Just a little fun

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"28...29...30. Ready or not, here I come." Heatwave said as he uncovered his eyes and begin to look around the base for the three little bots.

As he begin to search to the right, he saw a few wires that weren't inside the wall. They also were blinking and sparking. "Not down here." he said as he kept looking. Then, he heard a noise. It sounding like speeding. There was only one autobot who likes to go faster than the speed limit. Arcee.

As he followed the sound of a motorcycle, he saw a glimps of Arcee rolling around. Heatwave smirked. "And I thought I was gonna find Bumble bee first." he said as he walked over to Arcee's hiding spot. He then, saw her jumping inside one of those crates around the corner. When he was in front of the crates, he lifted the lid to reveal a navy blue and light pink youngling. Yep, he just found his first victim. "Arcee, I found you. You can come out now."

"Aw." Arcee said as she pouted. Soon, she climbed it the crate as Heatwave helped her out a little. "Can I be on your head?" Heatwave froze. Of course she wanted to ask that. He didn't wanna upset her she he agreed. Then, Arcee jumped on him and climb onto his head. To her surprise, it was comfortable. Heatwave rolled his eyes. "Should've seen that coming."


Heatwave then started to head to Ratchet's lab with Arcee relaxing on his head. Honestly, he kinda enjoyed this game. It kinda remembered how he used to play hide n seek with his brother and his friends. Pretty soon, he'll get to play it with his sisters. "Heaty?"


"Am I heavy?" Heatwave tried not to look up. Besides, she was on his head. And honestly, she was very light. "Not really. I can barely feel you."

Just then, a noise was heard. It sounded like banging. Heatwave walked a little faster towards Ratchet's lab and found Bulkhead breaking Ratchet's tools with a hammer. Heatwave had to cover his mouth just to keep from laughing. Unfortunately for Arcee, she couldn't hold it in. "😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ratchet's gonna be so mad!" Bulkhead looked at the two bots and put down his hammer. "I didn't do it." This made Heatwave burst out laughing. "Looks like I've found you Bulkhead." Just like Arcee, Bulkhead pouted and walked towards them.


Two down and one to go. Heatwave walked through the halls where the autobots recharge with Bulkhead close behind and Arcee still on his head. He never thought that finding Bumble bee was gonna be hard. Ratchet said he wasn't a good seeker, but he was a good hider. This might take a while.

Then, a 'clang' sound was heard. All three bots turned around to see Bumble bee who looked like he was trying to run away. "Get 'im!" Heatwave yelled as Arcee jumped off his head and ran towards be as Heatwave and Bulkhead did the same.

Bumble bee ran in the different direction. Sadly, he didn't get far. Since Heatwave was the biggest and most fastest of the bots, he swooped up Bumble bee and held him to his chest. "Looks like I've won the game." Bee only pouted as the others laughed. "Aw don't be sad, you were the last hider." Heatwave replies as he poked Bee's sides which caused him to giggle.

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