The Plan

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*the next day*

Alex: So you want us to babysit your sisters, until you come back from an important indy show, right?

We see Michael, Alex, and Maria talking at his home.

Michael: Yes. It might take a while, but I'll let you guys know when I'll be back.

Maria: And if your parents call?

Michael just tell them we're hanging out.

Alex: But what if they come here all of a sudden?

Michael: I doubt it. They're nearly on the side of the country, so I don't think they'll be coming here anytime soon.

Maria: Alright. We'll let you now what happens at home.

Michael: Thanks, guys. You're life savers.

Alex: No problem. Just be sure to get home safely.

Michael: I will. Again, thanks for the help.


We see Michael riding Arcee as they went to pick up Mikaela. As the approach her house, they see her waiting for them.

Michael: Ready, Miki?

Mikaela: Yep. Did you have you sisters taken care off?

Michael: Yeah. Alex and Maria will be taking care of them.

Mikaela: That's good.

Arcee: Alright then. Let's get you two to base.

Michael: Where is that?

Arcee: Near Mt. St. Helens.

Mikaela: Huh?!

Michael: That far?! Then how do we get there in time?!

Arcee: I got that covered. Ratchet!

Ratchet: On it, Arcee. Opening the ground bridge.

Soon, a portal opens behind them. Michael and Mikaela look on in shock.

Arcee: Let's go.

Mikaela: Uh...has any human ever went through that?

Arcee: Not ones that came out alive.

Mikaela and Michael look at her with a puzzled look.

Arcee: I'm kidding. No. No human passed through that.

Michael: Oh, I uh...maybe the long drive doesn't sound like a bad idea-

Arcee: We're going through it, wether you like it or not.

Michael: Alright. Well...let's ride.

Mikaela hops on Arcee and the speed through the portal. It then closes behind them.

*somewhere in Washington*

Soon, Arcee and the humans pass through the portal, entering the base. Michael and Mikaela hop out of Arcee as they try to not vomit.

Michael: Not gonna do that...again.

Mikaela: Ever...ever.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Arcee: You guys will get use to it.

Michael: No way in Hell am I gonna go through that damn portal that made me feel like I want through 100 rides. And I'm someone who had a strong stomach!

Jazz: What's all this shouting about?

Michael and Mikaela, after no longer feeling dizzy, look up and see the Autobot Base around them.

(Yes it's from Prime. Got a problem?)

Mikaela: Woah.

Michael: Awesome.

Bumblebee: Welcome to our base. We built it after we crash landed on Earth back in the 80's.

Mikaela: That long?

Ironhide: Yes. It was a pain, but we managed to built it using spare parts and what we could find on Earth. Which isn't a lot.

Ratchet: It would've been alright have you not break the equipment I needed, Ironhide!

Ironhide: Come on, Ratchet. Are you still angry at that? They were accidents.

Ratchet: Yeah. Only a few were accidents.

Optimus: Enough.

Optimus appears as everyone went silent.

Optimus: Michael, Mikaela. I'm please that you came here.

Michael: No problem, Optimus.

Mikaela: So, how do we find the Allspark?

Optimus: We have a lead, thanks to the glasses of Archibald Witwicky.

Soon, a holographic map appears it shows to code put on the glasses.

Ratchet: What we found is that the Allspark maybe somewhere here in the West side of the United States. Yet, it doesn't seemed that it was left out for others to see.

Michael: If I had to guess...the government may have had their hands on it.

Optimus: Unfortunately, so.

Bumblebee: It wouldn't be the first time they may have known of our existence.

Mikaela: Why?

Michael: I heard that you got attached to a human back in 87. Was it something like that?

Bumblebee: Yeah, kind off. You see, two Decepticons came to Earth and hunted me down. They lied to the military that I was part of a evil rebellion, and got them to help their quest to find me.

Michael: Damn. And how does you get close to human play a part on this?

Bumblebee: Well, I lost my memories during another Con attack and the then I met the human that found me and we bonded. I would later regain my memories and I had to separate from her just to be safe, for her sake.

Mikaela: Damn. What was her name?

Bumblebee: Charlie Waston.

Mikaela and Michael was surprised.

Michael: No...The Charlie Watson?

Bumblebee: You know her?

Mikaela: Of course. Who doesn't know the mechanic that worked on classic vehicles as a teenager?

Michael: Yeah. Anyway, we'll talk about Charlie later. Right now, talk more about Allspark and stuff.

Optimus: Thank you, Michael. We fortunately found a huge energy surge around this location. The Hoover Dam.

Jazz: Unfortunately, there's gonna be a lot of guards and such, so we can't get in there and get the AllSpark out without rising suspicion.

Arcee: Even with our Holoforms, it might cause the mission to be compromised.

Optimus: We wish not to involve the government in out War. We have to find a way to get the AllSpark and take it back to Cybertron.

Michael: Geez. This is gonna be complicated.

Mikaela: And how do you guys will get to Cybertron?

Ratchet: The Groundbridge itself cannot have us travel from Earth to Cybertron. But...

Ratchet pulls out a crystal looking object.

Ratchet: This Trans-Warp Key has enough energy to make the Groundbridge capable to access the coordinates for Cybertron.

Michael: I see.

Optimus: Yes. But that still leave us with no way to get inside the Dam without humans finding out about our plans.

Michael: Well...why not some human help?

Mikaela: What?

Arcee: Michael-

Michael: Me and Mikaela would disguise ourselves and try to enter the dam and find the AllSpark.

Mikaela: Michael, what are you thinking?

Optimus: It is too risky, Michael. I rather not have you to get hurt because of us.

Michael: I understand that, Optimus. But with all due respect, you said yourself you guys can't enter the damn without raising suspicion. And I want to do my best to help you guys rebuild your home.

Optimus looks at him as he thinks about what Michael said. Mikaela pulls Michael towards her and gave a serious stare.

Mikaela: What are you doing, Michael? This something that is beyond our control. This could end badly for us, and also our families and friends.

Michael: I know.

Mikaela: Then why do you want to help them? We barely know them.

Michael: Well, I don't see the problem with helping people that want help, Mikaela. Didn't I do the same with you when we were younger?

*with the Autobots*

Ironhide: The kid has some touch plating (tough guts) on him, I'll give him that.

Arcee: But we cannot allow him to get inside the Dam.

Bumblebee: I'm with Arcee. I don't want another human to be involve in our conflict. Barricade nearly killed him and Mikaela, so who knows what the other Decepticons could do once they locate him.

Jazz: Yet that leaves with us unable to get inside the dam. I don't like having them go in there and find the AllSpark either, but we don't have any other options.

Ratchet: What do you time, Optimus? Should we allow the humans to help us get the AllSpark?

They turn to their leader, who is still thinking about it.

*back to the humans*

Mikaela:'ll still help, even if the risk of getting hurt would happen?

Michael: Yes, I will. And I understand you're trying to get me to change my mind, Miki...but I cannot have someone like them go through staying in a place they're not use to. I mean look at them. They miss their home. They want to help rebuild it after centuries of war and corruption. They've been looking for the one source they know that can fix it, and want to make sure it doesn't fall on the wrong hands. I don't see them as some group of giant transforming robots...I see them as us. People who want help, and I want to help them.

*with the Autobots*

Optimus: I see both arguments about whether or not Michael and Mikaela could help us. I have once said we cannot allow the people of Earth to be involved with our war and struggles...and I do stand by it...however, I see the determination in Michael's optics in his desire to aid us in rebuilding our home. It may seem foolish to allow him to help us, despite our refusal...but what I do know is that this young boy has a Spark that has him have the urge to help those in need. I may not know a lot of humans during our stay on Earth, but we should be honored to met someone that not only wants to help us, but is willing to aid us when we are in need of assistance.

This made Arcee remember how Michael drove a truck towards Barricade to save her from getting killed. Bumblebee remembers how Charlie went the extra mile to him when he was underwater following his fight against Shatter. Both of them understood what Optimus said and started to agree a little.

Optimus: However, to ease any worries from all of you I will ask Michael if he wants to help us, then we'll see what's next once he answers.

They nodded to him.

*with the Humans*

Mikaela: I see what you mean. I guess I can't stop you in helping them.

Michael: Thanks for understanding, Mikaela. You don't have to come with on this. I'll have them get you home if you don't want to. I don't want you to feel as if you're being force to do this.

Mikaela: ...I want to help you too, Michael. I know you'll be there to protect me.

Michael smiles as they start at each other with smiles on their faces. Soon, they hear heavy footsteps as they look up and see Optimus and the others walking towards him.

Optimus: Michael...*kneels* the Autobots have considered you being involved in our mission...but I wanted for you decide on if your with us or not.

Michael took a few seconds and spoke.

Michael: I agree on helping you guys.

Mikaela: And I'm coming with him.

Optimus: Are you sure about this, Mikaela?

Mikaela: I am sure, Optimus.

Optimus: I see. Then, I appreciate your assistance in our plan to bring the AllSpark back.

Michael: And I appreciate the fact you trust us to help you guys.

Optimus gave a small smile before bringing a digit up and points it at Michael. Michael wraps his hand on the tip of it and they shook, ceiling their alliance. Arcee and Michael look on with smiles on their faces, seeing Optimus and Michael together.

Michael: do we get this plan straight?

*somewhere far*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We hear a transformation sound as we see something coming out of the sky.

?: *through comms* Soundwave, what could you find from that Air Base you destroyed earlier?

Soundwave: I have a found enough information, that can lead us to the location of the AllSpark, despite not able to acquire the glasses that the Autobots took.

?: Good. Now, find this location and retrieve the AllSpark. With me using it, I will reform Cybertron-

?: We didn't come here just for the AllSpark, Starscream. We came to bring back Mega-

?: Don't you dare mention that poor excuse of a leader! I managed to lead the Decepticons towards the final battle with the Autobots and-

Soundwave: Megatron's rule is greater, even if you or others take charge of the Decepticons. You didn't anything and have Shockwave and I lead the assault.

?: Ha! That has to burn that ego, didn't it, Starscream?

Starscream: Enough! Soundwave, find the AllSpark and...*begrudgingly* find our leader, Megatron.

Soundwave: Affirmative.

Starscream: It would've been better if you said-

?: Shut up, Starscream!

Soundwave: *cuts the communication* Operation, retrieve the AllSpark and resurrect Lord Megatron.

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