Chapter Forty Four

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Chief Burns got back to the station and furrowed his brow. He was trying not to think the worst case scenario, but was worried about his son. It was getting dark and he had told the other children to get home. He sighed forcefully and ignored the greetings he got. He had to find Chase and Barricade.

"Chief Burns... are you alright?" Chase asked as he walked towards him. He was talking to Optimus and Ultra Magnus about Ironhide. He'd disappeared mysteriously and they were talking about searching for him.

"What? Oh yes... actually no." The Chief said as he rubbed his face tiredly. "Chase did you happen to pick up Cody from school today? I know you do sometimes." He muttered.

"No I did not... was I supposed to?" The officer asked. The other man shook his head slowly and looked at the wall. Optimus recognized that look, he'd had it several times.

"Is everything alright?" Optimus asked quietly as he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No..." he admitted. "I can't find Cody anywhere. He isn't at school and one of the teachers said he was picked up by an officer. The number of the car is yours and Barricades." He said seriously as he looked at Chase. They all looked at him and he furrowed his brow in confusion.

"I promise I didn't take him anywhere." He said seriously and narrowed his eyes.

"Where is Barricade?" Ultra Magnus asked as he accused the officer. They all gave the young cop a serious look.

"I... honestly don't know.... he went on his lunch break and didn't come back." He said. "Since we were both at the office I didn't really think much of it..." he mumbled and glared as he realized something.

"And you didn't report this?" Magnus glared and folded his arms.

"I did... Chief Burns you have to believe that I would never harm Cody." He said seriously. "Barricade!" He yelled angrily. They all turned to look at the said cop.

"Relax Chase." He said as he smiled slightly. "I'm just taking a shift." He muttered and walked over. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Codys missing and the teachers said they saw your squad car there picking him up." Ultra Magnus said as he narrowed his eyes. Barricade stared at them blankly and got an idea. Blame everything on Chase.

"I was at the hospital. Someone in my family got hurt and I left a message with Jim to say I stepped out." He said seriously and gestured to the man.

"Jim?" Ultra Magnus asked as he raised an eyebrow. The officer walked over and handed him the note.

"I saw Chase leave and he was gone for a few hours." The man said and glared at the cop.

"I went on patrol with Jazz and Bumblebee. They asked for some advice and I gladly accepted." He said as he looked at them.

"But they're on patrol now." Barricade pointed out. "So... where's the boy? Why did you kidnap him?" He asked.

"I didn't." He said firmly and narrowed his eyes. "Everyone of you know that I would never hurt anyone." He said seriously.

"Chase. I'm afraid we're going to have to question you further." Magnus said seriously and led him away. Optimus furrowed his brow and glanced at Chief Burns. This wasn't adding up. Barricade kept a blank expression and walked away with Magnus. He was going to be questioned as well.

"Chief Burns. Will you accompany me down to the school?" Optimus asked and the man nodded once. He was a little out of it as he worried about his son.

They called the principal and had him gather the teachers back at the school. Once they got there Optimus and Chief Burns asked more questions and showed pictures of the two officers. They were there for about two hours before they found someone that actually saw the officer.

She said the man was friendly and had asked where Cody was. She didn't want to tell him but the boy came out and acted like he knew him. They showed her the pictures and she surprised them by pointing at Barricade. They thanked her and asked where the car had gone. She pointed down the road towards Kaon. Chief Burns clenched his fists tightly and went back to the car. Optimus followed and they rushed to the station.

Once there the chief demanded that the two officers be brought to them immediately. Ultra Magnus led a slightly depressed Chase to them, then went to find Barricade. Optimus walked over to the young cop and set a hand on his shoulder.

"We have proven your innocence and apologize for the accusation." He said seriously. Chase nodded slowly but didn't look up at him. Ultra Magnus came back with an annoyed look and glared at them.

"I can't find Barricade anywhere." He said as he looked around.

"That only proves he's guilty." Chase muttered and narrowed his eyes. He looked to Jim and walked over to him.

"Chase." Chief Burns said warningly and followed him. The other two followed close behind. The young cop wasn't happy and remembered a method his friend Heatwave used to get answers.

"Wheres Barricade?" He asked firmly and the cop looked at him as he carried a duffel bag.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He muttered and kept walking. Chase snapped. He grabbed the man by the shirt and shoved him against the wall.

"I don't have patience for this. A small boys life is hanging in the balance of this game you're playing." He said seriously. "If you don't help us find Barricade, and this boy dies, you'll be held responsible for withholding information." He said angrily. Ultra Magnus thought for a moment then looked at the others.

"I don't know. Honestly." Jim said and held out the duffel bag. "There's probably evidence in this. He handed it to me and said to burn it ." He muttered and Optimus took it. He carefully opened it and narrowed his eyes. He put on gloves and pulled out Barricades uniform. There was blood on it.

"If that's my boys blood..." the chief growled angrily and glared at the man.

"I don't know! Honestly!" He yelled. Magnus grabbed him and hauled him off to a holding cell. Optimus furrowed his brow and stared at the contents in the bag. Why would Barricade give Jim his bloody clothes?

"Chief Burns!" A young woman called as she ran to him. "Chief Burns, Optimus please. Have either of you heard from Ironhide?" She asked. The two men looked at each other then her.

"Chase." The chief said and looked at him. "Take that bag down to evidence and get to my office." He said seriously. He then led the woman and Optimus to a private room.

"How do you know Ironhide?" Burns asked quietly.

"He doesn't talk about me, does he?" She asked and smiled sadly. They shook their heads slowly. "He's so paranoid with his new assignment... whatever it is." She scoffed. "Though it's understandable."

"I'm sorry about that... my name is Chromia." She said. "He's my fiance." She muttered and showed them the ring. They stared at her for a moment then looked at each other.

"We... don't know where... he is... at the moment. He was headed back to the station and didn't show up." Optimus said seriously. She nodded slowly and stared at her hands.

"He texted me just before he left to come here. I think someone was following him because he didn't contact me for almost two months until last night." She said and fiddled with her fingers.

"What did he tell you?" The chief asked as he furrowed his brow. She frowned as she thought for a moment.

"Not much.... he said he was..." she trailed off as she rubbed her forehead. "Stuck in Tyger Pax.... don't know when I'll be back in time for dinner." She said and looked at them. They were both silent.

"Thank you Chromia." Optimus said seriously and moved to the door. "We'll inform you when we hear something from him." He muttered. She hesitated then nodded slowly before leaving. Optimus closed the door and glanced at the chief.

"He's in trouble then... they've caught him." Burns said and sat down. "Optimus we have to hurry before they kill him." He muttered and the father nodded slowly.

"Let me take care of that while you look for Cody." He said seriously and opened the door. The chief smiled sadly and walked out with him. A moment later Smokescreen ran over with Bumblebee.

"Dad, Ratchet's missing. He was late to an appointment and the hospital contacted us." Smokescreen said. "We tried calling him and stopped by his apartment. He isn't anywhere." He said as he looked at him with concern. They were quiet for a few minutes.

"Three people disappearing in one day, that can't be a coincidence." Burns said and glared.

"Because it is not. I fear this might be the work of Megatron. And one of our own is aiding him in capturing these individuals." Optimus muttered and looked at them. "If this is the case, each life is in grave danger." He said seriously.


Ratchet quietly worked and clenched his fists tightly as he paused again. He glanced at Shockwave and wondered if he could stop this. He didn't know how without getting the others in trouble. He had told them he wouldn't cooperate if either were harmed. Megatron reluctantly agreed but told him he would kill them if he didn't do it right.

Cody was constantly by the doctors side where he felt safe. He was currently hiding under the desk, and staying out of the way. Shockwave had been irritated with the idea of having a child near by. But Ratchet wouldn't work unless the boy stayed. He wanted to keep his promise he made to him, to protect him no matter what.

Cody remained silent and played with a few stray items the doctor handed him. Ratchet made sure he was always standing there so no one tried to harm him. He didn't know why he was going out of his way to protect the boy, but he was.

At one point he absolutely had to leave the desk and he didn't like the idea. Shockwave needed his assistance so we grudgingly went over. Starscream came in to check on them, then saw the boy. He smiled wickedly and noticed the doctor was distracted. He walked over and crouched by the desk.

"Hello there." He sneered and the boy whimpered quietly. "I won't hurt you. Much." The man smirked and grabbed the boys leg. He dragged him out from under the desk and Cody kicked him to try and get away.

"Thats not very nice." He muttered and smiled wickedly. Ratchet looked up as he heard them. Cody kicked the man hard in the face and he let go. The boy quickly scampered under the desk.

"Why you little brat!" Starscream yelled and yanked him out again. He raised his fist to strike the boy and Ratchet grabbed his arm. He glared and yanked the con to his feet then held his fist firmly.

"If you have to hit someone, you will hit me." Ratchet seethed through gritted teeth. "Is that understood?" He growled as he squeezed the man's fist.

"Ow! Yes!" He whined. The doctor shoved him away as he glared.

"Only cowards beat on children." He said seriously as he clenched his fists tightly.

"You would know." Starscream scoffed and smirked as he turned to leave. "But just so we're clear." He turned and punched him hard in the face. Ratchet grunted as he stumbled back, then felt the cut on his lip.

"There will be more of that if he broke my nose." He growled angrily and walked out of the room.

"At least it'll be an improvement." Ratchet muttered and went back to his station. The room was silent for a few minutes.

"Thank you....." Cody whispered quietly and hugged his leg tightly. The doctor smiled slightly and gently rubbed the boys head.

"You're welcome." He mumbled and let the boy hold on to him as he worked. He didn't mind taking hits for him. As long as he wasn't harmed. He furrowed his brow and thought of a way to get the boy out of there alive.

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