Queen Bee

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Just to clarify, Queen Bee is Bumble bee's little sister (well big sister rn) she's the same age as Hannah (which is 11) and they have been best friends ever since.

As Hannah walked through the streets of her city, she begin to think about her friend Queen Bee.   "Hm, I wonder where she is right now?" In a instant, Hannah heard a noise. She turned to the right to see a youngling. She had a golden color with a lighting bolt symbol on her chest and she was the same height as her. It was Queen Bee. "Queen!" She said as she went for a hug. Queen returned the hug and smiled. "It's nice to see you too Hannah."

"What're you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same question." Queen said as suddenly the duo gasp dramatically. "Great minds think alike." They both said in union as they both laughed. "Seriously though, what're you doing here? You don't want your brother to find us do you?" Queen only smirked. "When has he ever found us?" She asked determinedly. Hannah gave her a 'I can name several times like one for instance when we...' look. "Remember the time you wanted a sleepover with me?"

Flashback 😅😅😅

Hannah and Queen Bee we're talking as they talked about school. "So Sideswipe said, 'hey Acree, hows it humming?' And then I just yelled in the background, 'you idiot!'" Queen said as Hannah laughed and hugged her pillow over her stomach.

Just when Hannah was about to say something, a loud knock was heard from the door. "AH!" The two girls screamed as they hid inside there pillow fort. "OPEN UP HANNAH! I WANT MY SISTER!" It was Bumble bee.

The two girls gulped. They knew he was angry but this was too much. Then, Heatwave opened the door. "You do realize that the door was unlocked right?" Heatwave said while raising his eyebrow. Bumble bee laughed nervously. "Hehehe I knew that." Heatwave only facepalmed. "Queen, your brother wants you."

"I don't wanna go." Queen said as Bee rolled his eyes and pulled the cover from Hannah's bed to reveal both Hannah and Queen cuddling together. Bee put on a stone looked and crossed his arms. "Now." Queen sighed in defeat. "Cya tomorrow Hannah." She said as she got off the bed and started to walk out. Bee reached out for her hand but she rejected it. She wish she was bigger than him. Even just for a day.

End of Flashback 😑😑😑


"So he could catch us."

"Not this time."

"What do you mean?"

"Just wait and see 😈."

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