Spending time with you

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Its been about 3 hours back with the auto bots. You'd think Heatwave would've gone home already. Well, he didn't. Every time he tried to leave, Bumble Bee will always climb on his leg to make him stop moving. Heatwave promised he'd stay a little longer. And 'a little longer' is like a few minutes but the minutes turned into hours. This time he really had to go. His brothers had to go on another rescue mission. And rescue missions are not for sparklings. Right now, Bumble Bee was holding on to his leg laughing like a maniac. "C'mon Bee I have to go. I can't stay any longer." He said as Bumble Bee started to cry. "Ratchet a little help?" Heatwave asked as Ratchet walked in to see him trying to pull Bumble Bee off his leg. "I thought you left already."

"Yea me too." He said a little annoyed by this. Ratchet shook his head smiling as he pulled out a energon pop. "Hey Bee you looking for this?" Ratchet said as he held the energon pop and started to wave it around Bee's face. Bumble Bee stared at the pop and jumped off Heatwave's leg to get it. "Works every time." Ratchet said as he smiled proudly. "Thanks I thought I was never gonna leave." Heatwave said as he grabbed the last of his stuff. "Hey if I finish work early I might stop by for a quick visit before I head home." Heatwave smiled as he rubbed Bee's head before he left out the door.

Bumble Bee looked down as he saw Heatwave leave. "Hey it's okay Bee. You'll see Heatwave again, I promise." Ratchet said as he put him down so he can do a few experiments.

(sry I'm typing on a computer so I can't use emojis :( )

2 hours ltr.

When Heatwave came back, Optimus was behind him. "So that's where you were." Heatwave said as he raised his eye brow and smiled. "Yea I was trying to help Sideswipe to be a better kid."

"Is he getting better?"

"Honestly, I don't know." Just then, a zoom came directly at Prime and slammed him to the floor. It was Ratchet with a worried expression. "Optimus, where have you been?!" Prime chuckled. "Sorry I didn't tell you, I explain everything in the kitchen." Prime said as he led Ratchet in the kitchen. "Hey Ratchet where's Bee? I wanna see that little rascal before I go home." Just then, all three bots heard crying. "Nevermind I found him." Heatwave said as they laughed.

Heatwave started to walk down the hall as he got close to Bumble Bee's room. Once he opened the door, it was different. It wasn't as teen as it use to be. It was like a baby's room. Which made sense considering he was a baby. Once he walked over to Bee's crib, there he was crying because he just woke up. "Hey squirt." Heatwave smirked as Bee stopped crying and looked at him. Then he smiled and reached out to him. Heatwave couldn't help but chuckle as he picked him up. "I told ya I'll be back." he said as he started to wave his finger around Bee as Bee tried to grab it. Heatwave chuckled once more as he begin to wiggle his finger around Bee's stomach to tickle him. Bee laughed uncontrollably as heatwave continued to wiggle his finger. "That was for almost making me late. But I forgive you cause you're cute." He said as he stopped. "I never knew you actually liked kids." Heatwave turned around to see Optimus smirking while he was leaning on a wall with his arms crossed over his chest. "H-How did you-"

"I couldn't help but hear. I started hearing things after Bee stopped crying." Prime said as Heatwave started to blush which made Bee laugh even more. "So are you gonna give him a kiss or what?" Prime smiled mischievously as Heatwave gave him an annoyed face in response. "You know I have to leave like right now Bumble Bee." Heatwave said as Bee's eyes filled with tears again. "Hey if I stopped by in the next week or so I'll give you a toy." Bee smiled again as Heatwave put him back in his crib as watched him go to sleep again.

The moment Heatwave and Prime walked out of the room, Heatwave's comm link went off. I was a text from Boulder. 

Heatwave get home please, Blades won't stop getting the remote from us.

Heatwave chuckled at the text. "Was that your brother?"

"Yea they're fighting over the remote again. I better go help them before we have to watch a romantic comedy again." Heatwave said as Prime shook his head and smiled. "Well see ya later and stop by from time to time."

"I don't think I have a choice anymore." he said as he laughed even more before he left. Once he transformed into vehicle mode, he drove back to house. Although the funny thing is, he couldn't stop thinking about sweet little innocent cinnamon roll (sorry I had to XD) Bumble Bee.

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