The Baby

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Nico pov

I hold the Bianca close to me she really is beautiful with her black hair and blue eyes but I'm scared to death where in TARTURUS FOR HADES SAKE and how Percy and Annabeth told me getting to the doors of death where like I am not excited to take my new born child with me threw that monster fiasco

"Ok so now we have to got threw Night which sorry I can't lead you threw that I'm not aloud I have to take the other route but you guys need to go threw Night because of the quest " Damasen said I gulp and nodded

"And I would take the baby but something tells me the child is a huge part of the quest " Damasen said I sighed

'Ok ' i whisper I look at the my baby girl she smiled at me I smile back Damasen starts to talk

"In the prophecy it says the child is smart almost as smart as Athena and has powers that are amazing so she is really smart ok I have no idea what her powers are but you have an amazing daughter " he said then walked off I look at Will

"Well you heard him are daughter is amazing" He said I smile and he takes Bianca I glance at them he was trying to make her laugh I gripped my sword tightly I have to protect them right now

No matter what

I hear a noise and put my hand out stopping Will he holds Bianca close looking around I bring my sword out Will glances at me he grabs his dagger out and use the other hand holding bianca all of a sudden a huge hand slaps me across the ground I look up I gasp it was a Titan but which one ? He started to walk to me

"Hey! Big idiot!" I hear Will yell I look at Will he is using his light magic to lift Bianca over to me Will! What the titan walks to Will I had to grab Bianca Will grabbed his dagger and ran too the titan and jumped and stabbed him then while the the titan was in pain Will grabbed my hand then all off a sudden we where back with Damasen

Who was surprised too see us "How are you guys here ?" I shrugged I can't shadow Travel down here tried several times but then Will collapse

"WILL?!" I yell Damasen neals down and looks at him then sighed and stood up I looked at him

"He fine what happened was he lighttraveled very rare in Apollo children and they can't do it unless there scared enough in Wills case he was terrified about losing you and Bianca " Damasen said

"Oh Will" I whisper Damasen picks him and we start walking I look at A sleeping Bianca and sigh I want to get some sleep too man

"You know we can stop in the caves near by to sleep" i hear Damasen I glance at him weirdly

"Did you read my mind?" I ask he shakes his head and said I said it aloud I blushed and sighed we got in a cave I handed Bianca to Damasen and looked threw the cave making sure no monsters I saw nothing and came back Damasen had Will sitting up agasint the wall and had Bianca wrapped up in a blanket I sigh and take her she was probably hungry so I needed to go feed her I walk deep in the cave with a light in my hand to be away from Damasen when I fed her

Little time jump

I finished feeding her and went back I saw broken glass on the way and saw my reflection gods I look terrible I saw Will who was awake he looked up and smiled at me I give a tiny wave and sat down next to him he wrapped a arm around me

" where were you?" He asked I blushed a bit and looked down at Bianca who fell asleep in my arms

"I um had to feed her" I mumble glancing at him he smiled and kissed my forehead he held us close and we fell asleep

Back in on the quest

Jaden pov

(Trigger warning self harm)

I woke up and I felt warm arms around me I look at Leo who is smiling at me we where in our seat on the dragons feet I saw Percy and Annabeth on the other foot they where sleeping I sigh and lean closer to Leo

"Leo...." I whisper i saw him hold me closer and kiss the top of my head then look at me with worried eyes

"Yeah Jaden " he asked I sat up and look at him my lip started quivering tears sting my eyes I look away

"I'm so scared right now this quest Leo what if I mess up on this quest everyone on the Festus right now don't like me as much as you do they probably don't even trust me and I don't know and I'm afraid your gonna leave me if I screw up" I stare at my lap tears falling down my face I feel Leo lift my chin up and I meet his warm brown eyes

"Jaden it's gonna be okay I understand your scared and worried about your brother and I am sure they crew cares about you ok and I will never leave you no matter what happens I love you Jaden" he says I hug him and cry in his chest

"I love you too Leo " I whisper he rubs my back Festus jerks and I get flinched to the other side of the seat

Leo grabs my wrist and pulls me back I yelp and he lets go and frowns concern and lifts up my sleeve I turn away he grabs my chin and makes me look at him and kisses me

"Don't do this again please" he whispered his voice cracking I wipe his tears away and nodded

"I'll try" I whisper he nodded and kissed me again I lean in his arms and he hums me a lullaby I soon fall asleep

2 hours later

Leo shakes me awake I notice we landed I get up and grab his hand and held it tight his gives it a squeeze letting me know it's ok I notice Percy looking and me and Leo worriedly but shrug it off as his loyal issues I saw a news paperfor today on the ground I pick it up I saw today's date my eyes widen

"Hey guys let's stop for a bit and eat we need energy " Piper said she got her cornucopia out as we all sat down she got a blanket out and got food out of it a birthday cake came out and it said Happy 18th Birthday! She looked around

"Who birthday is it " Piper asked us at first then it was silent then Leo gasped dammit Leo and his good memory

"Its April 13th! Happy Birthday Babe" he kissed my cheek I blush and turn away I was silent

"Your turning 18 you made it to being a adult " Jason said I shrugged Its not a big deal but whatever

Leo lit the candles and brought the cake to my face I glare at him but he smirks and soon they all are singing happy birthday too me I turn red why at the end I roll my eyes and blow out the candles they clap and j roll my eyes again they cut the cake I glance at my slice and take a small bite and force myself to swallow oh no here we go again

I run over to the family bathroom and start throwing up I feel someone holding my hair back I sigh

"Go away Leo please" I whisper I stood up and flushed the toliet I turned around and gasped

"I'm not Leo Jaden " said Percy I look at him frowning why did he follow me? I'm really surprised

"Look Jaden I'm your friend you can trust me ok I heard what you and Leo said on the ride here ok I know about the cuts j heard what you told Will about the Aphrodite kids still hurting you ok and since this happened I know you have a eating disorder " he said I look at the ground

"Look I know I can be what Annabeth says a seaweed brain but when it comes to my friends I can always know when somethings wrong ok I won't tell no-one but promise me you will come to me or Leo when you need someone " Percy said I nodded tears falling and hugged him he rubs my back

"Lets get back your boyfriend is probably freaking out " he said I laughed and wiped my eyes we started walking back and I was tackled by a Leo I laugh

"I'm ok" I whisper he kisses me and sighs he holds my hand and looks at Percy with a dreadful look

"Thanks man" he says Percy nods we start walking back and I look at the ground not looking at anyone else I hear Percy start talking

"Ok guys look we are close to the entrance we need too get to the house of Hades and get Will and Nico out of there and -" I tuned him out I noticed a a hole in the ground near Percy foot my eyes widen it started opening wider

"Percy look out! " I pushed him out of the way at that moment it broke I slipped in and Leo grabs my hand but I notice I would pull him in

"Leo let go! I'll meet you on the other side!" I tell I see Percy Piper and Jason coming to help but Leo shakes his head

"No the force is too strong they can't pull you up either and I'm not letting you go!" He looks at Our friends there eyes widen they start rushing forward but he jumps in holding my hand tight

We start falling into tarturus before we hit the ground light surrounds us and where on the ground

"Will! Stop using your powers why did you use them this time it's gonna hurt you!" I hear a familiar voice I look around I see a skinny dark haired boy I smile

"Nico two people where falling I swear they looked familiar I was scared they would get hurt " Will said Nico looked around and saw us his eyes widen and he runs over

"Will hold her for a moment " he said I frowned her? Whatever he grabs my hand and hugs me

"What the hell are you doing here" he said I explained what happened he nodded then he hugged his 'bro' I walk over too Will and gasped

"The baby! The baby is here but.." I was so confused Will rolled his eyes at me and laughed

He explained how the baby is here he told me about Damasen who was now looking for a safer route for them

"I want to hold her" I said Will gives her too me I look at her she has a mix of both of them she cute

"I miss my baby" I mumble Will gives me a sympathetic look Leo hugged me in behind

"Its ok babe" he whispers Nico takes the baby and kisses her head

"Oh by the way guys you look terrible " Leo said I nodded there both have sickly looks to them and there both have heavy bags under there eyes

Damasen comes back surprise to see us but tells us he found a way we start following him

"Best birthday ever" I mumble saracsticly Leo laughs and Nico looked guilty for some reason

"Forgot it was your birthday" he said I shrugged i didn't care honestly

I hear a roar and we start running I bring out my sword Nico does too handing Leo Will the baby

"What I want to help" Will says weakly we glare at him he was too weak to fight he sighs and holds the baby close we got closer to the doors and monsters surround us everywhere Damasen tried his best to hide us and it almost worked but the a monster spotted us and roared

The doors open and we where rushed in by Damasen but then Will was knocked out of the way the baby tossed out it of his hands get out of the doors yelling at Will

"Go I'll get her!" I caught her and held her close and started running back I get in there but when Damasen tried to hold the button a monster shoved him out of the way and held the doors open monsters came closer

I handed Bianca to Nico and grabbed my sword but before I could do something a light filled the room and it wasn't from Will

Bianca started glowing and then a flashed pushed all the monsters away Damasenheld the button and smiled at us we started handing up and 12 minutes later they open and we walk out being in the house of Hades I saw Percy and every one and they rushed to us

I then passed out

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