Author's Note: Demanding Updates

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        Okay, so let me get this whole thing straight. Since when do people have the right to demand an artist to force their creativity?

        Do you see people demanding an amazing painter to create a new painting on a timed schedule? More so, do you see this happening if said painter is freelance?

        See, freelance artists, as in painters, writers, musicians, do not operate on a schedule.

        Why? Because their paycheck, if they have one, does not rely on a schedule. They're independent. It happens when they create.

        Yup. Pretty awesome. And it motivates them.

        Sooo . . . What about these artists without a paycheck? What motivation do they have? Assuming anyone sees their work at all, say they put it on Wattpad. Okay. Awesome. Their only motivation? Votes. Views. Comments. Encouragement.

        And you, you impatient little . . . I can't even say it because it'd be too mean, but for the love of Primus, you sit there behind your screens, and what do you do?


        "Great, but you need to update."

        "You need to update more often."

        Dude. Chill the mother frag out. You know why? Because. I. Have. A. Life.

        I have this incredibly burdensome thing called a life that doesn't occur on my computer. What a drag, right? I mean, I would love to skip all my meals (and I have some days), cut back on my sleep (which I have), delay my showers (again, I have), and just forsake everything to write all day every day. Why? Because I absolutely love and adore this. This makes me happier than talking to my on-and-off 'boyfriend' like we're dorks. This makes me happier than mother fragging chocolate.

        And you know what makes me really happy? Eating chocolate while writing and getting spaz-tastic messages from said 'boyfriend' if that's what you wanna call him.

        But guess what. There's more to life than faulty 'relationships', chocolate and writing.

        Shocker, I know. I didn't want to believe it, either.

        Another total shocker: I have this killer thing called a job, where I deal with both rude and fantastic people all freaking day. It's emotionally draining. And why? Because some of these people are fucking horrid. Like, some people are rude just to be rude.

        And you know what? At first, I just channeled their weirdness into the stories and kept going. But then it just got to the point where I ran out of places to put it. I mean, really. Look at this stuff. It makes me feel like my stories are lies because people suck.

        As much as I would absolutely freaking adore to up and quit my job, that's not going to happen. Know why that is?

        Because unless you all want to band together and pay my bills for me, it's not going to happen. Unless you all want to get together and pay my tuition for me, it's not going to happen. And unless you all want to get together and pay for a sitter for my brother, it's not going to happen. So, I need to work.

        And, if all goes well, I may be working even more hours in the near future as I've applied for a full-time position. Yeah. Could be getting busier. Hopefully, pray to Primus, I will be going on a vacation soon. If that happens, it should recharge my batteries and I should be coming back with a new zeal.

        But, when you sit there on your computer staring at the screen for five seconds before demanding an update because it hasn't been posted yet, it's not okay. I understand you want to read more, and I'm flattered, but I just don't have the time to devote as much time as I would like to this. More so, I'm drained right now. Finding the motivation to write is getting harder lately. It's writer's block.

        Trust me, I'm trying. I need to finish Ignition, edit Hazy, and then Just A Little Bit Jaded will be out. I need to finish Every Bit of Misery and Freezing Absence. I need to finish I Bleed Into Darkness (and damn is it close) before starting I Bleed A Blue Inferno. There's a lot of work to be done and I'm spreading my energy to where the motivation strikes.

        So please, for the sake of my sanity and for the sake of my temper, do not sit there and treat me like a machine (although it would be amazing to be a transformer). I cannot just kick out stories as frequently as I go to the bathroom or as often as I go running or as often as I sleep.

        That's another thing, my time is also occupied by running because it gives me a stress release from my days working as a freaking cashier to pay the bills. And since I'm listening to music the whole way, I can distract myself with the stories I'd like to create with the imagery those songs summon.

        So it's not like I'm just sitting here with an evil grin on my face trying to torture you all with a lack of updates. It's just that I'm busy and have things going on in my life. I love writing, and I wish it was my source of income because that would be amazing, but we all know that the odds of these stories ever giving me a source of income is incredibly slim. Like, I have no hope of that. I write it because they make me feel better. And knowing people enjoy them gives me the greatest anticipation every time I post something new.

        But those comments kill me a little. I mean "Update" is not a sufficient review. It's like saying, "Well, you just gave me two dozen cupcakes, but now I want a sheet cake and half a dozen donuts, too."

        No, dude. Not happening. Give it some time. I'm working on it. I really am. But I can't spit this stuff out as easily as making dinner. I mean, some days, yeah, the ideas that hit me hard just beg to be written out. But most days, not so much.

        So please, just chill. I'm trying. If you really want it to go faster, leave a thoughtful review of what you think, not just a spazzy "Update" comment that makes me want to bash my head in.

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