Family Portrait

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Jasmine wiped her eyes as she strode into the house, hoping to find only one person at the moment.

Jasmine: "Akane?!"

It looked completely empty. Her spark sunk when she recalled the date he had with Becky. She went around the partial wall to the living room, playing a familiar song on the stereo, wishing she wasn't alone. She sung along, the words coming naturally. She'd listened to it many times, but now it just hit home more than it used to.

Jasmine: "2am; where do I begin,

Crying off my face again.

The silent sound of loneliness, Wants to follow me to bed.

I'm a ghost of a girl that I want to be most.

I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well.

Dancing slowly in an empty room, Can the lonely take the place of you?

I sing myself a quiet lullaby.

Let you go and let the lonely in, To take my heart again.

Too afraid to go inside, For the pain of one more loveless night.

But the loneliness will stay with me, And hold me ‘til I fall asleep.

I'm a ghost of a girl that I want to be most.

I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well.

Dancing slowly in an empty room, Can the lonely take the place of you?

I sing myself a quiet lullaby.

Let you go and let the lonely in, To take my heart again.

Broken pieces of A barely breathing story

Where there once was love, Now there's only me and the lonely.

Dancing slowly in an empty room, Can the lonely take the place of you?

I sing myself a quiet lullaby, Let you go and let the lonely in

To take my heart again."

A pain stabbed in her chest as the music faded out. It was a horrid feeling as she stood facing the speakers, leaning over them, wishing it would all just go away. Akane quietly came through the kitchen doors, still clutching a single rose.

Akane:  'How could she . . . ?'

The thought rang in his head. His hands shook as ragged tears slid down his face. He lifted his glasses, wiping his teary purple eyes. Jasmine sighed, turning and seeing Akane. Suddenly, she broke, rushing over to him, wrapping her arms around him, a few sobs wracking her body.

Jasmine: "Akane, I'm so sorry! You were right about him! I'm sorry I didn't listen! Please, please forgive me . . ."

He tensed, kneeling down and gently held her, ignoring his own heartbreak for a moment.

Akane:  "Miss Brookes . . . what happened?"

Jasmine: "I-I walked in and he . . . He was kissing another woman . . . I dropped that little figurine I got him . . . I . . . I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, Akane . . ."

She wiped her eyes quickly, looking at his uncovered eyes.

Jasmine: "Akane . . . did you really think I was your wife . . . ?"

Akane: ". . . . I did . . ."

He held out the picture. Half of it, the little baby girl that looked like him stared out. She . . . Sort of looked like Jasmine and Akane.

Jasmine: "I'm sorry I never thought of it before."

She whispered, watching him carefully.

Jasmine: "I'm sorry I never put it together . . . What about Becky . . . ?"

Akane: ". . . . I am not the only one who was cheated on tonight."

He said quietly. She frowned, holding him closer, pressing her body to his.

Jasmine: "I'm so sorry, Akane . . . Maybe . . . Maybe we were . . . You know . . ."

Akane: " I . . .  Believe so . . . "

His eyes locked into hers.

Akane: "Jasmine . . ."

Jasmine: "Akane . . ."

Her eyes welled up again as she brought her lips to his, wanting to not be alone. Believing honestly that he could take that pain away. It didn’t work. He kissed her back, but it felt . . . Wrong . . . He pulled away suddenly. She didn’t fight it.

Akane: "It . . . There is nothing . . ."

He said quietly. She sighed, watching him. No spark had ignited.

Jasmine: "I'm sorry . . . I know . . ."

She still couldn't spend the night alone. She ached to be with Orion, but that just wasn’t possible.

Jasmine: "Please just . . . Don't make me spend the night alone . . . We won't do anything just . . . Sleep next to me . . . fully clothed and everything. Just . . . so it doesn't hurt so much . . ."

Akane: ". . . . I . . ."

It felt so wrong.

Akane: "I cannot, I am sorry."

He stood and turned away. She’d expected as much from. It didn’t surprise her in the least. But it still hurt.

Akane: "Forgive me."

Jasmine: "Even just as friends . . . I'm not trying to push anything, Akane . . . I just don't want to be alone right now . . ."

It was getting late, and the day's horrid events had worn on her. She stood, going upstairs quietly, only changing her bottoms before lying down, holding a pillow close to her head. She missed him, but he’d hurt her.

Akane didn't move. All this time... He'd been wrong. He placed the photograph next to the phone and wrote a note.

'Dear Miss Jasmine Brooks,

I sincerely apologize, but I am retiring from my position. Please do not fret, for I trust Ariel shall keep you company, as well as Angela. I will find a source of employment elsewhere.

Once again, I sincerely apologize and wish you the best if luck in the future. Keep my half of the photograph as a memoir.


He glanced at the little girl and ran his thumb across it one last time before packing up his things and silently left, not once looking back. It was only a few minutes later when Jasmine laid in bed, her phone buzzing as a call came through. Checking the caller ID, she promptly ignored it, scowling. As much hatred as she wanted to feel, anguish was the dominant emotion. It tore at her spark, and she held a pillow to her chest tightly, wishing it would somehow take off the edge of pain.

Her phone buzzed again just seconds later, the same person. The same man. She declined the call again, not afraid to let him know that she was ignoring him. When it lit up for a third time, she couldn’t ignore it anymore. Part of her had to hear his voice no matter how much it hurt.

Jasmine: “What?!”

    She snapped as she answered the call, biting back the tear that threatened to spill out of her eyes any moment now.

Orion: “Jasmine-.”

    His breath came, almost disbelievingly, like he couldn’t believe it was her voice he was hearing. That she’d answered him at all.

Orion: “We need to talk-.”

Jasmine: “We do not need to talk! I know what I saw! I can’t talk to you anymore, Orion! Not after what you did! I am no saint, but you . . .”

    A few short spaces of breath passed between them, and tears began to slip from Jasmine’s eyes onto the pillow that cradled her head.

Orion: “Jasmine . . . ?”

    She didn’t answer. She couldn’t. A few shaky breaths passed through her, but he didn’t hear them through the line.

Orion: “Are you still there . . . ?”

    In one of the hardest decisions she’d ever made, she hung up the phone, one last, choked sob escaped her. One he barely heard, but understood. His spark was breaking with hers as the tone of a lost call rang through his ears. He set the phone down, tears threatening to pour down. He kept them at bay the best he could.

    Jasmine tossed her phone onto the floor, breaking down on the bed, wishing she hadn’t done it, but feeling she’d had no choice otherwise. Sobs shivered through her body, and she was so wrapped in her own grief, she didn’t notice the light, airy presence of two children that joined her, sitting at her side, staying there until she began to calm. Until she began feel better.

    She snapped out of it when the sound of  closing car door echoed from outside. Her eyes snapped open and she looked out the window to see headlights fade off into darkness. She couldn’t make out the figure walking towards the front door. Uneasily, Jasmine made her way out of her room, down the hall to the balcony. A knock had come a moment before, and now, unanswered, the door slowly opened.

    She half expected to see Angel’s silhouette in the darkness, but no, this one was distinctly male. This was not her old friend. This was her lover . . . or, ex-lover, now . . . that thought broke into her mind, threatening more tears in her reddened eyes. In the dim light, the only source coming from a faint light in the kitchen, Orion looked up at where she stood on the platform that conjoined the stairs and upstairs hallway. She couldn’t make out the pain that exuded from her face.

Jasmine: “. . . What the hell do you think you’re doing here . . . ?”

    She asked quietly, tired of yelling, but if push came to shove, her voice would rise again with ease. The twins came to her side, invisible to their parents.

Orion: “Jasmine . . .”

    He glanced around the stairs before walking to the edge, hand gripping the railing as he walked up. She watched him for one pained moment before sprinting back to her bedroom, locking the door. He ran after her, pulling at the door handle. Jade and Blaze watched them, wishing they could plead with their parents, to break down the walls they’d built in their minds.

Jade: “Mom . . .”

    Blaze took her hand and squeezed as they watched their father desperately attempt to open the door to no avail, tears pooling in his eyes. Their mother stood on the other side, already crying, hand over her mouth. No matter what she did, it hurt. It always hurt.

Orion: “Jasmine, PLEASE . . . Just open up . . .”

    She squeezed her eyes shut at the sound of his voice from the other side of the door, biting her lip. Jasmine had opened up . . . and look where it had left her.

Orion: “Jasmine . . . I love you . . .”

    His voice was low, but enough that she could still hear him, albeit just barely. Something inside of her snapped in that moment.

Jasmine: “If you loved me you wouldn’t be making out with some pink-haired slut when you knew I was coming over! That is a hell of a way to break up, Orion!”

    The tears flew down her face as she recalled it. Orion flinched at her voice, wanting to comfort her, wanting to be with her.

Orion: “I was not breaking up with you, Jasmine . . . She came to my apartment . . . She kissed ME. I did not reciprocate, I just . . . Couldn’t pull away . . .”

Jasmine: “Oh, so you love her?!”

    He sighed, a few tears sliding down his cheeks as he leaned against the door. Jade and Blaze’s eyes watered. They’d never seen their parents like this. Ever.

Orion: “I. Do not. Love anyone. But you, Jasmine. Can we please talk?”

Jasmine: “There’s nothing to talk about!”

    It took every ounce of willpower she had to not open that door. A few moments passed before he spoke again, quietly, as calmly as he could.

Orion: “Please don’t make me break the door down, Jasmine . . .”

Jasmine: “Like you would, you freaking wuss! Can’t even stop from kissing some woman you supposedly aren’t attracted to.”

    He sighed, and the twins watched, Jade biting her lip lightly, a habit of her mother’s, not her father. Blaze watched, his breaths coming a bit heavier than normal as he kept a grip on his sister.

Orion: “Where are you, Jasmine?”

Jasmine: “Too close to the door for you to break it down without hurting me.”

    She informed him with a scowl, even though he couldn’t see it.

Orion: “Jasmine, please move . . .”

Jasmine: “No.”

    She said firmly, and Orion’s spark sunk. After a few quiet moments, he walked away from the door. The sound of his padded footsteps tore Jasmine’s spark to the core and she sat on the bed, sobbing as he left. Jade and Blaze watched with wide eyes. She tore after him, but he was oblivious to them and their silent presence, despite how much she tried.

Jade: “Don’t go! She didn’t mean it, Daddy! She loves you! I promise! You know she does! She’s trying so hard! She wants to be with you, Daddy! Daddy!”

    She pulled on his sleeve, or at least, tried, to no avail. Their energy was fading every day. It got harder and harder to affect the things around them.

Jade: “Daddy, please don’t go! I can be better!”

    The twins followed as their father walked outside, getting into his truck and starting it up, driving down the road. Tears fled down Jade and Blaze’s cheeks as they watched him go. He’d given up. Jade barely kept from sobbing as she turned the other way and ran down the street, her see-through form invisible to everyone but her brother, who tore after her as she went.

    Neither of them knew that their father was simply developing a ruse. By providing the illusion that he’d left, he was able to circle back on foot, scale the side of the house, open a window as carefully as he could manage and slip into Jasmine’s bedroom before she could react. She stared at him, standing, and her gaze transformed into a glare.

Orion: “Jasmine . . .”

Jasmine: “Get out!”

    She went for the dresser, for any of it’s breakable adorning pieces. He caught her first, turning her and holding her close against him, her head to his neck. She couldn’t help but cry as he held her tightly, still tense against him.

Jasmine: “Get . . . Out . . .”

    But her resolution to say the words was faltering. He held her close, one hand between her shoulder blade, the other at the base of her spine.

Orion: “I love you . . .”

    He breathed the words into her hair gently, and a small sob escaped her, refusing to answer him.

Orion: “Jasmine . . . ?”

    She bit her lip roughly, not wanting this to be the situation in which he told her those words. Because as much as she wanted to return them tenfold, she couldn’t bring herself to it.

Jasmine: “You need to leave . . .”

    She told him quietly, the words paining her spark. He sighed, holding her tighter.

Orion: “Do I . . . ? Or are you saying that because you’re testing me . . . ?”

Jasmine: “Get out!”

    He tilted her chin up, refusing to loosen his hold on her as he did so. Her emerald eyes were pained, lonely.

Orion: “I will always love you . . .”

    And with that, he kissed her. She didn’t fight it, but the pain still struck at her spark.

Jasmine: “You need to leave . . .”

    She murmured against his lips, not wanting to say it, but her defenses were still high from earlier in the night.

Orion: “I will be gone by morning . . .”

    He answered quietly, hoping dearly the guards on the other side of the house hadn’t heard them. It would be a miracle if a raid didn’t come within moments.

Orion: “But you will not spend tonight alone . . .”

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