Chapter Sixteen

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The next day after he got home, he worked on dinner and ignored the messy house for the time being. Ratchet had offered to watch the kids while his friend was at work. Unfortunately he had a hard time keeping the house clean.

Currently the doctor sat with Bumblebee at the table, and tried to teach him American sign language. He had a few books in front of them to follow as he taught. They figured that was the best way to help him communicate.

The boy watched him and frowned a little before trying to follow along. After a few minutes he grinned at his Uncle as he understood some of it. Ratchet smiled a little as they learned together. After dinner the kids wandered off to go play. Smokescreen came back and handed Ratchet a broken toy. The doctor raised an eyebrow at the shirtless boy before working on it. The boy watched intently, he looked up as the door bell rang.

"I'll get it! I'll get it! I'll get it!" The boy yelled as he ran to it.

"Smokescreen, put a shirt on first." Optimus called as he washed dishes. He heard the door open and sighed quietly as he smiled a little.

"Hello. Is your father home?" He heard a woman say. Smokescreen mumbled an answer and Optimus looked towards the door. He furrowed his brow, his son wasn't normally shy around people.

"Can I come in?" The woman asked sternly.

"I don't know...." he heard his son whisper.

"Well go find out." She said slightly annoyed. He heard his son walk back to the kitchen.

"Dad..." Smokescreen whispered as he stopped by him. Optimus looked to the door then at his son. "There's a scary lady here to see you..." he said quietly as he glanced over his shoulder. Optimus rubbed his head and walked to the door. He saw the woman and frowned a little as his son hid behind him. She was a social worker.

"Can I come in?" She asked again. He simply nodded once. She closed the door behind her and looked at the home critically as they went back to the kitchen. She glanced at the shirtless boy again and raised an eyebrow. He whimpered quietly as he hid behind his father.

"You're awful skinny for your age." She muttered. Optimus frowned and looked at his son. Smokescreen hid his face in his father's jacket.

"He's an active boy." Optimus said seriously as he put an arm around him protectively. She put her hands on her knees and narrowed her eyes as she looked at the boy.

"Why don't you get going?" She said harshly. Optimus glared at her. Smokescreen whimpered again and tightened his grip.

"Don't talk to my son that way." He said firmly. Ratchet glared at the woman, he didn't like her.

"We need to talk." She muttered. She folded her arms and narrowed her eyes. Optimus just glared at her for a moment. He looked down at his son and his face softened.

"Don't worry. It'll be okay." He whispered gently. Smokescreen looked up at him and nodded. He hesitantly let go and took off. Optimus walked back to the sink as he ignored the woman for a minute.

"Why are you here?" He asked as he busied himself.

"One of your neighbors called. They're concerned about your children." She replied as she sat on a stool by the kitchen island.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my family." He said his back to her as he washed. She folded her arms and sat straighter. She watched him for a moment as she frowned, and set a file on the counter.

"Do you actually love your children?" She asked. He stopped and glared at her over his shoulder. Ratchet looked up from the table and narrowed his eyes. The father was tired of people telling him he wasn't fit to raise his kids, or that they would be better off with someone else.

"What kind of question is that?" Optimus asked angrily. He turned around and glared at her.

"If I didn't love my children..." he said seriously as he tried to keep his anger in. "I wouldn't be fighting for them." He narrowed his eyes as she tried to stare him down. She looked away after a moment, Ratchet scoffed quietly as he went back to repairing the toy.

"Well you may fight for them, but that doesn't mean they're safe with you." She huffed as she looked through her papers.

"I would never harm my children." He said as he glared.

"Yes well. Considering recent events, your wife and son for example, they may not be just fine with you. That's if they live long enough." She taunted. Ratchet slammed his hands on the table and stood up abruptly. She jumped at the sudden noise.

"That's uncalled for!!" He yelled as he glared at her.

"It's the truth!" She shot back angrily. She looked back at Optimus. "Your son almost died in the hospital. How long before another child is put in the same position? Are you going to just stand by and watch that happen again?" She said as she glared. The father grit his teeth and clenched his fists as he felt his anger rise inside him.

"Get out." He said sternly as he glared at her.

"I haven't finished evaluating the situation." She said hesitantly.

"Get. Out!" He said voice rising. She grabbed her things and headed to the door. Optimus yanked it open and glared at her.

"This isn't over." She said trying to sound as though she was in charge. She stepped out of the house.

"Yes it is." He said seriously as he glared, he then slammed the door behind her.

Ratchet was quiet as his friend walked back into the room, and sat at the end of the table. He buried his head in his hands and sighed forcefully. The doctor sat down again but didn't say anything as he watched his friend. The room was quiet for a few minutes before Optimus looked at him.

"Don't listen to that horrible woman." The doctor growled angrily. His friend only stared at him for a moment before looking at the table.

"They can't stay here...." he muttered. Ratchet shook his head slightly not exactly sure what he meant. Optimus looked at him then at the house. He thought for a moment and glanced at his friend again.

"Ratchet... the city is becoming too dangerous for my family. Megatron knows where I live, and has proven he won't hesitate to...." he stopped as he choked back tears and stared at the table. The doctor gripped his shoulder and waited for him to finish. He was quiet for a few minutes as he tried to regain his composure.

"I'm going to take my family away from here." He finally said then looked up again. Ratchet nodded slowly and thought for a moment.

"I'll go with you." The doctor mumbled.

"I can't ask you to do that Old Friend." Optimus said simply. The other man stared at him seriously.

"You're the only family I have." Ratchet muttered. Optimus smiled slightly and gripped his friends shoulder.

He realized the house was silent and looked towards the hall. The kids were peeking out from behind the wall. Bumblebee was crying silently and Smokescreen was trying not to. Bulkheads expression was blank and Arcee looked at the floor. Optimus furrowed his brow and motioned for them to come in. The two younger boys ran over and hugged him tightly as they cried. The father looked at the other two and Arcee hugged him.

"What did you hear?" Ratchet asked quietly as he looked at the oldest. The boy looked at the floor.

"Enough..." Bulkhead whispered. Optimus stared at him for a moment then pulled him into a hug.

"I promised mom I wouldn't let anyone take us from you." The boy whispered as he chocked back a sob. He buried his head as he cried quietly. Optimus sat there as he held his children, he buried his head and hugged them tighter.

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