2. Please Don't Go

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"I'm sorry," she muttered. "I'm sorry. I swear I'm sorry." Through the haze of sleep and food deprivation, she tried to look up at him, tears welling in her eyes. "I said I'm sorry. Please don't go. I know I screwed up. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to make things better and I made it worse but I didn't mean any harm, I promise. Don't leave."

"You fucked up one too many times," he told her, circling around where she sat on the floor. "I'm afraid I have to cut you loose."

"No! Please. I can do better. Please don't do this. I can't breathe. My chest hurts. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Please. I have nothing left. I can't survive without you anymore. You're all I've got." The pressure on her chest just continued to increase. She'd made a mistake. She knew that. She knew she had messed up. She'd apologized for it profusely and yet it just wasn't enough to him. "Please," she begged again. "Stop treating me like I'm disposable. I can do better. I know I can."

"You are entirely disposable," Silas assured her.

"That's not true," she insisted, shaking her head adamantly. "You care about me. You said you care about me!"

"I'll tell you whatever it takes to keep you complacent."

"No," she said again, shaking her head. "You care about me! I did everything you asked!"

"But you're not what I want anymore."

"Liar!" She screamed, the tears sliding down her cheeks.

His hand swept across her face before she could react, the stinging in cheekbone strong and immediate. "Don't you dare call me a liar," he told her, glaring down.

With a small sob, she refused to touch her cheek. She kept her eyes on the floor. "But you lied. You lied so many times."

"Shut your damn mouth!" He shouted, grabbing her by her hair, and the tears began flowing faster from her eyes.

"But it's true! You lied! You told me you got me something but you never did! You forgot my birthday! You avoid me unless it's convenient! I never know when I'm going to see you and you just act like you don't care but then you act like you do and it drives me crazy and-!"

"Then leave! You have no reason to stay here, so go!"

"But I can't leave!" She shouted, unable to stop the way her voice wavered. "I love you! I don't wanna leave you!"

"You're a fool," he told her, dropping her back to the floor.

"I believe in you," she told him, her sobs wracking her body. "I believe you're better than this."

"You're wrong," he told her coldly, refusing to look at her.

"But you're so sweet sometimes. I can't be wrong. You're a good person."

"You're wrong," Silas told her again. "I will not have you anymore."

"Please don't leave," she cried out, curling up on the floor. "Please. I can't leave. I've got nothing left for me out there."

"You fucked up one too many times," he told her. "I will not have you when I can find better."

"Please!" She called out again. "Please. Please. I love you. You can't leave me. You love me, too, don't you? Don't you care about me at all?"

Silas paused, but he gave no answer as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, and cutting off all the light.

"Please . . ." She whispered with a sob, her hair a mess on the floor and covering her face as she squeezed her eyes shut. "Please . . . I don't want to live anymore."

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