Chapter Forty Two

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Two months later.

The city slowly became tense as the days went by. Gang activities were the same as usual, but everyone felt there was something dire that was about to happen. The police department knew something was wrong, but they couldn't figure it out. They finally realized towards the end of the first month, that the leaders of the gang hadn't been active. It was as if the leaders of the Decepticons had completely disappeared.

Megatron yelled angrily and slammed his fists on the desk. He glared at the men in front of him and clenched his fists tightly. Starscream stepped back nervously and glanced at Knockout, who just stared at nothing in particular. He hadn't been the same since his brother died.

"What do you mean it's not finished?!" Megatron shouted. "Soundwave informed me that you would have it completed by now." He growled and turned to face the window. He thought about what had to be done to fix this.

"Perhaps Soundwave made a mistake." Starscream muttered and glanced at Knockout who just stared at him blankly.

"What did you say?" Megatron seethed angrily through gritted teeth and looked at them, Starscream laughed nervously.

"Soundwave is the only one I fully trust." He said seriously and walked over. Starscream tried to stand taller as the man towered over him.

"Are you questioning his abilities?" He growled angrily and stared down at him. Starscream glanced at Soundwave nervously as the man walked over.

"N-No... I was simply... no." Starscream muttered and stepped back again.

"Good." Megatron growled and stood up straighter. He looked at the silent man next to him. "Soundwave, I'm giving you a special mission so I know it gets done. Inform Barricade that you will be assisting him in the.... extraction." He said as he smiled wickedly. Soundwave nodded once and walked out of the room.

"Starscream." The man jumped and looked at him. "Make sure our little project doesn't have any more hiccups." He said seriously and narrowed his eyes. The thin man nodded hesitantly and bowed a little before stepping out of the room.

"As for you Knockout." He growled and the young man looked at him. "Find some locations where our project can make the most damage." He said seriously.

"Yes sir." The young man muttered and walked to the door.

"Oh and Knockout." He looked back at Megatron. "Don't fail and be a disappointment like your brother." He said seriously.

Knockout gripped the door tightly and his face twitched with anger. He didn't say a word and walked out of the room. He clenched his fists tightly and fought back tears of rage. His brother didn't deserve to die. Knockout swore if he ever saw Arachnid again, he'd kill her.


Optimus was reading a book as he cooked. He felt he had more purpose since he got back on the police force a month ago. Ratchet was doing something as he sat at the table. He was trying to build or fix something. No one really knew.

"Dad are you reading that book again?" Smokescreen asked as he walked in and helped him cook.

"Yes." He muttered without looking up from it. Bulkhead walked in and peeked at the title of the book.

"Narnia again?" He asked as he smiled brightly. Optimus glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.

"What's so special about that book?" Smokescreen asked as he cooked for him.

"We all have things we like Smokey." His older brother said. Ratchet walked in and grumbled something under his breath as he searched the drawers.

"Optimus do you have-" there was a sudden crash and they all looked at the table. Bulkhead was staring at something on the floor, eyes wide.

"Uh oh...." he mumbled and looked at them. "Oops... sorry." He said as he smiled nervously.

"Bulkhead! I needed that!" Ratchet snapped angrily as he glared. "The one time I decide to do something." He muttered and stared at his now broken project on the floor.

"I said I was sorry..." he mumbled and walked to the front door. They heard the knock this time. Ratchet grumbled to himself as he picked up the pieces. Bulkhead opened the door and Arcee smiled slightly.

"Am I allowed inside?" She asked as she folded her arms and smirked.

"No!" Smokescreen shouted from the kitchen. "You're not allowed in this house anymore!" He snickered and she rolled her eyes as she walked in. She saw Bumblebee laying on his chest, on the couch and she walked over with concern.

"Ah don't worry, he's fine. Had a long day at work and finally started the first... um... whatever the Doc called it. To fix his voice." Bulkhead muttered.

"Did it work?" She asked quietly as she brushed some hair out of his face. She smiled slightly at her baby brother.

"It's only been the first week." Ratchet mumbled as he walked in with his broken project. "This process will take time, especially since he hasn't used his larynx muscles in years. Not to mention medical procedures take time." He muttered as he tried to fix his device. She nodded slowly and walked over to her father.

"Hey dad... can I talk to you for a moment?" She asked quietly. He stopped reading and set his book down.

"Of course. What is the matter?" He asked as he furrowed his brow. She smiled slightly and grabbed his arm. She quietly led him outside where they could talk.

"Ooooh. It's secret." Smokescreen teased and set everything down so he could spy. Bulkhead grabbed his arm and pulled him back over. He gave his brother a stern and warning look.

"It stays private." He said seriously and Smokescreen huffed.

"You're no fun anymore." He mumbled and went back to cooking.

Optimus stared out at the fields and sat on the steps with her. He didn't want to force her into talking. She sighed quietly and fiddled with a little envelope.

"Is everything alright?" He asked quietly and looked at her with concern.

"What? Or yes of course. I just wanted to tell you something, but I don't know how." She said quietly and handed him the envelope. He hesitated and stared at her before looking at the paper.

He opened the envelope and furrowed his brow as he looked at a small picture. In the photo Cliffjumper was kissing Arcee's cheek and hugging her as she held tiny shoes. He turned the picture over and stared at the writing.

You're officially a Grandfather.

He blinked a couple times in surprise then looked at her. She smiled slightly and simply watched his reaction. He stared at the picture, then the writing, and finally her again. She laughed quietly and hugged his arm.

"This isn't a joke Dad. We found out last week." She said quietly and rested her head against his shoulder. He smiled a little and set the picture and envelope in his jacket pocket.

"How do you feel?" He asked quietly and put an arm around her.

"Scared... Excited... so many mixed emotions." She admitted. He chuckled softly and gently kissed her forehead.

"Thats normal." He whispered quietly and they were quiet for a moment. In all honesty he was thrilled to be a Grandfather. He was excited for them and knew the boys would be as well.

"Can you do something for me?" Arcee asked and gave him a serious look. He nodded hesitantly. "I want you to retire from the police force." She said seriously.

"Arcee... you know I can't-"

"Dad I want to make sure you're around for them. I know you want to stop Megatron and that's fine. Just promise me you'll retire afterwards." She said as she pleaded with her eyes. He stared at her blankly for a moment as he thought.

"Please. I want you to spoil the crap out of my kids. I know you will anyway, but still..." she trailed off and sighed quietly. They were quiet again for a while.

"Once Megatron is stopped. I promise." He whispered quietly and kissed her forehead. "I promise." He said again. He wanted his children to raise a family in a better place. A safer city.


The next day

Ratchet walked down the street as he rubbed his face tiredly. It had been a long day at the hospital and he decided he didn't like cars at the moment. He sighed quietly as he walked and figured he should probably head home. Eventually. He was distracted by a woman yelling across the street. The doctor looked in her direction and saw a young mother chasing her son as he ran out of the park. She was yelling at him to stop and come back. He was headed to the busy street.

"Stop running." Ratchet muttered. The boy was chasing a ball and the doctors eyes widened as he watched it bounce into the street. The boy wasn't stopping. Ratchet found himself running into the busy street and dodging cars as they honked at him.

"Jack!" The woman screamed as her son ran into the street and bent down to get the ball.

Ratchet ran faster and saw a truck headed towards the boy. He had no idea what he was thinking. The doctor ran and picked up the boy without stopping. The truck honked at him angrily and he held the boy close as he dove out of the way. He squeezed his eyes shut as he held the boy tightly and slid along the grass.

He laid there for a moment while he panted heavily. He opened his eyes slowly and looked down at the boy in his arms. Ratchet jumped as someone touched his shoulder. He looked up to see the mother kneeling by him, and carefully handed the boy to her.

"Thank you..." she sobbed as she held her boy tightly and rocked a little. Ratchet slowly sat up as his breathing calmed down. He watched her for a moment then moved to get up.

"Wait." She said and gripped his sleeve. He looked at her as he crouched. "Whats your name?" She asked. The boy looked up at him as he held on to his mother. The doctor didn't respond as he looked at them for a few minutes.

"My name is June Darby." She said as she held out a hand. He stared at it before hesitantly taking it.

"Ratchet." He muttered as he shook her hand. She let go and smiled as she hugged her boy tightly.

"Thank you.... Ratchet." She whispered as she buried her face in the boys hair. The doctor simply nodded once and brushed himself off before walking away.

The doctor continued to head towards his apartment. He smiled slightly as he thought about what he just did. He was glad he had saved that boy and didn't have to see him at the hospital. He heard a car drive behind him. He ignored it and continued walking but stopped as the car blared it's siren and flashed it lights. He furrowed his brow and looked at the police car. He waited as a man stepped out and walked to him.

"Ratchet?" The cop asked. The doctor furrowed his brow in confusion and nodded once. "I have to ask that you come with me." He said seriously.

"Have I done something wrong..." he trailed off as he read his badge. "Officer Barricade?" He asked. The man took out some handcuffs.

"No. Not necessarily." He said as he smiled wickedly. Ratchet glared and turned to walk off when another man blocked his path.

"I haven't done anything wrong." He growled angrily.

"We know. But Megatron requires your assistance." Barricade sneered and the other man pulled out a taser. Ratchet's eyes widened, but before he could do anything the silent man pressed the taser into his side and electrocuted him.

"Just come quietly and we won't hurt you. Much." The cop smirked as the doctor tensed. Soundwave held the taser in place for a moment then let go. Ratchet collapsed to the sidewalk and groaned weakly. Barricade cuffed him and put him in the back seat. They got in and started driving away towards the hideout.

"I... won't.... ugh... help..." Ratchet rasped weakly as he faded. He fell over across the back seat and groaned weakly as he tried to get back up.

"You don't have a choice." Barricade said seriously before the medic blacked out.

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