Mind Your Own Buisness

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Nico and I have been dating for over a week now and I love every second of it

I have been in Hades Cabin almost the entire time and convinced Chiron to let Nico sit at Apollo Table under a very well written doctors note that him sitting alone causes the ground to crack and the dead to rise

My siblings who now figured out I was trans fully accept me which isn't surprising for for Apollo children.

Some campers seemed to figure out things about me which makes me uncomfortable but Nico next to scares them off with one look

Until one day...

"Will I gotta head to the bathroom I'll be right back" Nico says and I smile at him as I practice my archery and he runs off

Not even a minute later I get tapped on the shoulder and a kid from Nemesis Cabin sneers at me

"So your a girl now?" He scoffs and I frown at him

"No. I'm a boy. Not that it's any of your business,  I injured myself I can't wear my binder at the moment so how about you leave me alone" I say sternly and he snorts

"You think your tough now hanging with the Hades freak" he states and I get defensive

"Don't talk about Nico" I snap getting close and this caught people around us attention. I never get aggressive

"Oh, I heard a rumor you two were dating. Guess it's true faggots" he says and I clench my fist

"So what? We're greek for crying out loud!" I shout and people start hanging around

"Does he know he is dating a chick?" He says and I flinch

"I'm a guy. Sorry if you're so incompetent to understand those words" I hold my ground and he gets close to my face

"That emo freak is never gonna love you how about you get that through your fucking head little girl" he spits and I was done

I didn't even realized I punched him until I heard his nose crack and my fist stung

People gasped but I ignored them glaring at him as he held his nose

"I don't care what you say about me. But keep calling Nico a freak and I will make you regret it" I say anger flaring in me

He goes to throw a punch and I block my face with my arms but it never came

I noticed the air around me was cold to the point of freezing and I look up and Nico is holding his fist and shadows are flowing off him and I see Percy, Jason, Kayla, Austin and Tanner push themselves to the front watching

"Lay a fucking a hand on my boyfriend I fucking dare you" I hear Nico his voice dark and scary

I see the Nemesis kid stare at Nico his eyes full of fear

"Y-yo-your eyes" he stutters and I realize his eyes must have changed

"My eyes arent a problem. You are gonna fucking listen to my warning. I am not afraid to send my father up here" He threatens and the Nemesis kid nods quickly and Nico lets him go and he runs and the crowd broke to let him run through

I go around and I realize Nico's eyes were red. And I grab his hands and he snaps out of his daze and his eyes turn hazel and teal with specks of gold in them

"Will are you okay?" He asks and I chuckle

"I'm fine Neeks" I say and he grabs my fist and it was bruised and he shakes his head

"I think you broke his nose" he mutters with a smirk and reaches into my mini first aid kit on my waist and and wraps my hand

"Will are you alright?" Percy asks running up with Jason, Piper, Annabeth, Leo, Kayla, Austin, and weirdly Tanner in toll

"I'm fine. I got him first" I say and Percy snorts and looks at Nico

"Dude whats with your eyes. Normally they are brown or black but back there they were like red and now...I can't even tell what they are now" He says and Nico looks at me and I smile reassuring

"It's a Hades kid thing. Once we experience a moment of insanity our eyes start changing color so our emotions are known. Its like a protection detail. Reyna noticed it once when I lost control on our way bring the Athena statue here she said they were red. But I brushed it off" Nico mumbles and I glance at them

Annabeth looked intrigued, Jason looked relieved and everyone just stared in surprise

"I knew I wasn't going crazy! I saw your eyes Magenta the other day. And they have been Hazel a lot also sometimes yellow!" Jason stated and Nico snorted looking at them his eyes turning magenta looking at them and everyone stared

"Dude thats pretty" Leo said and Piper laughed

"What do they mean do you know?" Kayla asked and Nico swayed his hand side to side

"Kinda, I know some, hazel is affection towards someone, black is anger and depression, teal is worried, dark grey is tired, light grey is sad, golden brown is happy, and so forth" and Austin looked curious

"What about now? They are magenta" he asks and Nico blushed and I chuckle

"Family/friend love" He mumbles and Percy grinned and picked up Nico in a hug

"I knew you loved us!" He claims and Nico eyes turned yellow and magenta

"Put me down Jackson!" He exclaimed and he does and Tanner looked at him

"What about yellow?" He asked and Nico huffed as they turned more yellow

"Annoyed. Definitely annoyed" Annabeth laughed and Nico snorted  as they went back to magenta

"Can we not let this get out to camp?" He asked and they nodded

"Its not our business to tell. Speaking of what happened between you and that Nemesis kid?" Piper asked turning to me and everyone looked at me

"Mind your own business" Nico snaps his eyes flashing yellow

"Nico its okay...if you haven't noticed I am trans. And he was targeting me about it. But I hit him because he was talking crap on Nico and it pissed me off" I say and they smile at me

"We did kinda figure but it doesn't matter to us. You're amazing Will and you make Nico happy. Also nice job on the punch I wish I saw that" Jason says and Nico leans his head on me

"Yea but if he is gonna throw punches he is gonna learn to fight" Nico says grabbing my bandaged hand and kissing it

"I can teach him" Leo stated and everyone looked at him

"I lived in foster care and ran away a lot. I use to street fight for money. I would gladly teach you. It can help you be flexible in monster fighting" He said and Nico looked at me

"That probably would be a good idea. But I have to wait for another week until I get my binder back because thats when I will be able to exercise" I say and Austin snorted

"Yea and no more fights" He warns and Tanner chuckled

"Come on babe" he said grabbing Austins hand and drags him away who blushed and I grinned

"Kayla...I didn't know they started dating" I say looking at her and she looked at surprised as I did

"He is so getting his ass kicked for not telling us" she laughed and ran after them

Nico laughed next to me and he looks up at me and his eyes flash gold and before going hazel again but flecks of gold still appeared

I been trying to figure out what gold meant I have a list in my pocket and through out the week I been writing down what colors and their meanings were

Speaking of I need to add red down later

"By the way, tomorrow Annabeth and I leave for college. We are having a get together. Close friends only. You guys need to come" Percy says and Nico eyes turn light grey which I saw Percy  glance at him and give him a soft smile

"But we will be back next summer. Okay?" He says and Nico nods

"We will be there. Will wanna head to my cabin?" Nico asks and I nod and interlock our hands and head off

"Nico stay a virgin!" Percy yells and Nico blushes hiding his eyes and flips him off and quickens our pace

I chuckle at his embarassed face and we enter Hades Cabin and I close the door and he flops on the bed

"Weeeeel" he whines making shake my head and I get into bed next to him and he cuddles me rest his head in my shoulder

We lay like that and I been tracing my finger up and down his spine and I thought he fell asleep but my shirt where Nico head was started getting wet and it startled me making me look down and he looked was clenching my shirt and I gently push him back

"Nico...?" I ask and he opens his eyes which were mixed with light grey and black and tears in his eyes

"Hey...whats wrong" I ask and he shakes his head wiping his eyes

"Nothing." He mutters his voice cracking and I stop him so he looks at me

"Somethings wrong. Tell me" I say softly and more tears run down his face

"I-...Its stupid" He says and I shake my head

"Its not stupid if its making you upset" I state and he takes a shaky breath

"I'm so fucking stupid. I spent most my time running away from this camp. Avoiding Percy knowing I made him worried sick. And I finally decide to stay and....and....he's leaving. I use to like him and I got over it. He knows about it and we finally became super close like brothers and he's leaving" Nico said and more tears came down my face

I pull him close and he cries into my shoulder

"Your not stupid Nico. It's okay to be upset when someone your close to is leaving. It's normal. Just make sure they know that you're gonna miss them so you guys stay in contact" I say softly and he takes a shaky breath

"I am such a baby" He sniffles pulling away his eyes now only light grey

"You're 14 weirdo not a baby" I correct poking his forehead and his eyes turn golden brown for a second before back to light grey

"Actually on 79" He corrects his eyes slowly turning hazel

"Oh yea" I laugh making his eyes turn completely hazel but gold was appearing in it

"You're eyes are pretty" I murmer making him blush

"Stop" he mumbles hiding his eyes and I move his hair and they turned blue

"I think that was the color I saw. At McDonalds. I thought I was seeing things" I say and he looks away

"I wish I could hide that from you. I don't like this color" he mumbles as they remain blue

I chuckle "whats wrong with blue? I have blue eyes" I smirk and he flops backwards on the bed

I remain sitting up and poke his belly that showed since his shirt went up a little

"They mean embarassed." He mumbles and his blue eyes seemed to go well with the blush on his cheek

I smirk and lean down to kiss him and his look and I notice his eyes slowly were going gold but stopped and went to hazel

"Nico. Thank you for earlier. You saved me as always" I smile and his eyes flash to yellow for a second before turing hazel making me worried

"Will don't thank me for that. You're my boyfriend. If anything I should thank you. You defended me. No one besides a few people have done that and you punched someone for me for zeus sake" Nico said and I blushed

"How could I not? He said things to me and it upset me...but when he brought you into it...I couldn't. I couldn't listen to him say that to you. I felt this overbearing need to protect you. You mean everything to me Nico. It's early in our relationship but I would do anything for you" I say a blush faint on my cheek

Nico stared at me wide eyed and his eyes seemed to be flickering between hazel and gold like a mini battle happening

I lean in and kiss him and he relaxed into the kiss. Kissing me back I felt a new sensation of passion in this kiss

We pulled away resting our heads to each other and he opens his eyes and they were pure gold. This color looked great on him

"What color?" He whispered and I stared into them

"Gold. Pure gold. Do you know what it means?" I asked and his gold eyes didn't leave mine

"If it's reacting to what I feel right now then yea." He says and I lean in kiss him again

"What do you feel?" I ask curiously pulling away this time sitting up straight and he stares at me and his gold eyes shined brightly

"I love you"

Ya'll can bite me. Complain they only been together for week. It doesn't matter. When you feel live for someone you should never hold back telling them. You never what life throws at you and you might regret never telling them how you feel

Will and Nico love each other and thats that.

Little rant over. I love ya'll!

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