Chapter Two

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After dinner Optimus was more awake and offered to do dishes as she put the kids to bed. He thought about the days events as he focused on his task. He heard the door open and he quietly walked to the room. He peered around the corner and saw Bulkhead quietly closing the door.

The boy carefully took his muddy shoes off and gently set them down. He smiled to himself and snuck to the other room. The boy froze when he saw his dad leaning against the door frame arms folded. Optimus raised an eyebrow in question.

"Uh.... hey dad." He said smiling nervously. His father looked at his muddy clothes and hair, then at the clock. The boy followed his gaze and hung his head.

"I know it's late.... Wheeljack and I were wrestling in the mud after he blew up a few toys." Bulkhead said as he stared at his toes.

"Did you win?" Optimus asked. Bulkhead smiled up at him and stood up straighter.

"I did this time." He grinned. His father smiled a little.

"Go clean up then get to bed." He smiled as he ruffled his muddy hair. Bulkhead grinned again and ran to his room.

Optimus cleaned up the muddy trail and went back to washing. A few minutes later, Elita wrapped her arms around his waist as she hugged him from behind. She watched him for a moment as she listened to the quiet house. She thought she heard the two younger ones giggling.

"How was your day?" She asked quietly. He tensed a little at her question.

Optimus was part of the police force. He had worked hard on keeping the gangs and ruffians off the streets. The chief had expressed concern that a mafia was forming, but they couldn't verify the rumors.

"Megatron..... walked out." He said slowly. She furrowed her brow and moved where she could see him better.

"What?" She asked in disbelief. Megatron had been his partner for several years or more. He had become a close friend to the family, and always told the kids stories. Optimus shrugged a little, unsure how to answer. They were quiet for a moment.

"He's threatened to leave before. I'm sure he'll be back in the morning." Optimus said as he smiled a little. His friends behavior sometimes reminded him of when a child didn't get their way.

"Are you able to tell me what happened?" Elita asked as she searched his face. He was quiet for a moment as he washed dishes absent mindedly.

"Ultra Magnus confronted him today and accused him of being a corrupt officer." He said quietly. She furrowed her brow and looked down as the room went silent.

"What did the chief say?" She asked. Optimus looked at her for a moment.

"He's looking into it." He muttered before looking down.

"You don't believe he's guilty though." Elita said as she looked at him. She knew this was hard for him. They had helped each other out of tough situations through the years. He shook his head slowly.

"I don't know.... I want to believe he's innocent, but I also know Ultra Magnus doesn't accuse anyone without proof." He said quietly. The room was silent again and she gave him a sideways hug. He turned so he could hug her back.

"Don't let this get you down." She said. "Like you said... he'll be back in the morning." She muttered. He held her for a moment as he thought, then she let go and kissed him before walking off.

Optimus smiled and decided to check on the children before going to bed. He peeked into Bulkheads room and saw the boy sprawled out on the bed in his pajamas. His light was still on and his muddy clothes were scattered on the floor. Optimus smiled a little and crouched by the bed. He set a hand on his mud covered head, and brushed some away with his thumb. He smiled a little more and kissed his forehead before quietly leaving the room, making sure to turn off the light.

The father quietly entered his daughters room and sat on the edge of the bed. He brushed some hair out of her face and she smiled in her sleep. He smiled a little and gently kissed her on the head. She stired but didn't wake. He silently left the room and closed the door.

Optimus listened at the door of the two youngest to see if they were still awake. It was quiet and he gently opened the door. He chuckled a little at the scene. Their light was on and their toys were set up in two straight rows like an army. Each boy had a toy sword in his hand, and they slept soundly curled up on the floor. He carefully stepped over Smokescreen who was by the door, and crouched down next to him.

Optimus gently and carefully picked him up and cradled him in his arms. He smiled slightly as the toy sword fell from the little boys hand. He stepped over toys and carefully set his son in his bed. Smokescreen stired as his father tucked him into bed. Optimus rubbed his head and smiled a little. He kissed his forehead and the boy smiled in his sleep.

The father then crouched down and picked up the youngest. The little boy sleepily opened his eyes as his father stood up. He looked up at him and smiled before falling asleep again. Optimus tucked him in and kissed his forehead. He stood up and turned the light off before closing the door. After a moment of listening to the silent home, he retired to bed.


Optimus felt a little hand touch his arm. He furrowed his brow but didn't open his eyes, he needed to sleep. The little hand touched him again and patted his cheek. He sighed inwardly and tried to ignore the person.

"Daddy..." a little voice said. He heard the fear and sadness in the tone. He opened an eye and saw two big blue ones staring up at him. The father furrowed his brow as he saw the little tear stains on his sons face. He rubbed his face tiredly and looked at the little boy.

"What is it Bumblebee?" He whispered softly trying not to wake his wife. The son rubbed his eyes and held his teddy bear tightly.

"There's something under my bed." He sniffed. "I'm scared." He started to sob. Optimus knelt by his son as he tried to calm him.

"Shhhh..... it's alright." He whispered as he hugged him.

Bumblebee wrapped his arms around his neck and cried quietly. His father rocked him as he went to the living room. His son seemed to be scared of a lot of things, especially at night. Perhaps it was the fact that he was so small for his age. He held him until he calmed down and fell asleep again. Optimus put him back in his room and smiled as he rubbed his head. He walked back out and thought for a moment before returning to bed.

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