TFP Optimus Prime X Mutant!OC

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Katy's POV

"So, Optimus?? How are we going to find Megatron without the Energon tracker??" I asked as I walked ahead of him

"We won't." Optimus replied as he cane to a stop. I raised an eyebrow before stopping at a cliff.

"Why??" I asked as I looked up at him. He knelt down and looked past me.

"Because he already found us." He whispered as his hand turned into a weapon.

"Prime!!" Megatron yelled from across the canyon as I flinched when I saw him and he was glowing purple.

"Um, any ideas??" I asked as Optimus glared back at Megatron.

"We fight." He responded as I looked back and saw an army of Vehicons surrounding Megatron.

"All of you get the girl!! Prime is mine!!" Megatron shouted as he transformed into his jet form and headed straight for Optimus while the others headed for me.

"Time to take out these mothersuckers." I said as I climbed down the canyon for more space.

They then started to surround me. I smirked as I duplicated myself into a dozen of me and then turned on my super strength mode.

The real me then socker punched two of then whike the other mes kicked and punched them until they all were into pieces.

The sound of sword clanging and guns firing were heard all over the canyon. I then summoned my titanium wings and flew up to help Optimus.

But when I got there, Optimus was down and not moving. I immediately looked at Megatron who just smirked at me.

"You..." I growled as I strayed walking towards him slowly. He then fired his gun which I blocked with telepathy.  He then kept slashing his sword at me which I also kept blocking with my telepathy.

Then I upper cut him in his jaw before punching him in the abdomen which made him stumble back. Then the punched him in the back while he fell backwards.

I then flew up with my fist jabbing into his spine,  I flew higher and higher until we reached deep space.  I turned on my breath mask as I slung Megatron straight into deep deep space. Leaving him nearly crashing into the moon.

"And don't come back." I muttered as I flew straight into the Earth. Hoping to reach Optimus before its too late.

Likely, when I got to him, he was shifting but he was having a good heartbeat.

"Optimus?? You okay??" I asked as I placed my tiny hand on his face.

"I'll be fine. " He said as I gave a look that meant I wasn't convinced.

"Im calling Ratchet." I said as I took out my iPhone and dialed the number to the base.

"Katy??" Ratchet answered as I sighed in relief.

"Ratchet, we need a groundbridge." I said as I looked back at Optimus who looked like he was barely breathing.

"Quick. Optimus isn't looking too good." I finished as a partol opened and out came Arcee and Bumblebee.

"Bumblebee, get Katy out of here. I got Optimus." Arcee demanded as Bumblebee carefully picked me up and ran through the partol and into the base.

"Katy!! You okay??" I heard as I looked behind me to see Raf and Jack. But not Miko.

"Where's Miko??" I asked as Jack shook his head.

"At home, grounded." Jack replied as I rolled my eyes.

"Easy, Optimus." I heard Ratchet as I turned to see him sit Optimus down.

"Will he be okay??" I asked as Bee looked down at me.

:*He will. Just lost a lot of energon.*: Bee beeped as I sighed.

"What happened??" Arcee asked as I flew to her shoulder and sat down.

"We got ambushed. I fought off the Vehicons but, when I went to help Optimus, he was down so I just threw Megatron into deep deep space." I explained as Bulkhead, Ratchet, Arcee, and Bumblebee gave me looks of shock and impress.

"Ka..." I heard Optimus say as I flew over to him and sat next to his large hand.

"Hang on, Prime. Ratchet will help you. I promise." I whispered as I hugged his finger.

"Just hang on."

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