Chapter Twenty Six

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The next morning.

Bumblebee stared at the scar through the mirror and traced it with his finger. There was a soft knock on the door and Optimus opened it. Bee zipped his jacket up and covered the scar. His father noticed and looked at him for a moment.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked. The boy shook his head and looked at his lap. Optimus sat down next to him.

*I don't want to go to school.* He signed without looking up. His father knew why and set a hand on his back.

"Bumblebee... this is in a way, a new school." He said gently. "I don't want you to be afraid to go." He muttered. His son looked at him for a few minutes and then rested his head on his shoulder.

*I don't want them to make fun of me again.* he signed then dropped his hands. Optimus sighed forcefully and kissed his head. *No one understands me.... only you seem to.* he sighed quietly and felt his scar. His father gently took his hand and pulled it away. He sat him up and looked at him.

"Bumblebee." He said gently yet seriously. "You're not what they call you." His son looked down and Optimus lift his head again. "You're not a freak, or an idiot." He said seriously as he looked at him.

*Then why do they pick on me? If I'm not a freak or an idiot, what am I?* He signed as he glared. Optimus gently gripped his shoulders and stared straight into his eyes.

"You're my son." He said seriously. "And those kids have no idea how amazing you are." He whispered. Bumblebee stared at him for a few minutes, then hugged him tightly.

*Thanks Dad.* he signed as he grinned happily. The father smiled slightly, happy to see his son smile again. He ruffled his hair and got up to leave. He stopped at the door and looked back at him. He stared at his son for a few minutes.

"Be brave Bumblebee." He said gently and walked out of the room. His son smiled and finished getting ready.


Later that day after the father got home, the kids went outside to explore. Ratchet had come over for a moment and went downstairs for a second to find something. Bumblebee was sitting at the table doing homework and practicing sign language. His father smiled slightly as he made dinner.

"Dad!!" Arcee screamed. Optimus looked up and felt his heart skip a beat. "DAD!!" She screamed louder. He ran out the door and saw her standing in the yard. She had tear stains on her face.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked quickly as he gripped her shoulders.

"Somethings wrong with Smokescreen." She sobbed as she pointed. Optimus saw Bulkhead kneeling over his brother as he lay in the grass. The younger boy was gripping the grass and seemed to be in pain. Optimus ran over and knelt by his sons.

"He started gasping and just fell over." Bulkhead said as tears ran down his face.

"Get Ratchet." He ordered. The oldest son nodded and took off to find the doctor. Arcee walked over and covered her mouth as she watched. The younger boy seemed to be struggling to breath and his eyes were wide with fear.

"Smokescreen, calm down." His father said firmly. The boy tried gasping again as he lay on the ground and looked at his father eyes wide. He felt himself panicking and his body tensed. Optimus carefully picked him up and held him. His chest rose up and down quickly as his body tried to get air.

"Calm down." He said gently though inside he was panicking himself. "Breath with me." He said and his son tried gasping again.

The father shook his head and exhaled softly. Smokescreen gripped his shirt tightly and squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to breath. Optimus held onto him and continued to breath with control. Tears ran down the boy's face as he tried to do the same, he kicked slowly as he tried to fight the pain. Smokescreens knuckles turned white as he gripped his father's jacket, his movements slowed and Optimus rocked a little as he tried to calm them both. Arcee cried quietly as she watched, slightly afraid she would lose her brother.

"Come on Smokescreen, you can do it." His father whispered softly.

The boy kept his eyes closed as he breathed shakily, he continued to grip his father's jacket. Optimus heard running and Bulkhead knelt by him. Ratchet sat on his other side and quickly checked the boys pulse. He put on his stethoscope and listened as the boy breathed shakily. Optimus looked at his friend with concern but kept silent as he held his son tightly. He continued to breath with control hoping his son could feel it and try to breath normally. He had to stay calm. Ratchet put the instrument back around his neck and searched his pocket for something.

"Bring him in the house." The doctor said as he got up and ran back in. Optimus carefully stood up and walked quickly into the house.

"It's alright." He whispered as the boy went tense again. Bulkhead and Arcee followed close behind. Bumblebee looked up as they entered and watched his father sit down on the couch. He got off the chair and ran over looking at his brother with concern. The kids crowded around as their father breathed with Smokescreen trying to get him to follow.

"Stand aside." Ratchet said as he came back into the room. The kids stood back as they watched. He read a bottle that had medication in it and filled a syringe. The doctor crouched down and carefully gave Smokescreen the shot. A few seconds later he started to relax and breath easier. Optimus sighed in relief and hugged the boy closer.

"Thank you..." he whispered. Ratchet simply nodded once and smiled a little. Smokescreens breathing was still a little ragged but he wasn't struggling anymore. He didn't let go of his father's shirt, he was terrified of what had happened and didn't want to let go.

"Optimus, you need to get him some medication." Ratchet said quietly. "He has asthma." The father simply nodded as he hugged the boy and listened to his breathing.

"Uncle Ratchet....." Arcee whispered. He looked over at her. "Is he going to...." she trailed off and looked at the floor.

"No, he's going to be okay." The doctor said as he gently gripped her shoulder.

She hugged him around the neck and cried. The other two hugged him as well and he sat there in surprise for a few minutes. Optimus smiled a little and looked at the boy in his arms. His son was pale and wheezing as his body relaxed a little more. The father gently brushed some hair out of his face. Smokescreen opened his eyes and looked up at him, the boy gripped his shirt a little tighter.

"It's alright." He whispered. "I've got you." Smokescreen smiled weakly and closed his eyes again. He was so tired. Optimus gently brushed his hair to one side and kissed his forehead. "I've got you." He whispered again.

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