Chapter Eleven

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A few days later.

Bumblebee woke from his small coma in the middle of the night. He looked around with confusion and saw Uncle Ratchet sleeping in a chair next to him. He tried to say something but no words came. He tried again and tears filled his eyes when nothing came out. He realized he was hooked up to a bunch of machines and his little heart beat faster with fear. He looked around the room again and sat up.

Where was his mom and dad?

He felt alone and scared. He tried calling to his uncle again, but no sound escaped. The heart monitor beeped faster as his heart raced, Ratchet stirred and slowly opened his eyes. The little boy was sitting up and hugging himself as he rocked back and forth. He had his eyes closed as tears fell down his face. The doctor got up and sat next to him.

"Shhhh... it's okay." He whispered quietly. The boy looked up at him and hugged him tightly.

Ratchet hesitated then gently picked him up and tried to comfort him. The boy tried to talk again as tears flowed down his face. He touched his throat and felt the bandage.

"I'll explain later." The doctor said quietly. Not wanting to explain at all.

After a moment, the boy calmed down and the man carefully laid him back on the bed. He tucked him in again and Bumblebee grabbed his hand. He held on tight and stared up at his uncle. Tears still in his eyes.

"Don't worry I won't leave." He said. The boy didn't let go and the doctor gently held one of his hands. "Don't be scared, it's going to be alright." The boy closed his eyes and nodded as he drifted off to sleep. Ratchet stared at the boy as he slept. How was he going to explain everything to him?

The next morning, Optimus rushed to the hospital after Ratchet informed him his son was awake. He walked into the room as the boy was waking up again. He sat in the chair next to the bed, and gently set his hand on the side of the boys face. Bumblebee smiled when he saw his dad and gripped his hand tightly with both of his.

"Hello little one." Optimus said gently. His son touched his throat as tears filled his eyes. The father nodded slowly and leaned over as he kissed his forehead.

"Don't be scared." He whispered. The boy just held on to his hand for dear life as he nodded. He felt safe now that his dad was here. He just wanted to go home, but didn't know how to tell him. Bumblebee locked eyes with his father and furrowed his brow. He thought for a moment and mouthed a word.


Optimus looked down and bit his lip as tears filled his eyes again. He knew this was going to happen, but didn't expect it so soon. He looked back up and rubbed the boys cheek with his thumb.

"Your mother...." he stopped as he choked back a sob and Bumblebee tightened his grip. "She's living with the stars." He whispered.

Bumblebee stared at him for a moment then hugged him tightly around the neck as he silently cried his little heart out. Optimus hugged him gently and buried his face in the boys shoulder. He rocked his son gently and held him as he cried.

The next few days were hard for the family. They had to plan out the funeral and get things figured out. Optimus felt numb and empty as he went through the motions. He tried to remain strong for his children, and comfort them when they cried. He silently wondered if he would be able to care for them.

It didn't help that everyone around him asked the question in his mind, and made suggestions to what they thought he should do. He knew they were trying to be helpful, but it was just breaking him up inside.

How could they think he wouldn't care for his children? Why did they think sending them away to relatives was better? He began to doubt himself as the questions rose.

Ratchet was the only one that was actually helpful. He silently came over after work each day, and did what he could to assist the small family. When Optimus became to overwhelmed he'd step in to help. His friend also paid for the medical bills so he didn't have to worry about it. Optimus was grateful for his friends generosity, and never asked him for anything. Ratchet just did it. The doctor would also get rid of people that thought they were giving advice.

During that time Bumblebee was released from the hospital. Optimus walked into his room as the nurses finished unhooking him from the machines. He helped his son get dressed and sat him back on the bed, the nurses checked on him one more time. When they were done, Bumblebee locked his arms around his father's neck and refused to let go. Optimus picked him up and held him tightly as they walked out of the building. He felt the boy shaking as he silently cried. Optimus rested his head against his sons.

"It's going to be alright." He whispered. Though fear of the unknown gripped his heart. He held the little boy tighter and kissed his head. He knew this was going to be hard for them.


The small family was silent as they went to the funeral. Optimus only wanted the family and a few others to be there. He didn't want to overwhelm his children with too many people. They stayed near their father and sat in the small room for awhile. Optimus stared at the floor as he listened to his children say goodbye to their mother.

Bumblebee cried silently and touched his mothers face. He wanted to say something but couldn't. The little boy kissed his mother's cheek and set a flower in her hand. He buried his head in his father's shirt and sobbed quietly. Optimus gently hugged him as Smokescreen walked over.

"Hey mom." The boy whispered quietly as his tears fell. He kissed her cheek as he cried. "I'll be a good boy... I promise." He sniffed and rubbed his eye before hugging his dad.

Arcee quietly walked over and stared for a moment. She just stood there for a few minutes, as if she didn't want to accept what was happening. She sniffed sadly and tried not to cry.

"I'll miss you." She said almost to quiet to hear. She kissed her mother's cheek and hugged her father as she broke down. He stood there silently and held them close.

Bulkhead stood there with his hands in his pockets. He stared as he remained perfectly still. A few minutes passed before he moved. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

"I'll protect them." He said quietly. "I promise I won't let anyone take us from dad." He was silent for a moment.

"You won't have to worry about us." He choked back a sob as he tried to smile. He wiped the tears away and stood by his family.

Bulkhead looked up at his father after a moment and knew he needed time alone. He nodded once and led his siblings out of the room. They quietly closed the door as they waited outside.

Optimus didn't know how long he stood there, and he didn't care. He slowly stared at her face and saw how peaceful she looked. He gently held her hand and touched the side of her face. He smiled sadly as tears ran down his cheeks.

"I love you..." he whispered as he rested his forehead onto hers. His tears falling on her skin. He gently kissed her. She was so cold.

"Elita....." he said after a moment and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "I'm... scared." He admitted quietly and inhaled shakily, his tears continued to fall.

"How am I going to do this without you?" He whispered quietly and gently kissed her again. He didn't want to let her go. But he had to.

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