Number Four: Characterization

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Number Four: Characterization

All right, so this rant is really rather general and pertains to all kinds of fanfictions, but since the majority of fanfics I read are Transformers, well, here it is.


Anyway, sadly, it seems to be that plenty of fanfictions everywhere lack this somehow. In one way or another, at least half (I'm thinking optimistically here, at least based on what I've seen) have this issue.

Occasionally, you get someone, who, well, just kind of throws away the core beliefs and behaviors of a certain character in their warped attempt to create something 'new'. I'm not naming anyone specifically, though I'm sure some of them may think so . . .

Anyway. Characterization. I've ranted about this time again to people in private. It drives me absolutely insane. Why is it so hard to put some real thought into these things? To look at a character after watching, possibly binge-watching, who knows how many episodes of a TV show or watching a movie on repeat, and saying "They would do this over this," or "They most definitely wouldn't do that!" or even "They'd probably react to something this way".

Is it really that hard? Or do people tend to just . . . not pay much attention to the way these characters react or even carry themselves? Do you not see the way their own personal battles affect the way they react to the larger scheme of things?

Maybe I overanalyze people a lot. I'm a 'people watcher' by nature. So maybe it's just easier for me. I don't know. All I really know is I cannot, CAN NOT, stand it when people play around with a character's dignity and the things that make that character THAT SPECIFIC CHARACTER and no one else.

If you're doing some freaky alternate reality like Shattered Glass, then hell, go for it! I'd love to see it! Or, maybe, do a book where Optimus originally wanted to be a fragging ballerina or something, I don't know!

But, for the love of Primus, if you're going to keep it in the normal universe we all know and love and (should) respect, please, just do your absolute hardest to keep the characters recognizable and . . . semi normal. Or as normal as giant alien robots and the humans that associate with them can possibly be.

I mean, Optimus, for instance, in the normal TF universe (G1, Bayverse, Prime), WILL. NOT. GIGGLE. I haven't actually seen a fanfic involving this, but please, please, please: DO NOT DO IT.

Unless he's a giggling mess because he finally lived his dream of being a ballerina in some messed up alternate universe. Then go ahead and giggle away!

Anyway. I'm not saying I'm a saint. I'm certain there are times where I've completely fucked something up and done something utterly stupid and out of character for someone. I don't try, but I'm certainly not perfect and I'm sure I've screwed up here and there. It happens. But if you make a habit of it just because no one called you out on it the first time?

Please stop yourself. It's insanity to mess up the characters that way. If you want a certain character altered beyond recognition, guess what?

It's called write something original. Use that character as the inspiration for a new OC and warp them however the hell you want because they're YOURS and ONLY YOURS. Who cares if you mess up your own chracter? They won't know any different because you are the ONLY REFERENCE for said character.

Seriously. If you want to make someone stretched and compressed so that they fit exactly what you want, and they don't fit the role naturally, make an OC. Use inspiration from the original character and from your own damn brain, to make something different and original.

It'lll be far less irritating, and far less obvious, if it's your OC and not an classic character who gets used and abused.

Do your research if you're going to get involved in the transfan universe (and please respect the classics. We love them for a reason).

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