First Impressions

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    Jade sat with Blaze as usual, but today, she allowed him more contact than usual. She held his servo in her own, optics closed as her helm rested against his shoulder. She was just so tired . . . She was so sick of the endless waiting. Thirteen years they’d waiting for their parents to find a way back to each other . . . And now . . . They were so close . . . But still too far away . . . Of course, they knew something their parents didn’t . . .

Jade: “What do you think it’ll be like when they meet, Blaze . . . ?”

    He smiled, pressing a kiss to her temple lightly.

Blaze: “I think it’ll be memorable for everyone, Jade. Things are going to get better. I know they will.”

Jade: “How . . . How long do you think we’ll have to wait until we can be with them . . . Like a real family . . . ? Do you think it’ll be centuries . . . ? I don’t want to wait that long, Blaze! I want Mom and Dad!”

    She looked up at him, a shred of vulnerability resonating through her. She needed some reassurance. He didn’t know what to tell her . . . Unless their lives were taken against their will, it was quite likely they’d be stuck here without them for quite some time. Her optics wavered when he was unable to answer her, and she pulled away from him fiercely.

Jade: “Is it so much to ask to have a family, Blaze? Why can’t we have that?”

    Her sibling stood, placing a servo on her shoulder. She quickly pulled away, refusing to look at him. He sighed, shaking his helm.

Blaze: “You know why it happened . . . You know why she lost us . . . It’s no one’s fault . . .”

    She looked down, not wanting to listen to it.

Jade: “Are you sure they loved us . . . ?”

    He sighed, gripping her arms, forcing her to look him in the optics, staring at her, his own optics wavering.

Blaze: “No. They didn’t love us.”

    Her spark sank, looking down.

Blaze: “Because they still do. They love us. Not past tense. Never past tense. They are our parents and they will always love us no matter what. Don’t ever believe otherwise. Do you understand me?”

    Jade blinked slowly, letting her gaze venture back up to his face. His expression was stern, absolute. He left no room for argument on this matter. He gripped her slightly tighter, not enough to hurt, but enough to make sure she wasn’t ignoring him.

Blaze: “Jade. Do you understand?”

    She nodded reluctantly, and though she’d never admit it, she felt reassured by her brother.


    Jasmine smiled, getting into her car with Angela in a hurry, tires squealing as they peeled out the driveway, Angela’s hands gripping the console and side of the door.

Angela: “Jazz! What’s gotten into you?”

    She shrieked, GPS buzzing online, mounted against the front windshield. Jasmine laughed, letting the car’s acceleration slow slightly, but was still intent on going above the legal limit. Not too horribly to induce a high speed chase, but it would give her a considerable edge over the other car, containing Akane, Ariel, and after a bit of convincing, Daniel.

    Akane never drove over the limit, and those few extra miles would turn into extra minutes without his suffocating, relentless guarding. She already felt free. Like she was on vacation. It was Saturday. They were going to the ranch. She was free. If only for a short while.

Jasmine: “Sorry, Ang . . . Couldn’t help myself . . .”

    She swept a few hairs back, grinning as she drove down the back roads, the GPS taking them out to the ranch.

Angela: “Akane’s going to have a fit over this, Jazz. You know he hates when you drive like this.”

    Jasmine shrugged in response, keeping her eyes forward.

Jasmine: “Right now, I’d say it’s worth it.”

Angela: “I hope you still feel that way when he lectures you about it.”


    Orion was near his destination, driving with Jason, his sparring partner, in the passenger seat. They were driving in near silence, since Orion had reamed Jason out a few moments ago. The guy just wouldn’t stop talking about Becky, and it had driven him crazy until he’d burst. He doubted the fact that he’d ripped Jason a new one would keep him from hitting on the brightly colored redhead.

    Something about his relentless pursuit drove him nearly over the edge every time the guy brought it up. He wished Jason would stop acting like an obsessed schoolgirl and just leave Becky alone.

    But it didn’t matter right now how quiet it was or why. Orion pulled into the driveway and got out with his partner. It didn’t take long before Jason was swarmed by a couple dogs.

Jason: "WHOA!"

He was almost knocked off his feet.

Jason: "D-down! Yikes! How big do they GROW them?!"

He directed his question towards the massive Greyhound/Great Dane mix.


Red whistled and the two dogs came running, and quickly sat in front of her. She chuckled.

Becky: "Howdy!"

Orion smiled, waving.

Orion: "Good afternoon, Becky. How's the ranch been?"

    It had been a while since his last visit when he’d come to help out on the property, picking apples, mucking the stalls . . .

Becky: "Oh do'n goo-."


Two boys in swimming trunks shot past, faces streaked with mud and waving water pistols, being chased by Sunny, who screeched to a halt. When he’d been here, the girl had taken a liking to him rather quickly.

“You wanna be my friend? I’ll be yours!" She'd exclaimed, and he'd agreed . . . He wanted to make her happy . . . 

Sunny: "Hi Orion! We're play'n Water Wars! Wanna come?!"

Orion chuckled, crouching to be on the girl's level.

Orion: "I was going to help Becky with dinner, actually. Maybe I can come play in a little bit."

Sunny: "Okay! But you gotta-."


Sunny: "RUUUN!"

She finished, shooting off when a pair of older boys in their pre-teens ran after her. Becky laughed at the sight.

Becky: "'An all ah said was 'ya can play in 'th sprinklah'. Give a kid watah, 'an 'th next thang ya know!"

She looked at the pair, and Jason 'purred'. Orion swore if he got the chance, training would get very rough one of these days . . . And Jason would have an accident.

Becky: "Now, y'all come inside! Gran'ma's got some swee' tea 'a wait'n."

Orion smiled, heading inside after her, glancing back at the kids in the yard. Sunny rang a few faint bells in the back of his mind . . . Red walked into the country-style home, a quaint living room with quite a few fans blowing being laid out before them.

Becky: "'Ave a seat, ah'll gitchya some 'a 'th tea."

The large window showed the side yard, where the barn and a part of the driveway was visible. Many of the boys and even a few of the teen girls were running around in swimsuits, shrieking, soaking each other, dodging, all-in-all having a blast. Soon, Red walked back in with a tray of sweet tea.

Becky: "'Ere y'all are! Gran'ma's Swee' Apple Tea on ice."

She gave them each a large glass. Optimus sipped from a glass quietly, glancing out the windows.

Orion: "So what do you need help with, Becky?"

Becky: "Who said ya were help'n! Yer guests! This suppah's fer ya, 't thank ya for help'n us out!"

Becky explained as she sat down.

Becky: "We're have'n a few more guests come as well.”

Jason: "Well, heh, volunteering was MY idea."

Jason grinned. Oh, Orion was certain practice was going to have a few accidents at this rate. He didn’t see Becky as a potential love interest or anything, but he felt protective. And he most certainly didn’t appreciate Jason’s relentless attempts at hitting on Becky.

Becky: "Oh reallay now?"

Becky raised an eyebrow, smirk on her face. Orion shook his head. He couldn’t stand, or sit, to witness this.

Orion: "Well, if there's nothing to help with, I think I'll go save Princess Sunny from being too drenched. Or help her get drenched. Whatever she wishes."

He said with a smile. Sunny reminded him of someone he couldn't quite recall, but he liked spending time with her very much.

Orion: "If you need to, get a shock collar for Jason. He may or may not have rabies."

Becky: "Will do!"

Red giggled with a wink.

Becky: "Do ya want swimm'n trunks? Got some 'a Gran'pa Wendell's."

Orion shrugged, thinking quickly.

Orion: "I've got some of my sparring shorts in my truck. Practically the same. Think the kids will like seeing me in an official outfit? I can even get the tape out and wrap up my hands and ankles."

She laughed.

Becky: "Ah think that's beh great. Ya need anyth'n, don' hesitate to ask!"

She patted his shoulder.

Becky: "We'll beh finish'n up dinnah!"

Jason: "And I'll help! Guest or not!"

Jason tore after the red head. Orion frowned, sighing. Shaking his head in disapproval, he went out to his truck, getting his bag before going back inside, changing to a pair of red shorts decorated with blue flames. He taped up his wrists and ankles, testing his movement before heading back outside, tossing the bag into his truck.

Orion: "Oh Princess Sunny! The Secret Service has come to save you!"

He called with a grin, already imagining all kinds of odd scenarios.

Sunny: "Ssssshhh!"

She poked her head out from a bush, looking around.

Sunny: "If they see you they'll spray you!"

He chuckled, crouching down, lowering his voice to a whisper.

Orion: "My apologies, Miss."

Sunny giggled at his reaction.

Sunny: "It's okay!"

Orion couldn't help a smile.

Orion: "Where do we strike first, Princess?"

Sunny looked around, a bucket full of water sitting next to her.

Sunny: "Hmmm . . . ."   

She spotted a head over the top of the bush and giggled.

Sunny: "Courtney! She's right there!"

She pointed out the dark-haired girl.

Sunny: "She's with Anya!"

Sunny slowly snuck over, water bucket in her small hands, blue eyes bright.

Sunny: "Attack!!!"

She declared, grabbing the bucket.


She threw the water from the bucket, and two high-pitched shrieks were sounded as both the dark haired teen and a strawberry blonde whirled around soaked. Both grinned and held up water balloons.


She screamed, turning and running as both girls chased them. Orion laughed, running after her, picking Sunny up and placing her on his shoulder as he ran.

Orion: "Don't worry, Princess. I've got you!"

She squealed happily, cheering excitedly at the development. Orion chuckled, running from the two vengeful girls, hiding behind a bush closer to the front of the property.

Orion: "I think we lost them, Princess. What is your royal command?"

She laughed as he continued the act with her.

Sunny: "Wait here until they come looking!"

She held up her bucket and filled it with water from a tap on the side of the house. Orion smiled, saluting her.

Orion: "Will do, Your Majesty."

A car came down the road and pulled into the dirt driveway. The doors opened and closed as Jasmine and Angela got out.

Jasmine: "Becky?"

A female voice called. Suddenly . . .


A pair of boys shot past Jasmine, chased by two girls tossing water balloons, not noticing her.


One of the girls shouted as they wove around to the barn. Jasmine's eyebrows creased, watching them.

Jasmine: "What in the . . . ? Becky?!"

Angela laughed on the other side of the car, amused at Jasmine’s befuddlement.

Angela: "The others are gonna be here in a minute, Jazz . . ."

Orion looked down, oblivious to the new guests, their voices faint under the surge of noise from the kids.

Orion: "Ready to strike?"

He asked the small girl, and she nodded.

Sunny: "I got the bucket!"

He smiled, picking her up.

Orion: "Let's go, Princess!"

He whispered, winking at her before yelling.


He stood, Sunny in his arms, running around the corner of the house towards the driveway and the sounds of kids in the midst of a water fight. Sunny flung the water, and when Courtney ducked . . . SPLOOSH! Right. On. Jasmine. Sunny's eyes widened.

Sunny: "Uh oh."

Orion froze, mouth agape, staring at the woman in front of him . . . The one he wasn't supposed to meet until tomorrow . . . Jasmine blinked, soaked. She looked around slowly, breaking into a smile before laughing.

Jasmine: "Thanks! I needed a bath!"

Orion smiled slightly, eyes locked on her. He was entranced.

Orion: "Nice going, Princess . . ."

He murmured, tone void of criticism.

Jasmine: "All right. Who do I get to thank?"

She called out, shaking her arms in an attempt to dry them slightly. Everyone was staring at her in shock.

Sunny: "I'm sorry. It was for Courtney."

Courtney: "You-."

Becky: "Jasmine! Oh mah gosh ya hokay?!"

The redhead hurried out.

Becky: "Ah should've warned ya. It's World War III ovah 'ere, jest with squirtguns 'an water bombs."

Jasmine laughed at the comparison.

Jasmine: "Just one question . . . Where's my weapon . . . ?"

She grinned broadly.

Jasmine: "This will be avenged!"

Orion was still staring, and she had yet to actually take in his presence. She was completely oblivious to him. Courtney snapped to.

Courtney: "Water balloons!"

She handed a few to the older woman.

Courtney: "Stick with us, and we'll show you the ropes. I'm, like Courtney by the way."

Red couldn't help it, and began to laugh.

Becky: "Ah'd join in, but ah got suppah 't finish!"

Jasmine grinned, taking the water-filled things with thin, easily broken shells.

Jasmine: "Thanks, Cadet Courtney. Today, we wage war!"

She laughed softly, usually not allowing herself this behavior.

Jasmine: "Akane and the others will be here momentarily, Becky."

Becky: "Well! Migh' wanna warn 'em b'fore they git drawn intah this!"

She backed up before calling out to them.

Becky: "Game on y'all!"

Everyone took off, refilling and readying themselves.

Courtney: "Like, this way! Hurry!"

Courtney drug Jasmine around to a small cluster of trees and bushes. The auburn haired woman laughed, still dripping wet.

Jasmine: "All right. Who deserves getting drenched?"

Meanwhile, Angel went inside and called up Ariel, telling her to warn Akane and Daniel about the impending water war.

Anya: "Everyone that is not us. But get Sunny and Orion good, yes?"

Anya said with a thick Russian accent. Jasmine laughed again.

Jasmine: "Good . . . But who's Sunny and Orion?"

She glanced around quickly, checking their surroundings.

Jasmine: "Is Sunny the one who got me earlier?"

They nodded.

Courtney: "She's the one with the blonde hair, and like, the cigarette burns on her."

She explained and Jasmine nodded slowly.

Jasmine: "So who's Orion? Name sounds familiar . . ."

Courtney: "Oh! He's the man with the black hair. Totally dreamy looks."

Courtney flashed a smile and Anya muttered something in Russian while rolling her eyes. Jasmine raised an eyebrow, shrugging.

Jasmine: "Guess I'll know him when I see him."

She glanced around again, looking for signs of life, muttering to herself in confusion.

Jasmine: "Where are they . . . ?"

???: "WOOOO!"

They were suddenly attacked from behind, getting drenched, soaked to the bone.

"SUNNY!" Both girls exclaimed. Jasmine laughed, tossing a water balloon in the air on a whim. It hit Orion. In the face. Before she even realized he was there. He shook his head, wiping his eyes.

Orion: "Courtney . . . Anya . . . who threw that . . . ?"

Jasmine froze. He hadn't seen her. What was he even doing here . . . ? It was impossible. He’d been a mirage. A hallucination from a stressed mind.

Jasmine: "I-I . . ."

She stammered. The man . . . the translucent man she'd kissed . . . And he'd kissed her back before he'd vanished . . . She hid the ring protectively. Sunny squealed as Anya and Courtney attacked, hitting her with their water balloons, making the small girl squeal in protest. Orion picked her up, water still crossing his vision, holding her close.

Orion: "You okay, Sunny? Did those hurt at close range?"

    He was very protective of the small girl, not wanting to allow her harm.

Sunny: "Kinda. Not really."

She told him, wiping water from his eyes.

Sunny: "You got him good!!!"

She looked at Jasmine. She was still staring at him, and he followed Sunny's gaze to Jasmine. Their eyes locked for a few tense moments before Jasmine stood, backing up slightly.

Jasmine: "I um, should probably start drying off before dinner."

"Awwwwww!" Both older girls whined. Even Sunny whimpered the announcement.

Sunny: "But you just started!"

Jasmine: "S-Sorry . . . Duck, Sunny . . ."

She forced a smile, chucking another water balloon to Orion's face, blinding him as she made her retreat around the house, heading near a barn, going inside, hand clutched over her chest.

Jasmine: "Get a grip, Girl . . . Get a grip . . ."

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