Chapter Thirty Seven

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Knockout stared at a small store as he watched people go in and come out. He furrowed his brow as he recognized one man. Breakdown walked over and watched as his brother smiled wickedly.

"What are you thinking?" He asked as he followed his gaze.

"You know how people don't take us seriously?" Knockout asked as he smirked. Breakdown nodded hesitantly. "I think I found a solution." He sneered and walked across the street. They approached a man who was crouched by a small boy. The man was handing the boy his ice cream, because he had dropped his.

"It's okay." He muttered and smiled crookedly. "I've got another one." The boy smiled and thanked him before running off. Breakdown raised an eyebrow and looked at his brother.

"This guy is the solution to our problems?" He asked as he gestured to the man.

"Just wait." Knockout said as he approached the man. "Hello friend." He purred. The man looked up at him and his face became dark. He stood up and towered over them.

"Since when have we ever been friends." He growled as he clenched his fists tightly. Knockout hesitated and took a step back. Breakdown stood behind him so he didn't get far.

"Now listen Grimlock.... I didn't mean all those things I said about you." He stuttered as he smiled nervously. The man narrowed his eyes and glared.

"You called me an idiot several times." He said angrily. "Other things too that weren't so nice." He seethed as he poked the smaller mans chest. Knockout paled a little and glanced around. Why did he have to remember that now?

"Easy there Grimlock." Breakdown muttered and looked at him. "We only wanted to help you... get a job." He said as he smiled slightly.

"Y-yes and we're doing this because we're your friends." Knockout stuttered. Grimlock furrowed his brow in confusion and stood up straighter.

"What do you mean... a job?" He muttered as he looked at them.

"You know... get paid." Knockout scoffed quietly and rolled his eyes.

"Doing what? And why would you help me?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes. Knockout paled again and tried to find a good answer.

"Smashing stuff." Breakdown smirked and watched as the man's eyes lit up. "And like my brother said. We're your friends." He said. Grimlock stared at them for a moment then punched his hand.

"When do I start?" He asked as he grinned crookedly. The other two men looked at each other and smiled wickedly.

They motioned for him to follow and led him down the street. He would stop occasionally to look at something or simply get distracted. Knockout bit his tongue so he didn't insult the man. They soon came to their destination and Breakdown handed his brother a baseball bat. Knockout twirled it and smirked.

"Alright Grimmy boy." He sneered. "We want you to take this bat and smash the car." He said as he motioned to it. Grimlock furrowed his brow and looked at them.

"How is this going to get us paid?" He asked as he looked at them.

"You can trust us, right? Besides the person who owns this car is a bad man, and he did something wrong." He said and smashed a window. "You wouldn't want him to hurt innocent people, would you?" He asked and handed him the bat. Grimlock hesitated as he looked at them, after a moment he took the bat. This didn't feel right.

"Well... if it's to... help my friends." He muttered and swung the bat as hard as he could. Knockout smiled wickedly as he stood by his brother. When Grimlock was done, he looked at them.

"Congratulations! You're an honorary Decepticon! You have tons of friends now." He said as he smiled wickedly. "Now go smash that car." He sneered. Grimlock didn't feel right about this, but went across the street to smash another car. At least he had friends now.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Breakdown asked quietly as he watched.

"Of course it is." Knockout scoffed. "We can get that idiot to do anything as long as he thinks he's helping his friends." He sneered.

"You can't make him a Decepticon though." He muttered as he watched the man.

"You and I know that, but he doesn't. Like I said he's an idiot." Knockout scoffed and watched as the man slowly walked back over to them.

"I don't know... if this is such a good idea." Grimlock muttered. Knockout scoffed quietly and handed him some cash. He stared at it for a moment then took it.

"We'll call on you again friend. Oh and if anyone asks, you have no idea what happened here." He smirked before walking away. Grimlock stared at the bat and the money. At least he had a job and friends. He quietly walked away as sirens filled the air.

For the next week Knockout and Breakdown would call on him to help them out with a job. At first Grimlock figured this is what you had to do to keep your friends. He hadn't ever had any, so he didn't know. The two cons would have him smash cars of people they didn't like, or destroy a shop that owed them money. As the days progressed, Grimlock noticed people on the street were afraid of him. He didn't understand why. He was always nice to them. One day Knockout and Breakdown asked him to do another job. He followed them and stopped at yet another car.

"Alright Grimmy boy, smash away." Knockout sneered as he stood back. Grimlock stared at the bat then looked at the car.

"I don't want to." He muttered and looked at them. "I don't see the point of this. Besides I don't like that the people are afraid of me now." He admitted. They just stared at him for a moment.

"But we're your friends. We wouldn't ask you to do anything that would harm us... or you." Knockout said as he smirked. "I'll tell you what. If you smash this car, we'll go meet our other... friends and introduce you." He smirked. Grimlock smiled weakly but still wasn't sure.

He shrugged slightly and started smashing the car. He suddenly heard the blare of a siren and looked up to see a cop car pull up. The officers got out and he furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Step away from the car and drop the bat." One said. He did as he was told.

"What are you doing anyway?" The other asked as he glared and gestured to the car.

"I was helping my..." he looked behind him only to see the empty sidewalk. He looked around but didn't see anyone. "Friends...." he mumbled as he looked at the ground. He hung his head and just stood there.

He didn't fight them as they hand cuffed him and sat him on the cement for a moment. Another cop car pulled up and Bumblebee stepped out. He and Jazz spoke to the other two for a few minutes. Bumblebee furrowed his brow and looked at the man sitting on the ground. He hadn't moved. The young officers felt he knew the man and walked over quietly.

He crouched by him and the man looked up after a moment. Bumblebee knew him. They had sort of been friends while in school but hadn't seen each other after Grimlock got suspended for fighting. He just never went back. Bee took out a pen and paper and wrote something down.

Grimlock... what are you doing out here? Bee frowned a little. The man just looked at the ground again after reading it. Bumblebee set a hand on his shoulder and smiled, trying to comfort him.

"I.... was helping my..." he trailed off as he thought. "Knockout and Breakdown said they had a job for me... so I helped them." He admitted.

Bumblebee narrowed his eyes as he listened to him. He realized the two cons had taken advantage of the man. He knew Grimlock was a good person, when people weren't manipulating him. The man looked at him again.

"I'm never going to... belong somewhere... am I?" He muttered as he looked around. He had always felt out of place in school and pretty much everywhere else. He was taller and stronger than most people, and wasn't the smartest person, but he didn't think that mattered. Maybe he was wrong.

Grim... you do belong here. Don't listen to what they said or tell you. Get out of this mess before you can't. He smiled slightly. The officer patted his back then stood up and walked away.

"Bee..." he stopped and looked back at the man. "Are... you... my friend?" Grimlock asked quietly as he looked at him.

Bumblebee stared at him for a few minutes as he thought about the question. He smiled slightly and nodded once. Grimlock looked at him for a moment then smiled. 

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