Chapter Nineteen

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The Decepticons had gone quiet and it put the city on edge. They knew something was going to happen, but they didn't know what. The police station was trying to figure out what the cons were planning. Ironhide was still undercover but couldn't get any information. The leaders of the cons weren't sharing information with anyone.

Optimus and Ultra Magnus got a call to check on some activity down town. They got down there to find some gang members vandalizing buildings, and smashing windows to cars.

"Hardly seems worth our time." Magnus muttered slightly annoyed it wasn't something bigger. Optimus gave him a look and they got out as other cops pulled up to help. They quickly rounded up the young men and cuffed them. Some tried to fight or get free as they put them in the squad cars.

"Hey! Hey you!" One man yelled. The cop told him to be quiet as he pushed him to the car. Optimus and Ultra Magnus glanced at the man, as they put someone in the back of theirs.

"Ya you!" He said as he looked at the father. The cop told him to be quiet as he struggled.

"Your home is nice, and your kids are sweet." He taunted. "I'd hate to see them get hurt." Optimus narrowed his eyes and lunged at him. Magnus and another officer held him back.

"No don't. He's just trying to make you mad." His friend said quietly. Optimus clenched his fists as he regained his composure. The gang member grinned wickedly.

"Your wife was good looking. Did you know she cried your name before she died?" He smiled wickedly. Optimus yelled angrily as tears stung his eyes. He tried to punch the punk but the others held him back. The man laughed maniacally as they took him away. The father continued to struggle to get at the man.

"Optimus stop!" One of the officers said as he struggled to hold him back. The father started to calm down as the car disappeared. The officers slowly and hesitantly let go.

Optimus shrugged them off and glared at the ground. The officers left to get the other gang members back to the station. Ultra Magnus hesitantly set a hand on his shoulder. He didn't respond as he clenched his fists tighter. After a few minutes, he sighed forcefully and relaxed.

"Optimus, w-" they heard a crash and looked down the alley. They had somehow missed three gang members.

There were a few officers still around and they quickly went over to haul them in. They recognized one man as Soundwave. The silent man didn't fight them while the others struggled. It was almost like he wanted to get caught. Optimus and Magnus followed one of the men that ducked around a corner. They aimed their guns as they rounded the corner but didn't see him.

The two officers glanced at each other and cautiously walked forward. The man came out of hiding and swung a beer bottle at Optimus' head. He grunted and stumbled as it hit him and broke. The man punched him and started beating him. Ultra Magnus shot the man with a taser and he went down. Two other officers came and quickly cuffed him.

"Optimus, are you okay?" Magnus asked as he knelt by him. The father nodded and winced as they helped him up. He leaned against the wall as his friend looked at the cut on his head.

"I'm fine." He muttered and shrugged him off. Though he knew he wasn't and felt dizzy.

"We got this." An officer said. "Get him to the hospital." He muttered. Optimus staggered a little as Magnus helped him. The father was quiet as he was taken to the hospital. It was not a good day.


The kids were at home as they waited for their dad. Bulkhead kept them occupied as he watched the clock. He didn't want to worry but his dad was almost three hours late. He decided to step it up and get dinner ready. He heard the door bell ring and Smokescreen said he would get it. He looked up last second, figuring it would be a bad idea since their dad wasn't home. But it was too late.

"Where's your father?" Mrs Johnson asked as Smokescreen opened the door.

"He isn't home yet." The boy smiled. "Bulkheads here, he's making lunch." He looked over his shoulder as Bumblebee walked up and smiled. The house was a mess again and the children were muddy.

"Alright..... I'll be back." She said and walked off in a huff.

"Okay byyyyyeeee!" He called then shut the door.

"Bye." Mrs Johnson muttered as she glared and stomped to her house.

Their father was too irresponsible, leaving them home alone while he ran off to bars. She walked back home and slammed the door. Those children needed someone more knowledgeable and responsible to raise them. She picked up a phone and called a number. The person answered after a few minutes.

"Hello, this is Mrs Johnson. Get me through to social services." She looked back out the window, and glared at the house across the street. She was going to put a stop to this neglect.

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