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MTMTE Ratchet x Drift
Surprise! Kinda...

Ratchet felt void of all emotions as he stared at the screen in front of him. "You've got to be kidding me..."

It was positive. He was sparked.

He knew something was wrong when he couldn't keep his energon down all of a sudden, but he never thought it would be this! There was only one time he let Drift take over. One! And this was the outcome.

The medic felt lightheaded and backed up against the table, gripping onto it in order to steady himself. Thoughts started entering his mind. Would he even be able to carry the sparkling properly? How would he tell Rodimus and Ultra Magnus? How would he tell Drift?!

Those thoughts were interrupted when said mech casually strolled into the Medbay.

"Hey Ratch! Whoa, you okay?" Drift asked as he made his way over, a concerned expression on his face.

Ratchet quickly turned off the monitor and composed himself, taking a few deep breaths before confronting his sparkmate. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." He replied, flinching when Drift pulled him into a hug.

"Does your stomach feel any better or are you still nauseous?"

"It's getting better..." Ratchet began, but trailed off towards the end when thoughts of the sparkling came back to him. He snapped out of it and sighed, knowing he'd have to tell Drift at some point. "Can we talk in my room?"

Drift looked confused for a moment, but nodded. "Sure." He followed Ratchet to his room and closed the door behind him.

Ratchet took a seat on his berth, letting his shoulders sag forward. The anxiety was really getting to him now and it was making his stomach do backflips.

Drift sat down next to him and folded his hands in his lap. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Ratchet was usually never this anxious, something was up.

Ratchet bit his lip, trying to figure out how to tell Drift. He eventually just gave up and flat out told him. "Drift.... I'm sparked.." He mumbled, looking away immediately afterwards. He expected something overly dramatic from his sparkmate, but he was surprised when all he got was a comforting hug.

"Really....? So that one time you let me be on top paid off?" Drift snickered, kissing the side of Ratchet's helm in apology after that. "I'm really happy, Ratchet. Honestly."

"But I'm not in the condition to carry a sparkling! Look at me! What if something goes wrong? Or... or—" Ratchet was then shushed by Drift.

Drift couldn't help but giggle at his sparkmate's behavior. "Ratch, you're a medic. You know what to do. I think you'll do just fine. You'll be an amazing carrier, I just know it."

Ratchet sighed. He couldn't argue with that. He just slumped against Drift's shoulder and melted into his comforting warmth. "You're right.... I'm overreacting.." He mumbled, staring at his hands. "I just never thought it would turn out this way....."

504 words

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