Chinks in the Armor

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Emery rushed down the streets, yelling.


She huffed and puffed, already nearing exhaustion.

Emery: "Jeez, after two kids and her you'd think I'd be in more sha-."

She crashed into someone abruptly.

Emery: "YO! WATCH-."

She froze as she saw who it was.

Emery: "Prime?! Sweet AllSpark!!!"

Orion: "Emery?"

He asked, quite composed, though his eyebrows stitched together in confusion at the sudden appearance of the ‘rebel’.

Orion: "What's going on?"


She hugged him without a second thought.


She then pulled away.

Emery: "Okay look! Quick info; Meggy's in danger, she ran off that way and I need to find her before BS does and hurts her!"

He stiffened, taken aback. Five minutes with his memory and this happens?

Orion: "We'll find her.”

He said simply, quickly taking off in the direction Emery had indicated, temporarily forgetting his spark mate, recalling her quickly.

Orion: "Is she being taken care of?"

He called back to the dark-skinned woman.

Emery: "Who do ya think?! I'm a mother biologically and foster!"

She snapped, still the same as she was fifteen years ago, though possibly now a bit hearing impaired. He decided to write it off as adrenaline and not thinking clearly. Optimus sighed, shaking his head.

Orion: "I meant Maiden! Is she safe at the moment? I don't want to be worrying about two instead of one."

Emery: "Oh for the love 'a- she's FINE!"

Emery was a little more than 'frazzled'. She turned a corner and froze. "MEGGY!" The girl was frozen in place, Bombshell being right there! Orion glared at the blonde woman.

Orion: "Let her go.”

He warned in a low voice. Meggy was struggling in her grasp.


BS: "Or else what? Hit me with a little lightning?!"

She squeezed the girl's arm.

BS: "Not without risk of hitting her."

She glared at Optimus.

BS: "You stay away as well!"

She slowly caused the girl to vibrate, intent on actually-.

Meggy: "STOP!"

She screamed, afraid. Emery felt a strong pulse of energy.

Meggy: "STOPPIT!"

It grew stronger and stronger . . .

Meggy: "I! SAID! STOP IT!"

Without warning, Bombshell was blasted away by . . . something. The woman snarled and stood up, then a look crossed her face.

BS: "Can't be . . . I thought he had it . . . unless . . ."

She smirked at the realization.

BS: "Of course."

She backed away.

BS: "It's been a pleasure everyone. See you all when the world ends."

She vanished without a trace. Orion ran forward, taking the girl in his arms.

Orion: "I'm here, Megawave . . . I'm here . . ."

He spoke calmly, not wanting to upset her further. She shook, tears in her eyes.

Meggy: "G-Grampa?!"

It came back to her. Those strong arms were digits and held her securely. He nodded gently.

Orion: "Though . . . In this form . . . I'm barely old enough to be your father . . . Maybe we should just tell the public you're my niece . . . If it ever becomes an issue . . ."

Meggy: "Uhm . . . a-all right."

She agreed, standing. Emery marched over and bopped her head.

Emery: "Never, ever, EVER do that to me AGAIN kid!"

Meggy: "Sorry Em-."

Emery: "Sorry doesn't scratch the surface!"

She hugged her tightly.

Emery: "I'm just glad your safe."

Meggy hugged back briefly.

Meggy: "You were there."

Emery: ". . . I was."

Meggy: "Why didn't you ever tell me?!"

Emery: "Because, I figured you wouldn't believe me."

Meggy: "Good point . . ."

She murmured, then looked up at him.

Meggy: "Wait. You remember, Gran- I mean Jasmine remembers, I remember . . . Does that mean everyone else-?"

Emery: "Why not?! Might make Mission Impossible possible."

Emery chuckled.

Emery: "C'mon you two. You have a granny and wife to get back to!"

He nodded gently.

Orion: "I suppose I do . . . Odd to have it all just . . . Hit like a brick wall at this point . . . After so long of . . . Pining for her and now . . ."

    He couldn’t help the thought that after all these years, all the dating that had been publicized . . . She still couldn’t be with any of them like she was him. After having all those choices . . . She still came back to him.

Meggy: "Don't get me started."

Meggy noted, rubbing her head.

Meggy: "Seeing Jumpstart's corpse brought back . . . way too many memories I'd rather leave unsaid."

Emery stopped and face-palmed.

Emery: "Sweet AllSpark I forgot!"

She flipped open her cellphone.

Emery: "It's me. Listen, could you bridge at my coordinates? We uh, well I have a sitch. Yeah, yeah, okay. Wait no, wait until I call you back. There's uh . . . something I need you to take care of."

She sighed and hung up.

Emery: "Team Siren's been notified. Uh, sorta."

She said as they walked back into the office. Ariel was staring at the trio.

Ariel: "Optimus . . ."

She said breathlessly, looking like she'd just witnessed some sort of horror. Emery could only imagine.

Ariel: "M-Megawave?"

The sparkling had grown up.

Emery: "Yo, what am I?! Chopped liver?!"

Ariel: "Em- what happened?!"

Meggy: "Long story short, we got our memories back. I'll explain later . . . once I figure out or get an idea how."

Meggy walked back in to see someone hugging Jasmine.

Meggy: "J-Jasmine? Jasmine I-I'm sorry . . ."

Akane looked up and froze.

Akane: "Megawave . . ."

She didn't notice him.

Meggy: "Jasmine I'm sorry for . . . For everything! For only thinking of myself!"

Jasmine sighed, her spark taking a downturn.

Jasmine: "It's okay, Kiddo . . ."

Orion looked in and saw the death and destruction, understanding immediately the reason for the pain that ripped her spark. JumpStart had been a former bond mate of her old life, but that didn't make it easier.

Meggy: "No. No it's not . . . I forgot that it wasn't just me suffering!"

Meggy had tears in her eyes again.

Meggy: "I forgot that I wasn't alone. I forgot that others needed my help, not the other way around. I-I'm so sorry . . ."

Jasmine shook her head, kissing the top of Jay's humanoid form before reluctantly letting him go, standing, and walking out of the room.

Jasmine: "I don't need anyone's help for my suffering, Kid. Especially not from some teen who needs it more than I do."

Orion sighed, taking her wrists as she walked past, when she looked at him, her spark surged, and he knew what was wrong, optics wavering as he pulled her close.

Orion: "We'll figure it out."

He murmured into her hair gently. Meggy just felt bad. Useless. Jasmine could manage. Why couldn't she-.

Akane: "Megawave . . ."

She whirled around to meet a pair of slanted, purple eyes. Her breathing stopped.

Meggy: "D-da . . . Daddy . . . ?"

All at once, Soundwave had scooped her into his arms, and Meggy was crying softly, hugging him back. Jasmine nodded slowly to her spark mate.

Jasmine: "I wanna go away from here . . . I wanna . . . I have to know . . . What if BombShell . . . What if she did something to them . . . ?"

He vented lightly, shaking his head.

Orion: "They'll be okay . . . Somehow . . . I know they will . . ."

Meggy: "What's going on?"

The girl asked, having heard them.

Emery: "Long story kiddo."

Emery informed her quietly, standing with her and Soundwave. A groundbridge opened and through it came a trio of girls. One had blue cat ears and a tail, the other had a long bronze tail and pointed ears. The third was-.

Nici: "JewelBlade?! O-Optimus?!!"

Emery: "Hey Nici."

The dark-skinned woman grinned. Jasmine shook her head gently, sighing.

Jasmine: "It can't ever stop, can it . . . ? Just want five minutes to be alone and . . ."

Orion smiled gently at her, hoping to lighten the mood.

Orion: "Haven't you had enough alone time with me . . . ?"

She frowned, and his smile dropped, the joke ill-received.

Orion: "Sorry, Beautiful . . ."

Jasmine: "Don't call me that."

She whispered, turning her head to see the new arrivals, trying to ignore his soft sigh ruffling through her hair.

Nici: "Y-you guys . . . Oh wow . . ."

Katana: "Friend or enemy commander?"

Nici: "Friend! They're friends Katana!"

Nici told the cat-eared girl.

Nici: "Uhm . . . W-we'll let you be."

Emery showed her into the office, Soundwave and Meggy giving them space. Jasmine sighed, shaking her head.

Jasmine: "Obviously we have things to tend to. Might as well get it over with and grieve when this is all over in say, oh a hundred slagging years. If we're lucky."

Orion shook his head gently.

Orion: "Maiden, I'm sure-."

Jasmine: "Sure of what? The fact that I can't feel my babies? I should be able to, Optimus. Maybe it isn't a big deal for you, okay, but I . . . I've always been able to feel them . . . Even if it was just in the back of my mind, and now . . . Nothing . . ."

The last word was barely a whisper, a silent plea with him about how dire this was. About how much it broke her spark.

Nici examined the wound, eyes focused forwards.

Nici: "Weird . . ."

She murmured, mulling over the details in her mind.

Nici: "She attacked from here."

She pointed at a rip.

Nici: "But his spark chamber's split open, like she was trying to extract it. She could've done it the old fashioned way and removed the chamber itself but . . . Huh . . .”

She chewed her lip.

Nici: "Times like these, I wish Angel was here."

She just wish she had a logical explanation. With the experiments on Sunny, Bombshell's 'fascination' with JewelBlade and Meggy, something wasn't adding up. And it bothered her to no end.

Nici: "I wonder . . ."

She examined the wound again. And it hit her. She rushed over and poked her head out.

Nici: "J-JewelBlade? Optimus? I-I know you two are busy but I need to ask you something."

The redhead sighed, closing her eyes for a brief moment before looking over at Nici.

Jasmine: "What is it, Hon?"

Nici winced.

Nici: "I know it's probably weird to ask but, I just need this. Remember when you and Em saved us on the Nemesis from the Decepticons? And Bombshell . . . You know, made your spark chamber explode . . . Did your spark rupture or not? I-I just need to know."

Jasmine sighed. It wasn’t exactly something she had fond memories of.

Jasmine: "No. I don't think so. Ask Emery or something. I was kind of temporarily DEAD, so what would I know about it?"

Nici: "All right . . ."

Nici looked panicked as she hurried off to find the girl.

Nici: "I won't bother you two anymore!"

A few moments later, she came running back, looking pale. She had her cellphone flipped open.

Nici: "Yeah, yeah they're here!!! No, they don't know . . . How long?!! Okay . . . Okay yeah . . . Thanks Maddie . . ."

She hung up and looked at Katana.

Nici: "Nova made a breakthrough with the files we stripped from the Con's computer files!!! And it's got a doomsday device with  Bombshell written all over it!"

Jasmine: "What the Pit is that wench up to now?"

JewelBlade snapped, a fire burning into her eyes. Tears stung the sensitive tissues.

Jasmine: "I swear to AllSpark I'll rip her spark out of her fragging chest!”

Optimus frowned, placing a servo on her shoulder gently, but she shook him away.

Nici: "She already did it to Jay . . . If uhm, y-you guys want you can come back to Base with us . . . I'll explain better if you guys can see the files for yourselves."

She didn’t even hear anything after the word ‘Jay’. JewelBlade broke a little on the inside, her palm coming flush with Nici's cheek.

Jasmine: "I know what she did to Jay! You think I need you reminding me?!"

She jumped back, rubbing the welt. Immediately, Katana lunged and was about to strike-. Jasmine glared at her, wishing the girl would be foolish enough so she could strike back.

Nici: "KAT DON'T!"

The girl stopped with a snarl, backing off. Nici stared directly into her eyes.

Nici: "I know it hurts, but trust me, Jay's not the ONLY one who'll be dead if we don't hurry!"

Jasmine growled, glaring at the other girl.

Jasmine: "I could take you . . ."

The strings were itching to activate. She wanted to hurt people. Make them feel what she felt, losing Jay and the twins at once.

Orion: "Maiden . . ."

He could feel the surge of anger in her spark, placing his hand on her shoulder again. She winced, not wanting to admit that the contact was a good thing . . . She tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let go.

Orion: "Pick your battles . . ."

Jasmine groaned, clenching her fists, looking back at Nici.

Jasmine: "Fine! What the frag do we need to do this time?"

    When she spoke, her voice was flat.

Nici: "First, I need you to calm down a little. Second, come back to Base."

Jasmine scoffed.

Jasmine: "You throw Jay's murder in my face and expect me to be calm? You expect me to be happy-go-lucky with my babies gone? Frag you! Frag everything! I'll take care of Bombshell myself and-!"

She froze, eyes glazing over. Everything felt muted for a moment, and when she managed to come back, everything was quiet again. She was relaxed. She wasn't even sure how to describe what had happened. She blinked, looking around, wishing some sort of clue would come to her. Nothing did. Nici had tears in her eyes.

Nici: "Don't think for a minute that I don't know what you're going through. I lost dad to the Decepticons, to AIRACHNID, all in one day. I had to act happy-go-lucky so mom and my brothers didn't know. I know you want revenge and so do I, but what we need are clear heads!"

She stepped back.

Nici: "I'll give you some time to mourn, but call me once you're ready."

Jasmine: "I. Am. Ready. Stop acting like you're somehow better than me. I wish all of you would stop that. You're driving me insane. Just because I've never really been 'one of you' doesn't mean I don't give a flying frag about what happens here. Call me when you're all done tripping over your egos."

She turned on her heels, heading out of the office, each step painful, wanting nothing more than to get outside, to feel some fresh air. Optimus was close behind her, taking her hand. She wanted to shove him away, but couldn't bring herself to it.

Orion: "Maiden?"

Jasmine: "It's nothing. I just forget that somehow, everyone I know has been through something 'worse' than me. Hey, what do I know about pain or struggles? Just saw my former lover with his chest a bloody mess. Obviously I know nothing. Especially not after losing my babies. OUR babies . . . TWICE now . . . Yup. I know nothing at all, do I? And of course, everyone apparently thinks I'm this frail little bitch who can't do a damn thing on her own. 'Cause hey, you have to be some extra kind of special to do anything noteworthy, don't you? I just want to punch someone in the face. This is ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous. I hate when everyone has to treat me like this. Like, hey, let's go save her, or tell her stuff she obviously can't know, because she isn't special enough to know what we know, is she? No, she's just this dimwitted moron who got lucky an awful damn lot. No, the rest of us are so much better than she is, 'cause we're all true Cybertronians, or had crazy daddies who gave us Cybertronian parts. No. I'm just the fragging worthless piece of scrap they want nothing to do with unless absolutely necessary. 'Cause apparently I'm nothing more than a liability. And that girl, thinking she could take me. I would've sent her into a fragging wall so fast-!"

Jasmine suppressed a scream, the calm fading as she turned down an alley and leaned against a brick wall, crossing her arms.

Orion: "I'm sure that's not what they meant, Maiden."

Jasmine: "Well that's how it came off."

She replied abruptly, watching the ground, frustrated. Nici ran after her.

Nici:"J-JewelBlade?! JewelBlade I'm sorry . . ."

She felt awful. How could she say something like that to her?!

Nici: ". . . I don't know what to tell you . . . I just wish I knew. . . "

She sighed. Jasmine sighed as well, shaking her head.

Jasmine: "Knew what? How to save the world from some crazy, blonde freak?"

Nici: "Exactly. A blonde that's my . . . sister."

She said quietly.

Jasmine: "Doesn't surprise me."

he replied, pulling her arms tighter.

Jasmine: "Your dad, no matter how much you loved him and vice versa, was a bit of a crazy train guy."

Nici tensed, taking in a deep breath in and let it out.

Nici: "Which makes Angel my sister too . . . and if she were here, what would she be saying?"

Jasmine shrugged.

Jasmine: "I'm no mind reader, how would I know what she'd say? Probably something with the word 'Sugar', but otherwise, I don't know, kid."

Nici: "She'd probably tell you what you need."

The blue-eyed girl sighed.

Nici: "I'm no Angel, but I do know it hurts . . ."

She clenched her fist.

Nici: "I just . . . I wish I could tell you what you want or need to hear. I wish I knew what to do. I'm not like you. I don't know hardly anything about you... so tell me what you want me to say."

Jasmine sighed, shaking her head, closing her eyes.

Jasmine: "Let's just get this over with . . . And take that fragging wench down . . ."

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