Breaking Point

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Thomas stepped back into his office, a bit frazzled from the recently lost case. He didn't notice things he should've. It was getting a bit dark out, but not horribly so. He'd just . . . talked . . . To Jasmine the day before. The information that she was spoken for was a bit heartbreaking, but the kiss had given him a bit of a salve for the wound it had left. There was a deep chuckle.

???: "Hello Sweetheart."

A woman was sitting on his desk. She looked exactly like Angela, except she had a pair of black sunglasses perched on her nose, slid down so he could see her icy-blue eyes. She was dressed something like a fancy espionage agent, and was blowing a pink bubble of gum.

BombShell: " Bubble gum?"

She held out a ball.Thomas shook his head slowly.

Thomas: "Can I help you, Miss? My assistant downstairs would be more than happy to set up an appointment, if she hasn't left already."

She chuckled.

BS: "I'm not here because of legal issues babe."

Her eyes glittered with a dangerous twinkle.

BS: "I'm here to inquire about one of your . . . clients. Jasmine Tracy Brookes, I believe her name is.”

She snapped her fingers and out of nowhere, a nail file appeared. She snatched it and inspected her glossy red nails, filing the oval shapes and examined them.

BS: "Only a few things, darling. Just her current residence. It'll be easier on all of us if you just give me it."

His eyes narrowed at her.

Thomas: "That's confidential information, Ma'am. I'm afraid I can't exactly give that out. I don't know what exactly you want with her, either. She's not taking on charities at the moment. She's got her hands full. If that's all, I'd appreciate if you left now. I have to get things in order before I leave tonight."

Her eyes narrowed, and suddenly, Thomas was frozen in place.

BS: "All right darling. We can do this the easy way . . ."

The ground vibrated around her.

BS: "Or, the very, very painful and HARD way."

Thomas: "What would you want with Jasmine, anyhow? She's a busy woman."

He said as calmly as he could manage, though  his spark pounded.

BS: "She and Soundwave- or should I say AKANE'S little brat Meggy are in the way of my plans."

Thomas: "Akane and Jasmine do not have a child. I believe she currently has a colleague by the name Meghan, but no child, if that's what you mean by 'little brat'. I don't believe you have the right people, Ma'am."

He told her, staring straight ahead. She then smirked.

BS:  "Ah-ha. Your memory was wiped clean . . ."

She stalked around him.

BS: "I believe you don't know. See . . . I'm the cause of your amnesia. And Jasmine's. And Akane's. And Meggy's . . . The name is Bombshell."

He breathed slowly, steadily.

Thomas: "Well, aren't you an oddball? Are we done now? I've got things to do, 'Bombshell', and they don't include being stalked by some lunatic woman who managed to find her way into my office. Are you certain you're not intoxicated or on some street drug?"

Her eyes narrowed, and she grabbed his jaw roughly.

BS: "If I was a, 'lunatic' or 'on drugs', could I do this?!"

She snapped her fingers and a chair exploded.

BS: "Or this?!"

His papers blasted into confetti.

BS: "Perhaps THIS?!!"

All around them, the ground spiked upwards, threatening to explode as well. Thomas smiled at her.

Thomas: "My apologies . . . So you say you want Jasmine?"

BS:"That's better."

Everything seemed to mellow out a little.

BS: "Now, as I was saying, she and Akane's little brat are in my way. And no, they didn't have a child. Quite the contrary, darling."

His eyes gained a bit of an emptiness to them. Sorrow and acceptance.

Thomas: "I see. Well, her address is 1234 Nonexistant Lane, Middle of Nowhereville. Current phone number is 555-None-of-your-business. I hope that helps you."

Her eyes narrowed in rage, and she whisked her hands and she threw him into the wall.

BS: "Now LISTEN you!"

She grabbed his neck tightly.

BS: "I have used up every, single, ounce of my patience. Now either you tell me, or I will EXTRACT it from you!"

Thomas: "You cannot extract any information I am not willing to give. No amount of torture will change that, so I suggest you leave."

He said calmly, his body letting his adrenaline fade. He was fairly certain how this would end. And yet it didn't bother him. She smirked.

BS: "Very well then . . ."

She leaned forwards and kissed him. Slowly, walls broke down in his mind, revealing at long last, what he had missed. His memories.

Thomas: "Jasmine . . . JewelBlade . . . Star . . ."

It all clicked, except for those few details he was oblivious with involving his bonded.

Thomas: "You're twisted, Bombshell."

He told her. But he recalled why he was so hung up on his client. They'd nearly had something real after missing Star for so long . . . But she'd fallen deep for Optimus. Orion. That was who already had her. Would it have been different if he'd confessed to her before Orion had gotten to her? Certainly not . . . they'd bonded . . . But part of Jasmine would always love him, wouldn't she?

She laughed.

BS: "Good. You remember . . ."

She smiled, and kissed him again, slowly draining his soul's energy. Memories of Red, Soundwave, the operation, Nici . . .


Nici: “How about uh . . . uhm . . . Jump . . . Ju . . . Uh, let's stick with Thomas.'”

The young girl looked up at him as she wrote out each of their new human names. He'd chuckled at her inability to provide a name that matched his current one better.

JumpStart: “That sounds fine . . .”


He struggled against her, though his efforts weakened with the passing seconds. She smiled, it was coming... But her powers began to slowly lose control...


Nici: “Good! Because I'm braindead thinking up everyone else's names. This is harder than trigonometry! And before you ask what that is, do me a HUGE favor and please don't!'”

The young girl grinned up at him. Firefly's charge. His team mate's charge. Slias's daughter. One of Red's techno-organics.

Red: “Are ya sure ya wanna do this?”

The redhead looked up at him, almost in disbelief. JumpStart nodded.

JumpStart: “A fresh start could be exactly what I need. Since Star . . . I just need to move on, even if it hurts . . . This could be the best way to go about it.”


He scowled, spitting in her face as he attempted to pull away.

Thomas: "You may think you're all that, but you're just a little nothing, you traitor."

She chuckled.

BS: "One last kiss . . ."

She did it again, and memories of Meghan . . . Meggy . . . Megawave returned.


Meggy: “Can't catch me! Can't catch me!”

She darted around his peds.

Meggy:  “Lalalalalaaa! Can't caaatch meeee!”

He smiled down at her, glancing around for SoundWave or Red. He wasn't certain he would be safe holding her. He didn't trust himself with it.


He pushed against her roughly.

Thomas: "I hope you rot in Pit.”

He mumbled unhappily.

Thomas: "I'm sure plenty of your kind are waiting for you."

His arm transformed, cannon aiming for her, realizing what she wanted of him. That there was likely only one way to prevent that. Either she went or he did.

Her eyes suddenly snapped open. Red's blood spattered everywhere as she screamed in pain, Meggy screaming in terror along with Nici and Emery chasing JewelBlade as Bombshell caused everything to explode . . .


Bombshell shrieked, losing control and caused his body to rupture like Red's had. His spark chamber split, fluids gushing out as his eyes lost their light. His body fell to the ground, completely limp as his spark flew to the Well, far from the broken body with an empty hole where his heart, or rather spark, should've been. He'd felt that way since his bonded had been brutally murdered, and now his physical appearance matched. Only now he had a chance at peace away from the chaos of war.

Bombshell stumbled back as the darkness briefly lost it's grip, and Cora's eyes snapped open.

Cora: "Oh my god . . ."

She stared in horror at the corpse.

Cora: "N-no . . . w-what've I done?!! N-no!!!"

She panicked.

Cora: "N-NO!"

The darkness inside of her began to cloud her mind.

Cora: "G-GET OUT! I-I DON'T WANT THIS! I-I . . . I want . . .   want revenge . . .”

Bombshell took control again, smirking downwards.

BS: "Sorry, sweetheart. Looks like Plan B is in effect."

And with that, she took a step and disappeared.

Meanwhile, JumpStart’s spark flew back to Cybertron. Into the well, away from the horrid tragedy of the world. Inside, he was greeted warmly by old teammates, including KickSpin, who thanked JumpStart for finding his sister and caring for her after they’d been separated and most of their team murdered. StarBreak wasn’t there. He knew she wouldn’t be and that broke a small part of him.

But another femme was, and she greeted him kindly though they had hardly interacted beforehand.


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