Family Dynamic

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Ava: "Nope! And stop worrying! It ain't good for them!"

She then chuckled.

Ava: "I uh . . . Know first hand."

Red looked uncomfortable with that statement. Ava then looked up as a familiar man walked over.

Ava: "Speaking of worry-warts . . . Ma?"

Red looked up and froze.

Red: "S-Sound . . . Soundwave?!"

He stopped short.

Akane: "Red-!"

Red was in his arms before he knew it and he was swinging her around in a massive hug, Red sobbing and Soundwave cradling her close. Ava grinned.

Ava: "Awwww!"

Jasmine still stood in place, seeing Red and SoundWave, but not really absorbing anything. Her mind was trapped in . . . whatever this was. Her babies. Her babies were inside her, growing, waiting. She glanced down. Had her abdomen been slightly swollen before? She hadn't noticed it. Had it just happened in the last few moments? She didn't know. But they were . . . here . . . Optimus's hand rested over her abdomen, kissing her neck with feather-light touches as he held her against him.

She nearly jolted away from him when it hit her. They'd lost the twins because her body was artificial last time. It was just as artificial this time. They would be lost. Her lower lip trembled. She couldn't handle that thought. Her body began to shake. She couldn't lose them again. Angel shook her head as she saw the tension build in Jasmine's body and put a hand on the auburn haired woman's shoulder.

Angel: "They'll live, Sugar . . . I'll explain later . . ."

Jasmine nodded reluctantly, still worried, but she'd take Angel's word for it. For now. Sunny suddenly gasped, her eyes wide.

Sunny: "Mommy . . . ?!"

A blonde-haired woman walked out of the glowing light, smiling warmly.

???: "Sunshine . . . !"

She called out. With a tearful shriek, Sunny went running and hugged her mother as tightly as she could, sobbing.

Jasmine sighed, closing her eyes, wishing desperately that it would rain, but Cybertronian weather was different. She'd give anything to return to Earth right now and just stand in the middle of a rainstorm. She felt . . . out of place. Almost guilty that she was here with Optimus. And her sparklings would be okay. It felt . . . almost wrong. The woman held Sunny in her arms as she walked over.

???: "Jasmine?"

She asked softly, almost timidly.

???: "I want to thank you, thank you and Orion and Rebecca for taking care of my daughter."

Jasmine's eyes opened slowly and she gave a slight nod.

Jasmine: "You're . . . welcome . . . We were just trying to help her . . ."

Orion nodded his agreement and held her tighter, nuzzling deeper into her neck. She was starting to wonder if he'd ever let her go. The woman smiled.

???: "I know you'll be an excellent mother. Congratulations by the way."

She bit her lip.

???: "But . . . I have a large favour to ask. I know with them you'll be busy. But Sunny . . . She needs a good mother and father in her life. Since her father or I can't provide that, I wanted to ask . . . Will you be willing to take Sunny in as your daughter?"

Sunny's eyes widened. Jasmine blinked for a moment, and opened her mouth to speak, but Orion beat her to it, striding over to Sunny and taking her into his arms.

Orion: "We'd be delighted, wouldn't we, Maiden?"

He questioned, holding the small girl close to him. A small smile spread across Jasmine's face and she nodded.

Jasmine: "I couldn't have said it better myself."

The unnamed woman smiled.

???: "Sunny, I want you to be good for them. Don't cause too much trouble, listen well and keep shining bright. Okay?"

Sunny: "I will, Mommy."

She reached over and hugged her.

Sunny: "Give a hug 'an kiss to Chris!"

???: "I will."

She promised gently.

???: "I have to go now . . . I love you my Sunshine."

Sunny: "I love you too mommy."

Her mother pulled away and walked back into the bright light, disappearing. Sunny sniffled. Jasmine sighed, picking Sunny up into her arms, nuzzling into the girl’s blonde hair, holding her as close as she could manage.

Jasmine: “It’s okay, Darlin’ . . . You’ll see her again someday . . . But until then we’ll be here for you . . . Promise . . . And you’ll have a little brother and sister . . .”

    Jasmine kissed the small girl’s cheek, her spark still surging with the newfound information. Optimus closed what distance was between them and wrapped his arms around Jasmine and Sunny, and his two unborn children; his growing family. He planted a kiss on both their cheeks, embracing them as tightly as he could without causing harm.

Orion: “I love all of you . . .”

    He murmured, his sapphire colored eyes closing, drinking in the very thought of having his family; not just as what he’d envisioned so long ago, but with an addition, even . . .

There were a few tearful shouts as Meggy reunited with her parents and miscarried little sister, the small family together once again. Sunny smiled.

Sunny: "Sooo . . . Does that mean that Becky is my big sister?! And Mitch is my big brother too?!"

Jasmine sighed, closing her eyes and setting Sunny down.

Jasmine: "Guess so, Darlin'."

She walked over the metal ground, not even sure where she was going, only that her head hurt. Too much had happened in one day. She felt a small buzz inside her abdomen, the twins were whirring to life, letting her know they were impossibly close. That she somehow had a second chance. But that wouldn't change the fact that Optimus already had a child. That wouldn't change the fact that he had a grandchild. That they had adopted a child younger than their grandchild and were about to have two more. It was all terribly complicated and difficult and even weirder than their usual brand of weird. It was just . . . frustrating . . . And she wished she had answers for it.

But that was part of the challenge, wasn't it? Seeking solutions to impossible situations.


A/N: Sorry for this being the shortest chapter in quite possibly . . . ever . . . I'll try to make up for it with some longer ones coming up.

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