Caught red-handed

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Chase was sitting at his work desk at he police station. Sure he wasn't a real cop yet but he was still allowed to work at the desk. He was writing a few things down for his paper work until the door knocked. "Come in." Just then, a female cop walked into his office. It was cadet Strongarm. "Strongarm." Chase said surprisingly. "W-What a pleasant surprise." he said as he studdered. Strongarm chuckled. "It's nice to meet you too future officer Chase." She said as she walked over to his desk.

"So uh, what's been bee with you?" He asked casually. Secretly, he had a little crush on the girl (Sry to all the people who ship Strongarm and sideswipe). She always brightens his day with anything. "Oh nothing much. Just my brother Magnus. He always thinks he's the boss of everyone cause he's the cop of the neighborhood."

"Ugh, don't get me started." Chase said suddenly. Strongarm smirked. "I'm guess I'm not the only one who hates him sometimes." Chase smiled. Yep, he really liked this woman.

Just when the two cops were about to have s moment, the buzzer went off from Chases desk. "Chase, Ultra Magnus wants to meet you down stairs." Chase rolled his eyes. "What does that guy want now?" He said as he pressed the button on the buzzer. "I'll be right down." He said as he turned towards Strongarm. "Looks like are conversation's gonna have to wait."

"I guess it does." She said as Strongarm suddenly kissed Chase's cheek. Char froze and so did Strongarm. "I-I am so sorry I didn't-" Strongarm was cut off by a kiss.

Once Chase broke the kiss, he said, "I like you too." Then he walked down stairs leaving Strongarm to stare into nothingness.


Once he appeared downstairs, he was greeted by Ultra Magnus. "You wanted to see me sir?" Chase said as he got in his regular future cop stance. "Did you know anything about this?" Magnus asked as he pulled out his phone and showed a picture of his house. A house with lights, bottles, and a whole lot of kids.

Chase widen his eyes. No way Heatwave would do something like this. Not without him knowing of course. "Heatwave would never do this."

"This wasn't Heatwave's doing, it was your younger brothers. Boulder and Blades."

"Oh......well that makes much more sense."

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