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ArceexOptimus, requested by LytleLadibug

I'll admit, the picture is nice



"Standing around sulking won't bring cliff back. So unless anyone minds, I think I'll go back to protecting humankind," the two-wheeler snapped lightly as she transformed and drove off.

Optimus vented quietly as he thought about recent events. So much had happened in-between the time Arcee had drove off and their new human ally Jack decided he didn't want to be around them that he didn't have time to personally speak with Arcee. He knew she and her late partner were close, and knew she was hurting. He meant to talk with her, but when Jack and Arcee had crossed paths, he could see she felt slightly better. That changed again when he left, and Arcee was able to properly have some alone time to think about her partner. He feared now was not a good time to talk, but decided he should check on her anyway.

Making his way down the hall to her quarters, his footsteps were slow and almost reverent. He knew the story of how Arcee and Cliffjumper came to Earth, and knew she would not have come without his influence. Now that he was gone, he wondered if she was thinking of leaving.

He stopped at her door, hesitating for a few seconds. He didn't hear anything come from the door, and gently knocked, the metallic clang unmistakable and distinct, shattering the silence for a few seconds as it echoed a little.

"Arcee, may I enter?" he asked gently. An audible reply wasn't heard, though a soft thump echoed in her room and a few seconds later the door hissed softly and opened, revealing a depressed-looking Arcee.

"Hello Optimus," she greeted. She still felt she needed to include his title, but he had assured her multiple times that simply "Optimus" was fine. "May I help you?"

"Arcee, I was hoping...I could talk with you."

Arcee immediately knew where this was headed.

"Optimus," with all due respect...I..." she trailed off. This talk would happen sooner or later, there was no point in putting it off. She lowered her helm slightly and stepped aside to allow him to enter. Optimus did so silently, and the door shut. Arcee's quarters weren't anything significant, simply a berth and a small ledge jutting out of the wall, which served as a shelf. The only thing resting on it was half a cube of energon. Her room was sufficiently lit, the dark walls just made it seem dim.

"I think I know what you're going to talk about," she said quietly, her optics staring at him intently. Optimus stood near the door as Arcee took a seat on the berth. He hadn't moved since he first walked in.

"I am certain you do," Optimus replied seriously. "However, I do worry for you, Arcee. I know Cliffjumper meant a lot to you. I know you meant a lot to him. I-"

"Optimus," she whispered, cutting him off. "I know this. Cliff's gone. The Decepticons killed him, and then experimented on him," she spat the last words venomously. "It hurts. I feel like a piece of my spark died with him," she said quietly, a servo resting over her spark chamber as she closed her optics. "I just don't want your pity."

The room was silent for a few minutes.

"I simply know what you are going through. I have gone through a similar experience," Optimus replied. Arcee looked up at him again.

" do not mind me asking...?"


"...oh," she whispered. She knew what had happened. Megatron had ripped out her spark. She lowered her helm again.

"How did you move on?"

"Time, Arcee. Pain ebbs with time, though becomes more tolerable when someone is willing to listen and becomes a friend to you."

"Like Ratchet?"

Optimus nodded seriously. "Arcee, I do not want you to feel as if you need to keep your feelings about this to yourself."

He walked over until he was next to her, and lowered himself to a knee-plate so he would tower over her less.

"I am willing to talk with you about this, when you are ready and willing."

She nodded, letting a small smile appear on her faceplates.

"Thank you, Optimus," she whispered, hesitating before placing a servo over his lightly. "I really appreciate it."

Optimus nodded once, letting the smallest of smiles grace his faceplate as he turned his servo over and closed his large servo over her small one lightly. They remained in that comfortable silence for a few minutes, optics locked with each other. Electric blue meeting baby blue and a hint of pink. Masked emotion meeting pain. It was comforting to both of them. They had a mutual understanding of what losing a loved one felt like. They felt connected. And neither of them wanted to break that connection they had created in that moment.

"Optimus?" her voice was just above a whisper.

"Yes, Arcee?" he asked, his volume matching hers.

"Thank you."

Optimus smiled a little more. "You are welcome, Arcee." A few more seconds passed before he spoke again.



"May I suggest you seek Jack's companionship again? I feel he will help you through this as well."

"I thought you might say that," she replied, a smile still on her face.

The two remained in that silence again, before Arcee realized she was probably keeping Optimus and moved her servo a little under his. He got the message and released his gentle grip.

"Thank you for stopping by, Optimus."

Optimus nodded. "You are welcome. Please, do not hesitate to talk if you need to. I am here for you," he reassured gently. She nodded, and he stood to his full height, before nodding again and letting himself out. Things between the two of them would never be the same again after that.

I have never written OPXArcee before, so this was interesting. I liked it though. It was a new experience. Thanks to Arya_Skye for help with the idea, I didn't know where to start XD

Thanks for reading. :>

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