Chapter five

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"I DEFEATED YOU LAST TIME MECH SO BACK THE SCRAP OFF!" I roared as I stood not too far away, his yellow optics glowed with hatred.

"I am Predaking! Leader of all Predacon's and soon to be most trusted to Megatron should I return with your pathetic corpse!" The mech stated proudly, shaking my helm I flared my wings and gave a trumpeting roar. We circled each other for a few moments and not once did I take my optics off of his blue and silver hide, giving a warning snarl we both charged smashing heads as we tried to knock the other over. A ripple of pain in my shoulder make me hiss and back off a bit to examine what had happened, taking my distraction as an advantage Predaking attacked gripping down on my neck. Snarling I attempted to make him release his grip on my neck by slashing at his face with my talons only to be slammed into the ground, I felt energon begin to flow from my wound and so out of desperate measures I allowed fire to burn in my chest which in turn blinded Predaking with the smoke that came from my muzzle. Leaping free of his grip I blasted my readied flames at his helm causing the large Predacon mech to stumble backwards hissing in annoyance, now having a blinded opponent I charged sending Predaking sideways before biting down on his wing. Enraged he bit down on my shoulder and I knew neither of us would let go until the other weakened from energon loss, getting an idea I knew it would possibly cost me a limb but digging my teeth deeper into Predaking's wing I tore it from his body which in turn resulted in him rearing his helm tearing some of my shoulder plating from my own body but his wound leaked more as he stumbled backwards. Holding my injured pede off the ground I snarled at him, despite my clear victory the mech Predacon charged knocking me over. Letting out a shocked cry I tried to stand but the loss of energon made my limbs falter and weaken, knowing this Predaking latched onto my neck before dragging me towards a ground bridge. With a final look back I noticed the Autobots racing to my location, giving a final cry I felt myself slip into an emergency recharge.

**Time Skip**

A gentle flow of energon seeping into my circuits caused me to stir, looking around with fuzzy vision I tried to make out where I was.

"Ahhhh, the lowlife traitor is finally awake," Came the high pitched voice of Starscream, groaning I pulled my helm under my front pedes in an attempt to block the annoying seeker from my ears.

"Let me talk to her," I heard Predaking growl, with an annoyed huff I heard the seeker leave.

"Go away," I snarled before the mech Predacon could even speak, this earned a chuckle from him.

"You listen to me now, I have rightfully defeated you after our first battle which ended in a stalemate, now, get up and follow me, lord Megatron has plans for you," he snapped, with a huff I stood despite my lack of energon and much needed rest and followed him. The more we walked the less I tried to put pressure on my wounded shoulder, thankfully it didn't take long to arrive in the main chambers where Megatron stood looking at a data panel.

"I give you freedom, I allow my medics to fix you up, I give you a chance to prove yourself and you betray me for our enemies," Megatron snarled as he turned to face me, baring my teeth I showed my pure distaste for the decepticons. This however resulted in a sharp bite from Predaking, hissing I lowered my helm slightly but kept my blue optics fixed on Megatron.

"She won't leave my sight from now on Lord Megatron, I will keep her in her place," Predaking promised, Megatron chuckled before coming closer.

"I trust you to do so, now take her to the medic to get her prepared for energon transplant," Megatron ordered, snarling I was shoved back towards the door where I limped towards where they had their Med bay. Upon entering I was grabbed by the back of my neck and forced to the ground, snarling I laid there knowing better than to fight back in this state. Looking around I noticed a large tube filled with a purple liquid, I felt my spark almost shatter when I realised what it was. Hissing I tried to pull away as the red and white mech known as Knockout began to creep closer holding a smaller tube that he attempted to attach to my side, a warm feeling began to grow in the spot where Predaking held me so I stopped but dreaded the liquid they were about to put into my systems. The moment the energon began to seep into my systems my whole body began to convulse as I let out a pained cry, my spark tried to fight the darkness and pain it was causing but in the end darkness fell over my vision as I fell into a state of recharge.

**Time Skip**

A feeling of ease finally fell over my spark which caused me to stir, blinking a few times I lifted my helm and looked around. Seeing no other bots around I stood and looked at my once injured shoulder to find it fixed and good as new, peeking my helm out the door I noticed no bots there either and so I quickly and quietly made my way to the launching bay. A cold breeze drifted across the desert, with a sigh I took off into the night knowing very well that if I stayed here I would be used and tormented but if I could return to the Autobots I might be able to be free. Hope began to flare in my spark when I began to recognise the first location I had been found by the Autobots, my excitement was cut short when a sharp pain rippled through my wing causing me to spiral down towards the ground hitting it with a thud before everything went dark.

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