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Meggy turned to Jasmine.

Meggy: "Sorry-."

Yistina: "She's looking for her best friend. She disappeared like fifteen years ago-."

Meggy: "Yisty!"

Yistina: "Wha-. . . Oh yeah."

Tanisha rolled her eyes.

Tanisha: "Think they sell filters for Yistinas?"

Yistina: "Heeeeeey!"

Yistina crossed her arms.

Meggy: "Sorry again."

Meggy apologized to Jasmine and Akane. Akane raised an eyebrow, thinking for a moment about Emery. Jasmine nodded slowly.

Jasmine: "I'm . . . sure she has plenty of things on her mind. Mistakes happen."

Meggy: "I guess . . ."

Meggy agreed, though she looked nervous about something. Jasmine bit her lower lip lightly.

Jasmine: "So . . . I um . . . I don't know."

She couldn't imagine what else to say in the awkward situation. Mistaken identity was never a fun thing, that was for sure . . .

Meggy: "I think we should head back to the hotel . . . Since we're done."

The girls mumbled their agreements.

Meggy: "See you."

Meggy waved to Jasmine as they walked off. Akane turned to Jasmine, duty taking charge.

Akane: "Are you okay Ms. Brookes?"

Jasmine: "That blue . . ."

She was entranced for a short moment, mind locked on that peculiar shade . . . but she shook her head lightly, chasing those thoughts away.

Jasmine: "Fairytales don't exist. I need to stop getting spooked."

But she still refused to look at him, crossing her arms uncomfortably. She didn't want him to know how traitorous her mind was at the moment.

Akane: "Are you positive?"

He asked firmly, concerned deeply for her. Jasmine nodded slowly.

Jasmine: "I'm . . . I'm fine, Akane. Thank you . . ."

She took a deep breath, glancing over at Angel, knowing instantly from the look on the blonde woman's face that another blue envelope was waiting with bittersweet words inscribed on the paper inside.

Jasmine: "I . . . should go."

Akane: "I will come with you."

He stated firmly. Recently he'd been getting a bad feeling about leaving Jasmine alone, and decided to stay beside her and make sure nothing posed as a threat. Jasmine sighed, already walking over to Angela. She didn't want anyone else to know about these letters, especially Akane. She didn't think he'd take it well considering everything else that had happened.

Jasmine: "Really, Akane. It's fine. I can handle it."

Akane: "I insist."

He placed a hand on Jasmine's shoulder, but as he did there was a laugh in his mind. 'Soundwave! Fer gosh darn sakes yer make'n meh blush!' He pulled away quickly, briefly rubbing his temples. Jasmine took the instance to rush to Angela, slipping the blue envelope into her waistband, concealing it with her shirt. She didn't want Akane to know. She didn't know if he'd . . . understand, per se. But his keen eyes caught it, and he raised an eyebrow again, but remained quiet. She bit her lip, wondering if he'd seen . . . hoping he hadn't but she was too anxious to wait to open the letter.

She glanced back at him, blushed and quickly made her way outside, going to the trailer and bolting inside, closing the door and locking it before tearing the paper open, fumbling with the letter a moment before reading it.

Dear Jasmine,

I'm hoping your days are going well, and that your nights are peaceful. I guess it's an odd thing to say, but it's just something I think about from time to time. Not all nights are well-mannered or kind, but we manage to get by with the help of others. Whether or not you need that help I would still like to be there for you. I believe you're an amazing person. You're fiery . . . Even your hair suggests so. You manipulate emotions on screen to the point of almost convincing me that's who you are.

Almost. Maybe that's who you are for the moment but someone better lies within you. I don't say this to put you on a pedestal but to simply state what I believe. Because I believe we could be wonderful. I will never force you to do anything, though. I simply like to write to you because I imagine you reading these letters and perhaps smiling, at the very least feeling closer to me so that I may feel closer to you. I want you to be happy, Jasmine. You deserve the very best, and I will always strive to provide that for you.

There were a few loud thuds and Akane burst in, snatching up the letter and scanning it over immediately. She'd barely had time to react. She'd been too absorbed in the words.

Jasmine: "NO! AKANE NO!"

She screamed, desperately trying to rip the paper away. Even if she destroyed it, it would be better than having Akane read it. He was so protective, took his job so seriously, she didn't think it would end well. At all.

Her mission was unsuccessful. He'd already read the entire thing in an instant.

Akane: "Who is this."

He said flatly, sounding unimpressed. She groaned, sitting back down on the couch, knowing it was too late for damage control.

Jasmine: "I don't know! He just keeps sending letters! Never signs a name."

Akane: "Are you positive? Has he contacted you in any other way?"

He kept driving questions at her. She hated when he freaked over something innocent.

She shook her head quickly.

Jasmine: "No. No other way, Akane. Just . . . probably just some fan . . . One of the obsessed ones . . ."

But saying it, she couldn't even convince herself. She wanted it to be something else . . . something more . . .

Akane: "I highly doubt it."

He replied flatly.

Akane: "Any letters you receive I will take. I don't want you risked."

Jasmine: "Akane!"

She exclaimed, outraged.

Jasmine: "I am an adult woman! You can't tell me what I can and can't do like a child!"

Akane: "My job is to protect you at all costs! I cannot afford to loose you!"

He stood firm, unshaken. Jasmine's voice dropped, staring at him curiously. Something about his emotions over this seemed a tad . . . off. Her voice dropped, halfway between a soft whisper and her normal speaking voice.

Jasmine: "You think you're going to lose me over a few love letters . . . ? Akane, it's harmless . . ."

Akane: "I . . ."

He took a deep breath in.

Akane: "Ms. Brookes, I have known you for the past ten years I have been hired. I know that there are those out there who wish you harm."

She nodded slowly, processing.

Jasmine: "I know, Akane, but I highly doubt anyone who wished me harm would go through this elaborate of a ruse."

Akane: "There's something going on, I can sense it. And it is centered around you."

He crossed his arms.

Akane: "Which means, from now on you are not to go anywhere without me."

She sighed.

Jasmine: "Fine. Just promise you're not going to pummel anyone for looking at me funny."

She then added under her breath at a low murmur.

Jasmine: "Not like I wasn't supposed to be going anywhere without you, anyway . . ."

Akane: "What."

Akane said again flatly. She took a deep breath, incredibly frustrated.

Jasmine: "Which part, Mr. Waive?"

She raised an eyebrow at him.

Akane: "The last part."

He stated firmly. She crossed her arms.

Jasmine: "I said I'm not supposed to be out without you or one of the other boys, anyway. Not after the psychopaths, but I do it anyway, which is why you had to take me home after I passed out on a rooftop downtown. Happy?"

Akane: "Yes. Very."

He turned, and she rolled her eyes. He would be.

Akane: "I will be outside-."

All of the sudden a photograph fluttered from his trench coat pocket and fell to the ground. She picked it up cautiously, staring at it. It contained a redheaded woman and a small baby . . .

Jasmine: "Akane, who are these people . . . ?"

He quickly whirled around and grabbed it, trying to pull away, but it tore in half. His eyes widened in terror as he stared at it.

Akane: "No . . ."

Jasmine squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

Jasmine: "Akane . . . I . . . I'm sorry, I didn't think you were going to grab it, I didn't know it was going to tear . . . I'm so sorry . . ." 

His hand slowly closed around the other half, and at the same speed turned and walked out.

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