looked at me with nervous eyes and bit his lip he must be really nervous

"Will so my birthday is tomorrow and I was wondering if you and me could go back to Italy to my house and know um ...well you see..." he sat down covering his face groaning

I sat next to him and pulled him in my lap to make him know I am listening and I'm here for him

"Will...." he puts his face in my chest to hide he takes a nervous breath "Will......I'm ready " he whispered I almost didn't hear him but I caught it my eyes widen and I sat him up in my lap to look in his eyes

"Nico are you sure I know you've had a bad past I want to make sure you are certain " he looked down then back at me

"I trust you " he said I smiled and hugged him tightly I love this boy so much .....Wait his birthday is tomorrow what?!

"Hey why didn't you tell me your birthday was coming up he shrugged and smiled at me

"Nico tomorrow will be special ok " I said still kinda shock that Nico was ready for the next step I hope he will be happy for this

I love him


hey I'm tired and needed to update it's not as long as normal but I hope you like it

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