36 - Dirty Talk

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        “Don’t let me slip away from you,” Fay murmured, a small groan escaping her as she turned herself over. Optimus watched her and where she lay in the grass of the field. He’d returned her to the grounds of the institution Fay’s mind had created, but only to the spot where he’d seen her before she’d taken off. He was hoping that the spot would cause Fay to assume that what had happened was little more than a dream. In truth, that’s really what it was, but in her current state, it may as well have been the harshest reality the world could have to offer. In this comatose state, the lines between truth and fiction were blurred to the point that Fay couldn’t tell the difference.

        It was a dangerous situation when she was surrounded by such a vast amount of threats that were lurking around each corner. More so when the other residents were illogically tied to Fay. While the Autobots couldn’t pinpoint it, nearly every single figure that walked the halls of the building was somehow connected to Fay. Each one held a small bit of essence of her spark. It was a confusing situation, one that the medic couldn’t give an answer for. And the fact that Ratchet had no solution made it even more nerve-wracking.

        “Can’t let her go,” Fay muttered, shifting her weight again, still in that half-conscious state. Slowly, her hands gripped the grass, the soft blades pressing against her cheek. “Can’t give up . . . I can’t . . . They’ll take me . . . Dad . . .”

        “Filly,” Optimus called gently, his hand nudging Fay’s shoulder. With a groan, she opened her eyes, the sun, even though it was currently concealed by a large cloud, was irritating to the sensitive organ set in her head.

        “Ow,” she muttered, trying to shake the pain away, trying to will it away from her mind. “Optimus? What’d you hit me with? I thought you were going to get a water bottle . . .”

        “I did, Filly,” Optimus told her gently, handing her the hard plastic bottle, the water inside nearly lukewarm at this point. “I apologize for the temperature. You were asleep when I arrived. I did not wish to wake you if you were truly that tired. Are you feeling all right?” He tilted his head, watching her cautiously, wary of some deep change occurring in her spark. Perhaps she would be fine. But perhaps something was irreparably wrong.

        Fay ignored his questions for a moment, taking the water bottle and drinking from it greedily. Fay was still dehydrated from her excursion, though she hardly remembered exactly what had happened. The memory had become fuzzy and unrealistic, enforcing the idea that it had been little more than a dream. It worked quite well for Optimus and his hopes to keep her from questioning the fact that her shin was broken.

        It was something that Fay just now remembered. She nearly sprayed the water out of her mouth and out of the ground. Even though she tried to stifle the reaction a bit of fluid still dribbled out and down her chin, Fay nearly coughing from the reaction. “My leg!” She shouted, her body visibly tensing as she tossed the water bottle down, quick to inspect her shin. Rather than finding a large, protruding mass covered in a bruise,  Fay found it to be utterly normal.

        “What about your leg?” Optimus asked kindly, feigning innocence to the situation. It bothered him to do so, but he knew that she was panicked for the time being. Later, quite possibly much later, he would explain the truth of the matter to her. For now, she would believe that the injury was no more than a dream. It was better that she believed that little of it.

        “What . . . What happened?” Fay asked, looking at her unharmed leg over and over, expecting the injury to resurface. “It isn’t possible . . .”

        “Farrah,” Optimus assured her gently. “You fell asleep. When I returned you were passed out on the ground.” That last statement was the truth, at least. “I apologize if you experienced a poor dream while I was away. I didn’t wish to wake you,” he repeated, hoping he wouldn’t have to say much more for her to believe him. The Prime wasn’t fond of having to hide the truth from her. But it was the medic’s orders. Fay had to believe she was awake for the time being.

        And for her to believe she was awake, she couldn’t believe that she’d actually broken her leg. “So, I . . . Wasn’t in the forest?” Fay  asked slowly, confused at this unexpected turn. It had been so vivid, the pain so devastatingly real. It had shaken her spark and her mind. Fay’s nose wrinkled at the thought that it wasn’t true. “If that was just a dream, is anything else real?” Fay asked, looking up at Optimus. “Are you real?” Her eyebrows rose a bit, knitting together. “Is anything that happens real anymore? If that’s just a dream, have I ever been awake?” A bit of fear crept into Fay’s eyes as her hands gripped her knees, digging her nails into the skin just slightly, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Optimus, am I still FarLust? Am I still in the lab?”

        “Ssshhh,” Optimus shushed her quickly, reaching for her. His arms were quick to wrap around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him, cradling her head against his sternum. “I am real. I promise you I am real, Filly. You are not FarLust. You are not in that cursed lab. I promise you are safe, Filly. I will always keep you safe from them.”

        “Okay . . .” Fay replied quietly, her eyes downcast, staring at the soft, green grass. “If you’re not real, I get to kill you,” she muttered.

        A small chuckle shook Optimus’s chest. “And how-?”

        “Ssshhh!” Fay interrupted him quickly, not allowing him to finish his thought. “Don’t ruin my impeccable logic. It’s amazing. Don’t try and poke holes in it or I’ll punch you. Possibly below the belt.”

        “Below the belt?” Optimus asked, immediately, puzzled. “I’m not wearing a belt, Farrah. I have no need to.”

        Fay groaned, shaking her head. “Oh, come on! Internet, man, internet! I’m not explaining that one!” Fay let her hair fall around her face, trying to hide her flush at the thought that Optimus may have actually been insinuating that he wanted her to explain another expression to him. ‘Maybe I should start using PG analogies,’ she thought, biting her lip just slightly. The mere idea of showing Optimus exactly what ‘below the belt’ meant . . . Well, it was nearly as bad as having to demonstrate what ‘69’ was. “I suppose next you’re going to ask me about road head!” She shouted, speaking out of embarrassment and frustration far more than actual logic.

        “Pardon me?” Optimus asked, raising a brow. “What-?”

        “Don’t ask!” Fay interrupted again, refusing to get into the details of where her mind was going. Flustered, she continued saying things better left quiet. “I am not explaining road head to a guy with two different kinds of joystick!”

        A slight flush began on Optimus’s cheeks. “Filly, what are you referring to?” Though he had a hunch what it was she meant. His true form was currently running an internet-based search. ‘Below the belt’ had been the first search term her ran through. And while he understood that portion, he didn’t understand why Farrah was so flustered about it.

        Unless the references actually meant something to her.

        “Is there something you wish to discuss, Farrah?” Optimus asked, trying to asses the matter delicately. He didn’t want to upset her.

        “No, Optimus,” Fay replied quickly, shaking her head. “No. That’s not it at all. I’m okay. Nothing needs to be discussed. Nothing needs to be, you know, talked about,” she told him, repeating herself. “Everything is cool. Everything is fine. Nothing is wrong. We’re just having an awkward conversation because that’s something we do, you know? That’s something that happens.”

        “Filly,” Optimus called gently. “Why are you so nervous?”

        “Because we’re talking about sex and, well, genitals!”

        “That’s what you’re referring to?” Optimus asked, the remainder of it clicking. He’d already hypothesized a fair amount of it. Her verbal confirmation only made it more obvious.

        “Yes that’s what I’m referring to,” Fay hissed, gritting her teeth. “You are so dense, I swear, it’s like you’re another species or something!”

        Optimus chuckled softly, his hand resting on Fay’s back, despite her outburst. “Filly, calm down. We are perfectly capable of having a civilized conversation, regardless of any mention of ‘sex and genitalia’. Just because it is mentioned does not mean it will occur. All right?”

        “I-!” Fay stopped herself short, taking a deep breath as she released much of the tension in her body. “All right, Optimus . . . We’re all good then. We’re okay . . .”

        With a small kiss to Fay’s forehead, Optimus nodded. “We’re okay. As we always have been.”

        She scoffed, not out of cruelty, but of her immediate thoughts to the past. “Well, I wouldn’t say ‘always’ to that,” Fay muttered. “I mean, we get along now, but do you remember when we first met? Do you remember how many times I blew up on you and called you a creep and demanded you get out of my life?” Pausing, Fay took a deep breath. “But you never listened. You just stuck around. You refused to leave me. And I adore you for that . . . I hated you for it then, Optimus, but I love you for it now. It was a wonderful thing you did. I know it couldn’t have been easy. I know I didn’t make it easy on you. But knowing you were that determined to keep me safe . . . That means everything to me. Thank you.”

        A kind smile slid across Optimus’s lips. “You’re welcome, Filly.”

        Without a word, Fay nodded, falling into a comfortable silence with Optimus for a while. The two simply sat there, locked in an extended embrace, simply allowing their bodies to rest against each other, providing a bit of comfort in the gesture alone. Fay took comfort in the press of Optimus’s body against hers, the gentle pressure of his form. It gave her that elusive, rare feeling that she was safe. The feeling that she had craved more than water when she was hobbling along, trying to make it back to the institution’s grounds.

        “I don’t want to be alone, Optimus . . .” Fay murmured against his collarbone. “I like having you here. Don’t leave again.”

        “If I could, I would never leave you alone again,” Optimus told her gently. “I hope you know that.”

        Fay flushed a bit. “You’re sounding a bit too serious, Optimus . . .” She told him quietly, even though she silently relished that fact. Optimus smiled down at her, even though she didn’t look up to see it.

        “I apologize if that makes you uncomfortable, Filly. Do you prefer that I be more detached towards you?”

        Fay shook her head, a bit of a smile creeping across her lips as well. “No, Optimus . . . It’s just right . . . At least for right now . . .” Shifting her weight, Fay pressed closer to him. “I want to go back to my room . . . I just don’t want to move . . . I like this, Optimus . . .”

        He gave a gentle nod, pressing her closer against him. “I understand, Filly. I do not wish to move, either. Which is why I shall improvise if you wish to return to your bed.”

        “What the hell are you-?” Fay let out a small sound when Optimus stood, smoothly scooping her into his arms. “Optimus!” She exclaimed, nearly breathless. “What do you think you’re doing?”

        His smile was barely there, subtle, but happy in her reaction, in her happiness in general. “I’m taking you to your room, Farrah,” he told her calmly. “Did you believe I meant to do something else?”

        “You’re carrying me to my room?” She asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow, but she couldn’t help herself: in her initial reaction, she’d gripped the fabric of his shirt.

        Optimus gave a nod, kissing her temple. “You wished to maintain contact, while also not wishing to move, but you also wished to return to your room. And so this is the solution I thought best.”

        Fay shook her head gently. “You’re crazy . . .” She told him, even though she pressed closer against his chest. “Absolutely insane.”

        Optimus just smiled as he began walking. “So you’ve told me, Filly.”


        Back in her room, Fay laid on the bed, her legs draped over Optimus’s lap as she picked at her nails. “So . . . Pretty dull in here, too, huh?” She asked, attempting to look disinterested even though she had been hoping for any number of scenarios to occur once they’d returned to the privacy of being behind a closed door. ‘I’m a grown woman,’ she told herself over and over, even though the thought of it made her spark pound loudly in her chest. ‘I can make my own decisions. Whether or not they may involve Optimus and my own body.’

        “Filly?” Optimus asked, glancing over at her face. “Are you all right? You seem a tad bit . . . Uncomfortable since our return. Have I done something wrong?”

        “No, Optimus,” Fay quickly assured him, shaking her head. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You did everything right. And that’s why I’m struggling right now. I’m a little bit scared because I’m not sure I should be trusting my own judgement, but I want to trust my judgement, and I want to be around you and I want to . . . Do things, sometimes . . .”

        “ ‘Do things’?” Optimus asked, and a blush quickly hit Fay’s cheeks.

        “Please don’t make me elaborate,” she pleaded quietly, biting her lower lip.

        “Do you refer to the same nature of things that you mentioned earlier?”

        “I . . . Maybe.” Fay’s eyes immediately diverted, looking down at the floor rather than at Optimus himself. She felt petty and shallow compared to him. He was a stoic, composed, level-headed being. Fay was anything but. She let her passions control her, her fears and her desires. More importantly, she let her body have a heavy say in her thoughts, as it did now. The way Optimus looked at her, his head tilted, made Fay squirm a bit, ashamed of herself. Frankly, Fay was close to spilling her thoughts to Optimus, hoping he would understand, hoping he wouldn’t judge her, when a knock came to the door.

        “Prime! You damn well better be decent when you’re in my daughter’s room!” Harvey called loudly, and Optimus couldn’t help a small laugh at the weapon specialist’s threat.

        “I suppose that means he expected something other than sitting here talking?” Optimus questioned, looking at Fay.

        A deep blush was running its way across Fay’s cheeks and face. “If he did his research, then he definitely knows exactly what can happen behind closed doors between a man and a woman,” she muttered, wondering how Harvey, Ironhide, had such terrible timing. “Damn,” she cursed, shaking her head. “The door’s open!” Fay called out. “I swear we’re clothed, Dad!”

        Slowly, the door opened, and Ironhide’s holoform looked around the room, assessing the situation between his commander and the girl he’d called his daughter for nearly twenty years. He didn’t expect that fact to change at any point in the near future. “You better be clothed,” he warned, obviously less than delighted with the way they were positioned on the bed. Even though Fay was lying down and Optimus was sitting, and the only parts of their bodies that were touching was where Fay’s bent legs rested on Optimus’s thighs, he was less than pleased.

        “Dad, we didn’t do anything explicit, I swear!” Fay cried out, hoping he would believe her. “Don’t give me that look, do we look like we just got hot and heavy?”

        Harvey frowned, looking at her. Optimus turned his attention her way, tilting his head. “Filly, is that similar to ‘road head’ and ‘two kinds of joystick’?”

        Fay’s face flushed a deep red as she stared at Optimus, her mouth agape. “You . . . You did not . . . Just say that . . . In front of my father . . . Oh my word . . .” Her eyes flicked over to Harvey, hoping he would be just as clueless as Optimus was. However, since Harvey had lived, or at least his holoform had lived, surrounded by the human culture for years as he took care of her, he understood the gist of the references.

        “Farrah Naomi Meadows!” He exclaimed. “What would make you think that these are proper things to be discussing with anyone? Much less a mech! Much less the leader of the Autobots for Primus’s sake!”

        “Dad it’s so not like that!” Fay exclaimed, but she knew it was a blatant lie, and she knew that the odds of Harvey believing her were slim to none.

        “Truly it isn’t, Ironhide,” Optimus agreed. “I haven’t got a clue what on Cybertron she’s been referring to. She usually has to explain it to me, or sometimes demonstrate-.”

        “Excuse me?” Harvey asked, his eyebrows raising. His voice was loud, but decidedly even and restrained. “What the frag have you been demonstrating, Fair?”

        “It was a joke, Dad!” Fay quickly exclaimed, trying to brush it off. “I know Optimus has a poor sense of humor, but come on!”

        Harvey didn’t have a chance to respond. The door opened again, and Malakai stood there, looking rather displeased. “Visiting hours are over. I suggest you exit the building promptly before I’m forced to call security.” His voice was blunt, his threat obvious: if the Autobots didn’t leave, the Decepticons would remove them by force. If a battle ensued, Fay would have to be kept out of harm’s way. More importantly, they would have to shatter the world her mind had created to keep herself safe. It was a risky maneuver, and it wasn’t one they wanted to test at this point in time.

        Frustrated, angry and glaring at the Decepticon warlord, Optimus and Harvey stalked from the room, leaving Fay behind in her embarrassment and her shame. Malakai looked at her a moment, then smiled. “Don’t worry, Far. We’ll find you.”

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