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It was the next morning and I woke up to Nico packing our bags making me a little confused and I sat up and grabbed him pulling him to me and he squeaked in surprise making me chuckle

"What are you doing gorgeous?" I ask and he looked at me blushing his eyes that were orange turned gold

"Packing for our trip. I wanna stay for a few days. I wanna visit my Dad and talk about what's going on and figure things out. But I also wanna visit a few more people also" Nico said and I tilt my head

"You'll see" Nico smiled softly and I hum and kiss him making him kiss back as he sat on my lap

I pull away and his eyes open and they were pink for a split second before they were gold again and I raise an eyebrow

Second time I seen that color. I'll ask about it if I see it more. But I think I have an idea

"Oh I have a surprise for you" Nico said getting off and runs to his dresser and pulls something out

I look at his hand and my eyes widen as I see my black binder

"I talk to Austin. He said your wounds cleared up nicely and you can wear it again. But also I am in charge and your on probation Morticians Orders" he said and I laugh

"Mortician?" I asked and he blushed darkly

"Let's be honest I'm a mortician more then a doctor" He said and I roll my eyes and lean and kiss him softly

"You're cute" I mumble and he looked at me with bright gold eyes a dust of red on his cheeks

"U-uh get dress" he whispers pulling away handing me the binder

"Okay" I chuckle getting up and head to his bathroom grabbing my clothes on my way

I change into my binder and put on my camp shirt and blue jean shorts and I look into the mirror and smile

I look flat again and I sigh in relief and grab some pads and put them in my mini yellow backpack Nico got me and I noticed he put advil and a dagger making me snort and the first aid kit in there

You're a weirdo Nico

I walk out and Nico had two duffle bags and he looks at me and smiles

"Ready?" He asks me and I nod and wraps my arms around him

We figured out if he shadow travels with me holding him he loses less energy

Disappearing in the shadows Nico looked more relaxed since he wasn't swarmed

We appear in what looked like a thrown room and I look around holding Nico just in case he fell and we hear a voice

"About time you two arrive" I hear and I turn and on the throan I see a man wrapped in robes looked like Nico and I realized

"Lorn Hades" I say and Nico looked up and smiled

"Hi Dad" he said and Hades got up shrinking so he could be more our height and his robes disappeared and he was in a black long sleeve shirt and black pants and he walked over to us

Nico broke from my arms and ran to his Dad and hugged him and Hades chuckled hugging him back

"Hey son" He smiled and my heart clenched at the sight. I was happy for Nico but I wish my father was able to do what Hades does for Nico

Hades looked at me and he smirked before I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn and a gasp escaped my lips

"Hi son" Said my father in a yellow shirt and blue jeans and I couldn't speak

He chuckled at my reaction and pulled me in a hug and I froze in surprise before I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest and he sighs

"I'm sorry I'm not there for you and your siblings more. Zeus is a pain in my ass" Apollo mumbles making me laugh

"So I hear. It's okay we all appreciate the small things you do. You gave each of us a birthday present once and you helped me twice. It shows your trying" I say pulling away looking at him and he ruffles my hair then leans down

"Also, nice job getting the prince of the underworld" he teases making me and Nico blush and Hades chuckles

"Alright, we should probably get down to business. Apollo does lightening brain know anything about you being here?" Hades asks leading us to the dining room in the castle

"This around the time I do my rounds. He shouldn't notice anything also Artemis knows what's going on so she said she would cover me if he got suspicious. He been on me like no other recently" Dad says as we sit down and Nico and I glance at each other

"Why? What's going on?" Nico asks and I grab his hand under the table

My Dad looks at me and sighs "that misty figure..." he trails off looking pained and Hades takes over

"Its your mother Will" he says and my body went tense

"Wait what do you mean my mother? It's been 2 years since I've seen her and I think I would have gotten word if she was dead" I state my hands shaking and Nico tightened his grip

My Dad looked away and Hades sighed looking at Nico

"Your Roman friend....Reyna. Do you remember how her father died?" Hades asked and Nico looked liked he was thinking then his eyes widen

"No way" he said and Hades nodded grimly

"What are you talking about? What does Reyna have to do with this?" I ask my head spinning

"Reyna's Dad died because he threw himself into an obsessive rage and his body faded away until it was a ghost." Nico whispered softly

I froze and swallowed dryly trying take deep breaths

"Your mother's case is a little different though. Her body didn't fade away but the darkest part of her soul has extracted its self in a different way Reyna's father has. So your mother's body is alive and breathing but she is in a coma." Hades explained and I relaxed only a little

She is still alive...

I look at my Dad and he looked uncomfortable with all the negatively

"Why wasn't I notified?" I ask wanted my Dad to answer for once

"I've been on a strict lock down since I picked you up that day. Anytime something happens with you Austin, Kayla,, any of your siblings. Zeus watches me like a hawk, he's not liking how many God's and Goddesses are getting involved in the life of demigods and I'm not his favorite. So...when I noticed you getting close to Nico. I asked Hades to help watch you and when your Mom went down and that dark misty figure left her and went to find you Hades showed up. Then obviously you saw me the 2nd time because Hades wasn't able to get there fast enough" Dad said quietly that's when it clicked for me


"Do you think Zeus has anything to do with this?" I ask and Dad looked at Lord Hades wide eyed and Hades opened his mouth

"Okay I'm here what did I miss?!" Said a booming voice and our heads snapped up and I saw a man with black hair and sea green eyes with a Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts and Nico snorted

"Hi Uncle Poseidon" he said and he grinned at Nico as he sat next to Hades

I look at Nico to ask how was he close to Poseidon but freeze, his eyes were several colors. Magenta, gold, teal, green, black, and golden brown and I decided to keep my mouth shut

"Poseidon, act responsible this isn't your domain" A lady who I recognized as Hestia as she sat on the other side of Nico

"Thank you for joining us, Will made a point about something. Do you think Zeus has something to do with this" Hades said and Hestia hummed

Why are so many God's and Goddesses here?

"That's a good point but Zeus has always been like this. But he has been cracking down more on Apollo" Said another voice and I see a man with winged shoes and I recognized Hermes as he sits next to my Dad

"So are anymore Olympians joining...?" Nico asked looking confused

Glad I'm not the only curious one

"I should be the last one." Said another voice and I look and see a tall blond woman with Grey eyes and I tensed

Athena....she scares me

"Why are there so many?" I ask nervously and they looked at each other

"You didn't tell him Apollo?" Athena accused and Apollo winced

"We were getting there alright" he said and sighed

I've never seen my Dad so depressed and stressed and its concerning

I see Hermes look at my Dad concerned and my Dad looks at me

"The olympians are close to war. The tensions are high and this time we are trying to keep our children out of it. We believe one of the Olympians took advantage of your....mothers difficult state of mind and is trying to get me to react to find a reason to start a war" Dad said and my eyes widen

"Another war? We just got out of one!" I say standing up Nico pulled me down sending me a stern look his eyes white and I remember that meant he was scared

"That's why we are trying to keep the kids of the Roman and Greek camps out of this. The ones here plus aphrodite, Hephestus, and Artemis don't want war." Hestia said softly to me and I look around

"So Zeus, Hera, Ares, and Demeter want war?" I asked and a Lady appears behind Hades

"My mother. Is not fun to be around at this moment." She says and Hades turns and sighs

"I know Persephone. You can't change her mind?" He asks and she shakes her head

"Nope. As hypocritical as it sounds she doesn't want to be in her demigod kids life. She agrees with Zeus." She sighs and Hermes groans

"This is ridiculous. Didn't he swear on the River Styx to Percy we wouldn't ignore our kids?" He asks and Poseidon spoke up

"Yeah but it doesn't affect God's the same way as it does mortals" Poseidon said and Athena nodded

"Didn't Heticate and Nemesis join their side also?" Apollo asked and Persephone nodded

"Nike also, she thinks with Zeus there will be victory, Aphrodite left Ares and went back to Hephestus realizing he doesn't give a dam about his kids," She explained and Nico takes a shaky breath

"I'm in" he said and Hades head snapped up

"Me too. They want to use my mother to start war then I'm getting involved" I say and the Olympians look at each other

"Are you sure. You two both have recovered from being injured. And how are you gonna keep it from your friends. Especially Jackson" Hades said and Poseidon spoke up

"As long as they don't tell Percy. Him and Annabeth should be fine. They are going to college and Annabeth is pregnant also they adopted Charlie. If you guys don't remember that's my youngest son. They don't need to be involved in another war" He said

"For once I agree my daughter doesn't need the stress and I respect Sea Brains kid" she said and Poseidon smirked at that

"I agree we don't tell them. I don't want the camp to know either but I think you each of you need to choose one child who will agree to fight with you. To show them that we are with you. Dad, Apollo we already volunteer. Persephone choose one of Demeter kids your siblings as a way against her. Actually. A kid from each godly parent at camp. The whole camp doesn't need to join but one kid from each parent who wants to or 2 if they wanted." Nico says and the Olympians look at each other and Hades sighs

"We did want to avoid you kids joining to prove to him-" but Nico cuts him off standing up

"This will show him. Jason he would join us. Thalia would too I'm pretty sure if Artemis allowed. Tyson, Clarisse, Tanner, the Stolls, Katie, Piper, Reyna, Dakota,the Roman Camp! I know you guys are trying but you have no idea how many half-bloods feel abandoned by their Godly parents. Heck I don't really know but I see how my boyfriend and friends feel because of it. And Zeus, whoever did this to Will's mom crossed a line. They wanted you guys not to get involved? Then they shouldn't have gotten involved first" Nico said and I stand up next to him grabbing his hand

"Nico's right. Getting their own kids involved is the best course of action in will show them you mean business. Zeus is powerful but so are all of you. He doesn't like the idea of you guys doing want you want and he scared of losing control. Trust me when I say this, demigods don't like being forced into fighting but this is something they would willing fight for" I continue and I see my Dad smile at me proudly

"I'll agree to this on one condition. You two can't be forcing campers. They must decide," Hades said looking at Nico and Nico nodded and I see his eyes are half white half Magenta looking at his father

Hades gave Nico a soft smile and turned to the Olympians

"This meeting is over. We will meet next week. Athena we can dis-" Hades was cut off by an iris message and we look and Lady Artemis is there

"Apollo don't come to Olympus," She said and Dad looks at my aunt

"He found out?" He asked and she nodded

"He knows your with Hades. Heticate saw you. I will stay with my Hunters for now but you can't come back. Zeus hasn't caught on about the rest of you. He been only focused on Apollo, Poseidon he figured you out but you have your Domain so be careful getting back" She says and We hear thunder in the background

"I got to go and get my Hunters somewhere. Athena catch me up on what's happening later. Also Hi Nephew" she said and I wave and the call ends

Poseidon gets up "I better get back," he said and ruffles mine and Nico hair and leaves

"We better also before he realizes," Athena says gently pulling Hestia towards her and they disappear

Hermes looks at Apollo "are you gonna be okay?" He asks and Apollo nodded

"Go deliver your stuff Hermes" he said and Hermes hugged Apollo before flying off

I go to stand next to my Father looking at his distressed face but he notices me and throws on a smile

"Hey bud, doing okay?" He asked and I shake my head

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked worried and he sighs

"I can't die. He might punish me though. But I'll be okay. Don't worry about me," He says ruffling my hair

"I wonder if my sister would let me go undercover as a female and temporarily join her hunt," he asked and we hear a snort and we both turn to look at Hades and Nico

"Apollo you can stay here. Just don't mess with Persephone garden and bother me during when I work and you'll be fine" Hades said and Apollo eyes widen

"Seriously? Thanks Uncle!" He says walking over and leans on Hades who promptly walks away

There he is now that's the Dad I know.

Nico looks at me and his eyes went teal and walks to me

"Hey do you wanna head to our room?" he asks softly and I nod and take his hand and we walk through the castle

After all the excitement of talking with the God's and Goddesses died down it felt like a pit hit my stomach


The last time I saw her...


After the war I decided to see my mom after many years

I walk into our house and was hit by the smell of alcohol

"Mom?" I call out and I close the door and I see liquor bottles everywhere you step and I hear a door slam and I see a figure coming down the hallway

"Mom!?" I call out louder and she looked up her hair was messy she looked super skinny and eyes were dull

"WILLowww~" she slurs and I winced hearing that and she falls in my arms

"Mom your drunk!" I exclaim and bring her to the couch and run to the kitchen to get her a cup of water and I try to make her drink it but she slaps it out of my hand

"Don't touch meee," she slurs and I sigh

"Mom what happened while I was gone?" I ask and she stood up wobbling and I stand up catching her as she tipped over

"It's allllll your fault Willow!~ I was a singerrrrrr famous. But you it's allll about you! I'm a boy I need things for it! I'm demigod I have to leeeave! I want nothing to do with you. I hate yo-" before she finished she falls forward and I catch her and lay her on the couch on her side

"Selfish brat" she says and I ignore her and get her another cup of water and head to the bathroom and get Tylenol and head back and put them on the table in front of her

"Never talk to me again and this is the last you will see of me" I tell her and she just nods passing out

Tears fill my eyes as leave and Apollo picks me up and takes me back to camp

That was the last time I saw her.

*flashback over*

"Will?" I hear and I look over at Nico and we are stopped in front of a door

"Sorry I spaced out" I muttered and Nico opens his door and I looked around

Much like his cabin there was a pride flag above his bed and a nightstand stacked with books but it was bigger and in the corner there was a ton of art supplies all over the floor and room

"I didn't realize you like art this much" I comment and I look at Nico his eyes were blue and he was blushing

"I forgot this stuff was out last time I was here" he muttered running around picking stuff up and I snort

"I don't care baby just come lay down" I say and Nico looked at me and comes over and we lay down

Nico holds me close my head on his chest and my arms are around his waist

My mind is racing with what's going on and the only thing coming up is the last time I saw her I was trying to keep my tears in control

I didn't mean it. I want to see her. I want to talk to her I don't care if she is drunk I need her. I want my mo-

"Will. You can cry, you always let me and you don't need to be strong all the time" Nico whispered quietly holding my head close to his chest

Tears leave my eyes and sob ripped it's way through my throat and Nico tightens his hold

"The last time I saw her I told her to never talk to me anymore. That this was the last time she'd see me now I would take all of that back to see her Nico" I sob and he hushes me silently kissing my head

"We'll fix this Will. Don't blame yourself okay," he says and tears keep falling dampening his black shirt

"I should have stayed home so when she sobered up to talk to her but I was so upset I just left, I take it all back now" whisper

"We all say things to love ones we regret. You can still talk to her Will. We will get her back mi amore, right now you need to rest" he says quietly

I sniffled as I kept drifting to sleep "Wait my binder" I mumble and Nico hummed

"I'll take care of it amore, just rest" he says quietly

As I drift off I hear the door open and a familiar voice speaks to Nico

"Apollo-" Nico says but my brain shuts off right there

A few hours later

I wake up to someone singing a song quietly and my eyes adjust to the little light in the corner and see Nico sitting a desk with art supplies working on something

I sit up quietly rubbing my eyes and look down to see I was in my pajamas and no binder

I smile softly thinking Nico must have changed me when I fell asleep

Sweetest boyfriend

I remember what happened before I fell asleep and sigh and rub my eyes again before standing up and quietly make my way over to Nico and lean over his shoulder to see what he was doing and saw he was drawing on a sketch paper

He must not of felt me because he didn't look up and I see he has earbuds in as he was singing quietly to a song which I assume was in Italian so I look closer at his drawing and saw the title

Wills Flag

My eyes widen and my eyes go over the drawing he was doing

It was a trans flag but the pansexual colors in a form of a heart over it

I notice another notebook open next to nico with a list of materials in it like thread and cloths and I realize he wasn't drawing the flag

He was gonna make me one...

I smile and wrap my arms around him making him jump and slam his book closed and looks at me as his eyes are orange and I chuckle

"I already saw it di Angelo" I say and then his eyes go blue as he blushed

"That was suppose to be a surprise," he said pulling the earbuds out and I kiss his head

"You don't have to make me a flag baby," I say placing a hand on his cheek and he leans against it

"I want to. You don't have anything," he eyes turning gold

"I have a pin." I say and he snorts shaking his head

"You never leave camp. You don't get to see things so I wanted to make you something you'd like, to show you how much I care," Nico says and I smile at him softly

"You don't need to show me baby, I see how much you care every day" I say and Nico gold eyes stare at me before they turned teal

"How are you feeling?" He asks and I sigh and he pulls a chair next to him so I could sit down

"I feel better. I'm still worried but I think that's to be expected." I say and Nico nods

"Remember, we can get through this okay?" He says and I smile

"I know we can. Wait I'm curious who came in as I fell asleep?" I ask my memory hazy

"Your Dad. He wanted to check on you. I asked him if he could use his powers to make you pajamas to appear and binder gone. I was trying respect your privacy" he said and I kiss his head

"Thank you, but I don't mind you doing it but thank you." I say and he smiles and stretches

"So my Dad and Persephone are cooking and your Dad is somewhere you wanna head down?" He asks and I nod

"Can I put my binder on?" I ask quietly and he looks at the clock on the wall and does his thinking face

"Yeah you can but for a few more hours. Austin said not to push it," he says and I smile and he goes to grab my bag where my I assume my binder is

"I'll be outside the room," he says and I smirk and pull him in a kiss before I let him go and his face is red but eyes are shining gold

"Ti amo." I hear him says closing the door and I chuckle remembering what that meant

"I love you too," I say through the door and go to get dressed

I made sure I looked decent seeing as I am in my possibly future in laws castle

I open the door and stare at the scene in front of me

"Your highness, King Hades requests you and your boyfriend for dinner," said a butler looking ghost

Nico hasn't seen me but looked irritated but he took a deep breath

"We were on our anyways. Also for the last time don't call me that please," He asks but the ghost just bows and disappears

I cover my mouth as I start laughing and Nico turns and his eyes turn blue

"Not a word Solace." He mumbles grabbing my hand and we start heading down the hall

"Your highness. Dear prince of the underworld" I tease and he blushes darkly

"Shush you, I asked them so many times to drop that." He mumbles and I smile at him

"I always wondered if I would meet my prince." I joke and he looks at me and his eyes flicker between blue and gold

"Apollo! Stop. No drop the pot. Not actually! I meant set it on the counter!" We hear from the kitchen and we froze outside the door

Nico looked at me with a small amused smirk and I groan and push the door open.

What on gaea am I looking at




lol anyways I hope you enjoyed please comment what you wish to see!

Love ya!

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