1.01- Collide

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Chapter 1- Collide


"We accept the love

we think we deserve."

-Stephen Chbosky


  ♔Blair's Point of View


  Today was my first day of school at Lanely High School. If I had known three months ago that I would be driving a Midnight blue 1969 Chevy Camaro, I would have thought that I was going mentally insane. But here I am, driving the car of my dreams down the streets of Lanely, California. With my best friend, Nicole, in the passenger seat.

  Just two months ago, my mother and Father died in a massive car crash. Afterwards Mrs. Anders, Nicole's Mother, took care of my younger brother, Brett, and I until they found a relative for us to stay with. It just-so-happened that my mother had an older brother, Mason, and a sister-in-law, Josaline, that lived along the countryside surrounded by thick forest.

  Mason had short dark wavy locks, emerald eyes, and fair skin. He has a slight stubble along his jawline. Mason is thirty-five years old, four years older than my mother. He works as a history teacher at the local high school and coaches for the baseball team. Mason married Josaline ten years ago at the age of twenty-five.

  Arriving at school, I slowed down weaving through the mass of students walking toward the entrance of the school. Clusters of students were surrounding their friends cars, showing the separation of students.

  Beside the entrance is a large patio supplied with many sets of large, round picnic tables and sets of benches along the edge of the patio. Surrounding the campus were trees similar to the forest surrounding my uncle's property. They were filled with dark, ancient trees. The forest floor was covered in small twigs and fallen autumn leaves.

  I pulled in, finding a spot in the middle of the parking lot. Opening the car door, Nicole and I grabbed our backpacks from the backseat before closing the doors. I noticed that everyone was staring at my vintage car. It was a gift given to me by my father about a week before the accident.

  Nicole skipped to the entrance. When I say skipped, I mean she literally skipped there. She was sporting a flows, pale pink skater dress matched with a pair of pale pink Vans and light makeup with her blonde hair flowing behind her. Whereas, I was wearing dark skinny jeans and a deep blue tight fitted shirt. Over that was a leather jacket and a pair of black vans, while wearing light make up. My dark brown hair was set in their natural waves that complemented my emerald green eyes and fair skin.

  Nicole is a kind, free-spirited yet sassy girl. We grew up together in New York City and met at the age of five years old. Now both of us are the same age of 18-years-old. She grew up with her mother and father, Giselle and Ryan, and her sixteen year-old brother, Parker, in the household while her twenty-one year-old brother, Scott, is in college.

   Nicole's father is architect, who was inspired by his own father at a young age. His job requires a lot of traveling but he is always there for his family. Ryan has dirty blond hair and vibrant, blue eyes. His slim figure towers over most people around him. He married a beautiful, blonde woman that stole his heart as soon as she walked through the doors of the café that he just so happen to be in.

  Giselle, Nicole's mother, grew up in Boston with her parents until she was eighteen years old. When she was nineteen she met Ryan, who was born and raised in Austin, Texas, and at a café in New York City. Instantly they fell in love. Giselle was a kind-hearted, sweet and funny girl. She had long blonde hair that was always down and flowing in the wind. At the age of thirty-two, her blue-grey eyes still hold the love and compassion she had as a young teen.

  I walked to the entrance, pushing my way through the crowd of students. I can feel the burning stares of all the students acknowledge my presence. I can hear the sound of guys whistling at me, which to me seems quite creepy.

  When I got to the front counter in the office, Nicole was already there patiently waiting for me.

"How may I help you girls?" The woman, whom name tag said GRETA, asked sweetly.

  She was an elderly lady with her gray hair tied into a bun on top her head. Her nails were long and painted a deep shade of blue. She wore black formal skirt with a light blue blouse. She was seated with the computer next to her, off to the side.

"We are new here and we need our schedules." Nicole said politely.

"Names?" Greta asked.

"Blair Mikelson and Nicole Anders." I stated, already wanting to go back home.

  Greta typed on her computer, clicking a few times then two papers came out of the printer. She grab the papers and he did each of us a paper with her name printed at the top and a schedule underneath.

"Have a great day!" She told us with a smile as we walked out of the office. Nicole waved and said a quick 'goodbye' to Greta,

I looked at my schedule and determine that my first class was World History taught by my very own uncle. Somehow, I ended up losing Nicole somewhere down the hall. Not paying attention, I bumped into a hard chest. I started to fall, only to be saved by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist, saving me from it from impact with floor. I looked up, startled.

  He wore a black shirt with 'Lanely High School Baseball Team' in white letters across the front. The shirt was tight showing his defined muscles. A pair of black skinny jeans hung onto his hips with a pair of Converse.

  He had light blue eyes that went wonderfully with his pale skin. His defined jaw complemented by plump lips, that if not close enough you wouldn't be able to tell from afar. His wavy dark brown hair looks almost black. In fact, he couldn't have been much older than I was.

  We stood there, gazing into each other's eyes, my mouth parted as if to say something. I felt as if there was a cluster of butterflies in my stomach and I didn't even know his name.

  My shirt was slightly pulled up, showing part of my stomach and the belly button ring I got two years ago. His arm was still around my waist, keeping my body pressed flush against his. His arms completely circle of my body. His forearm was pressed against my back, both his hands on my hips.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I stuttered out, almost in a whisper.

  He removed his arms from around my waist, I was left with a slightly empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I self-consciously fixed my jacket and shirt.

"I'm sorry I wasn't in paying attention either. You must be new, I'm Logan." He told me in a slightly deep, sexy voice. He held out his hand for me to shake. I took his hand in mine and shook his hand, ignoring the butterflies that infiltrated my stomach for an unknown reason.

"Yes, I'm Blair." I said with the first real smile I've had in a long time. The warning bell rang and Nicole came running down the hallway, quickly dragging me to my uncle's classroom.

"See you around." He yelled as I got dragged away by my energetic best friend, getting a wave from me in responses. We got there a minute before the bell rang for class to start.

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