Chapter Forty

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After a few days passed, the doctors were impressed with the father's progress. Ratchet was constantly monitoring him and making sure everything was alright. One of the kids were always by his side to watch him. They were still worried about losing their father. Once the doctors were satisfied with his progress and recovery, they let him go home. He wasn't able to go to work for awhile, and Ratchet had to continue to monitor his recovery. They agreed to the terms, just wanting their father home. Optimus wanted to work and stop the cons, but he knew he had to recover. He just hoped he could in time.


The kids did everything they could to take care of their father and help him recover. The boys would tell him about things at work, without saying something that would make him want to go back right away. He needed time to recover.

One day after the two younger boys and Arcee went to work, there was a knock on the door. Bulkhead looked at his father with confusion. Optimus shrugged slightly as he read his book. His son chuckled softly and left from cleaning the kitchen to answer the door. He hesitated as he stood by it. He looked at his father and for some reason was afraid someone would try and hurt him.

Bulkhead opened the door hesitantly and sighed quietly as he saw it was only Cliffjumper. The young man smiled slightly as he looked at him.

"Hey is Optimus around?" He asked, though he seemed a little nervous. Bulkhead raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly as he let him in.

"Wheres Arcee?" He asked as he gave him a serious look. Cliff looked at him and smiled slightly.

"She's at work. I'm on my lunch break." He said and walked to the table. Bulkhead went back to cleaning. The father looked up as the man stood there.

"Do you want to sit down?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh... uh yes..." he mumbled and hesitantly sat across from him. "I... um... need to ask you something." He muttered as he stared at the table.

"Alright then." Optimus said as he set his book down and took off his glasses. "What do you need to ask me?" He muttered as he looked at him. The room was silent for a while as Cliffjumper scratched at the table absentmindedly.

Optimus watched the young man as he sat there and fiddled with his fingers. He wasn't sure what he was so nervous about. Unless...

"Why did you want to talk to me?" The father asked as he kept his expression blank. Cliffjumper looked up at him and smiled nervously.

"I... well... I'm not sure..." he stuttered. Cliff sighed quietly and hung his head as he clenched his fists. Optimus watched him for a few minutes and the young man looked at him again. He sat up straighter and had a serious look on his face.

"Optimus. I love your daughter and would do anything for her." He said and set a small box on the table. "I want to marry Arcee. Out of respect for you and her, I've come to ask for your permission." He said confidently.

The room fell silent and the two men stared at him blankly. Cliffjumper started to get uncomfortable but didn't show it. After a few minutes Optimus stood up with a serious almost threatening look. He walked around the table and stood by him. Cliffjumper didn't know what to do so he just kept eye contact. The father gripped his shoulder and kept his expression serious.

"It's about time." He said and smiled slightly. Cliffjumper looked at him with surprise and Bulkhead chuckled softly. The young man smiled and stood up as he shook his hand.

"Thanks. I was worried about... well you know." He muttered and smiled nervously.

"Dad's not the one you have to worry about." Bulkhead said as he gave him a serious look. Cliff nodded once in understanding and chuckled.


A few days passed and Cliffjumper had proposed to Arcee. She of course said yes and they started making plans for a wedding. They wanted to get married right away and decided to try for a month. They reassured their parents it would be a small wedding. Them and their families only, and Ratchet of course. Arcee was on her way out to go shopping for the dress. She was so excited and happy, which her brothers found weird at first. They were all home for the moment and spending time with each other.

"Love you dad!" Arcee said as she gave him a sideways hug and kissed his cheek.

Optimus smiled a little as he continued to cook. His daughter looked at him and furrowed her brow. She noticed something different about her father. He seemed... older... more tired. She knew he had seen a lot and been through so much. Was it catching up to him? She looked at the grey hairs that grew by his ear. She hesitantly touched a few.

"Are you.... doing okay?" She asked quietly. He stopped and looked at her as he furrowed his brow.

"I'm fine Arcee. Why do you ask?" He said slightly confused. She traced a wrinkle on his cheek as she frowned. She didn't like them there.

"No..... reason...." she muttered and walked off. He furrowed his brow and watched her before going back to cooking again.

Arcee walked outside where Bumblebee and Smokescreen were playing in a tree. Bulkhead chuckled as he watched them. She walked over as she thought. Bumblebee grinned as he hung upside down by his legs. Smokescreen was sitting higher up on another branch.

"Hey Cee!" Smokescreen said. "What's up?" He frowned a little as he saw her expression.

"Have any of you noticed..... something different.... about Dad?" She asked as she poked Bees stomach. He cringed and grabbed the branch so he didn't fall. He tried smacking her but she dodged.

"Um... no." Smokescreen said as he climbed higher.

"What are you referring to?" Bulkhead asked. "I mean.... he's lost weight." She frowned and realized this was true. There father had always been physically fit, but he had become skinnier lately.

"Has... he been stressed? Well I mean besides recovering." She said. Bumblebee rolled his eyes as he hung upside down. He folded his arms and scrunched his face.

*You really don't pay attention much, do you?* He signed. She glared at him as the others laughed quietly.

"Ya she's too busy kissing boys." Smokescreen teased. Arcee growled at him.

*Ooh! You're dead Smokey.* Bumblebee teased as he looked at him. His brother laughed and climbed higher.

"What's your point Arcee?" Bulkhead said, stopping her from killing the two boys.

"I just noticed..... that Dad looks...." she sighed and looked at her older brother. "Old..." she muttered. The boys were quiet. Bumblebee did a flip and landed on the ground.

*What do you mean?* He signed as he faced them. He looked confused and concerned. Smokescreen landed by him.

"Dad's fine.... I mean... he isn't old." He said.

"Have any of you noticed his hair is turning grey? That he's more tired?" She said as she looked at them sadly. They were quiet again.

"Now that you mention it..." Smokescreen mumbled as he thought.

"It's called life you guys." Bulkhead muttered as he folded his arms.

"I know that.... but you don't expect these things to actually happen." She said quietly.

"Ya especially Dad. I didn't think he would ever get.... old." Smokescreen said.

*It just..... doesn't seem... possible.* Bee signed as he frowned.

"Guys, he's still the same." Bulkhead muttered as he rolled his eyes and walked back inside. The other three gave each other concerned looks before quietly following.

They walked in and watched their father carefully. Bulkhead was talking to him and helping with dinner. Optimus chuckled quietly at something his son said. Bumblebee and Smokescreen looked at each other then Arcee. Their father did look older and more fragile in their eyes.


Later that night Ratchet came by the house. He was checking on Optimus and reminding him again that he needed to be careful. The kids had all gone off to do something or work. Ratchet sighed quietly and rubbed his face tiredly. The father knew there was something on his mind.

"What ails you Old Friend?" He asked quietly and looked at him.

"Nothing really." He muttered through his fingers. Optimus watched him quietly then pushed a plate of Oreos to him. Ratchet looked at him then smiled ever so slightly before taking one.

"There's more on your mind, and I can tell you want to talk about it." The father said seriously. The doctor was quiet for a few minutes as he ate. He looked at him after another moment.

"I found something that's in the early stages of medicine. They just came out with it, and the few tests have been, successful." He said seriously.

"Why are you telling me this?" Optimus asked as he furrowed his brow. Ratchet stared at the table and scratched a spot.

"This... experimental procedure... could benefit Bumblebee." He muttered as he looked at him. The room was silent for a few minutes.

"What do you mean?" Optimus asked as he watched him carefully. He was about to answer when Bumblebee walked in. He smiled nervously and grabbed a set of keys.

*Sorry I forgot you two were talking. I'll just leave.* he signed as he smiled and headed out. Ratchet thought for a moment and furrowed his brow.

"Wait." He said. Bumblebee stopped suddenly and looked at them. "We need to talk about something... with you." The doctor said as he gave him a serious look. The young man hesitated and slowly walked over.

*Did... I do something... wrong?* He signed as he watched them. The two men stared at him.

"Are you feeling guilty about something?" Optimus asked as he raised an eyebrow. Bee shook his head and stared at the doctor. The room was quiet again.

"Bumblebee..." Ratchet muttered and hesitated before looking at him. "There's an... experimental procedure that... has been test several times and been successful." He said seriously.

*Ya but you said experimental.* he signed as he gave him a skeptical look.

"What does it do?" Optimus asked quietly and stared at him.

"It repairs any damage done to the larynx. It takes a few treatments and depending on the injury, takes a little bit to fully repair." Ratchet said seriously.

*I... I don't... think I understand.* he signed as he stared at them and furrowed his brow.

"Bumblebee... we can repair your larynx and possibly give you a voice again." He said. Optimus blinked a couple times and stared at his son. The young man just stared into space as he realized he might be able to speak again.

"It's up to you." The father said and he looked at them. "You can do this if you want, and I'll support you either way." He said seriously. The young man just stared for a moment then looked at the doctor.

"What do you think Bumblebee?" Ratchet asked gently. "Do you want to try this and get your voice back?" He asked seriously.

The young man looked at both of them in turn and thought long and hard. He didn't know how he felt, being silent for so long. He looked at them as he went to answer, and hesitated.


Megatron growled angrily and punched the wall. Starscream stepped back nervously and looked to the exit. He had just informed him that the project malfunctioned and was beyond repair. The biggest problem was it was almost complete. Or was. Megatron yelled angrily in frustration and trashed the office. He was stressed enough and didn't need this right now. Starscream simply watched and didn't say anything. He'd done enough damage.

After a few minutes Megatron panted heavily with anger and stared out the window as he clenched his fists tightly. He calmed down a little and glanced at the man. He glared then looked to Soundwave.

"How long will it take for repairs and the device to be finished?" He asked as he thought. Soundwave estimated and typed on the computer.

"Is there a possibility for it to be done sooner?" He growled angrily. The man paused and typed some more. Megatron looked at the information and smiled wickedly.

"Three to four months is better than a year." Starscream muttered earning a glare from the other man.

"Inform Shockwave and the others of our plans." Megatron growled and Starscream got up to leave. "Send in Barricade. I have a job for him." He said as he smiled wickedly.

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