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~General Narration: ICON Inc.~

    A large, powerful man in a business suit sat a large desk, going over paperwork, tedious, dreadful paperwork. He hated these forms, having to fill them out every so often to run some silly business as their cover work, all because SHE told him to. He growled lightly at the thought, his subconscious torture of that woman being interrupted when a slim man walked into his office, one he was never particularly thrilled to see.

Callan: “Lord Megatron, you’d never guess who just arrived and asked for a ‘loan’.”

    He bit back a scowl, or rather, a deepened scowl at the words his subordinate spoke. Someone was ALWAYS coming in asking for a loan. This was a loan company after all.

Megatron: “What is it now, Starscream? Some down-on-their-luck fool?”

    He asked, not even bothering to look up from his work.

    The smaller man smirked.

Callan: “Our former ‘Pet’. She now goes by ‘Rebecca Hollister’.”

    It pricked a nerve when Callan said ‘our pet’, but Megatron held back his anger, too focused on the find of Red after all these years. Megatron’s gaze lifted slowly, his voice a light growl.

Megatron: "Red . . ."

Starscream continued his smirk.

Starscream: "Apparently her current home is in danger of foreclosure. And of course I denied her."

???: "Fool!"

There was a snarl, one Megatron despised deeply. A woman in a white trench coat appeared. "I need Botson for my plan!"

She glared daggers at the now half-seeker.

???: "And you, LORD Megatron,"

She added sarcastically.

???: "Do you have the parts I required yet?!"

    Megatron’s growl deepened, several more nerves being set off by her presence and superior attitude. He despised that woman.

Megatron: "Have patience, Bombshell."

He didn’t even look over at her as he stalked towards his seeker. The way these two had been messing with his nerves, he couldn’t hold back his anger any longer. But he was going to be methodical about it.

Megatron: "And you, Starscream."

Starscream opened his mouth when Knockout rushed in.


He froze upon seeing a scowling, unhappy Bombshell.

Knockout: "I ah, Bombshell I didn't know you were here."

    Megatron’s scowl deepened. Paperwork was bad enough, but dealing with all this idiots at once? He was boiling in his own anger. And apparently he wasn’t alone in his annoyance.

Bombshell: "Spare me."

She spat at him.

Bombshell: "Time's running out. We only have a month left before the Plane rejects me!"

She glared at everyone and then turned back to Knockout. Megatron didn’t bother holding back a glare of his own, but she hardly seemed to pay attention to him.

Bombshell: "So?! What was so important you barged into the middle of our discussion!"

Knockout: "These!"

Knockout showed several photographs. Megatron’s energon boiled even hotter than before when he saw them, and the auburn woman that sat at the table on a rooftop.

Bombshell looked up at him.

Bombshell: "I am AWARE that is formerly JewelBlade!"

Knockout: "No, not that! THAT!"

The bright redhead to three small figures sitting with her.

Bombshell squinted and her eyes widened. Megatron saw it, too. How had this happened?

Bombshell: "No . . ."

She hissed.


She glared daggers at Megatron. He didn’t flinch. He hated being bossed around by this insane female.


Megatron: "Excuse me for having better things to attend to."

He hissed at her, undeterred by her anger to finish what he’d intended to do. He quickly whirled back to Starscream, anger still boiling.

Megatron: "And my Seeker . . ."

He quickly backhanded the smaller mech, sending him sprawling to the floor.

Megatron: "She was never OUR pet! She was MINE!"

    He was very possessive of what he considered ‘his’. And he would never allow someone else to stake a claim on his property. Ever.

    And then Bombshell made Megatron freeze and pulled him towards her. Whatever anger had been relieved by putting Starscream back in his place had flown past that. Megatron hated her telekinesis. And he was always searching for a way to work around it. If he could just disable her powers, he would wrap his servos around her throat and just squeeze until no more air entered her lungs . . .

Bombshell: "Tell me this. What. Is. Red and SOUNDWAVE'S LITTLE BRAT DOING STILL ALIVE?!"

She shoved the photograph in his face, showing the photo of a now-teenage Megawave. He growled in return at her.

Megatron: "Apparently you were not thorough in your extermination."

Bombshell: "I gave you a simple, direct order. Check, every, single, itsy-bitsy little file to make sure that Megawave was DECEASED!"

Things began to vibrate, including Megatron. He refused to back down.

Bombshell: "She carries a power that could doom the ENTIRE plan!"

The large mech growled again.

Megatron: "Then perhaps we should attend to the matter."

His teeth bore themselves in a scowl, rather disliking Bombshell and her arrogance. It was liking dealing with a female version of himself. And he hated it.

Bombshell: "Yes. Yes you should. I have to keep my pesky sisters OUT of the plane and make sure that NO former Autobot, current Autobot or Techno-Organic gets in my way!"

She turned around, seemingly heading for the door, but she didn’t move.

Bombshell: "Oh, and Megatron, dahling, one last thing."

She looked back.

Bombshell: "Why exactly do you always refer Red Botson as 'yours'? Grown some little attachment to her, hmm?"

It was to anger him only. She really wasn't interested, but she knew the former 'Cons would be.

Megatron's scowl deepened at the insinuation.

Megatron: "She is not the only one that belongs to me, and you know it, Bombshell."

Bombshell smirked.

Bombshell: "Of course I know . . . she belongs to you as much as that poor widdle betraywer Bwade-Wunner was. Poor widdle Megs got deceived not once but thwee times!"

She shook her head. Megatron’s spark heated his energon and that dreadful amount of BLOOD in his system. His anger made him simmer in his awful human skin, making him feel as though he were on fire. He swore if she stayed a second longer, he would make her regret ever challenging his authority!

Bombshell: "Buh-bye!"

She stepped forwards and disappeared.

Knockout couldn't help but snort a bit. That was true! Red and Blade-Runner had gotten them all.

Megatron shot Knockout a withering glare, clearly unhappy.

Knockout straightened up and cleared his throat.

Knockout: "Ah, just a tickle Lord Megatron. But anyways, what are we going to do about Soundwave's femling?"

Megatron: "We're going to take care of her as Bombshell has so dearly 'requested'."

He said with obvious contempt, riddled with sarcasm.

Megatron: "And you will have the honors of first attempt. Now get out of here before I decide that what was meant to happen to Megawave will happen to you instead!"

Knockout tensed.

Megatron: "Ah . . . w-wouldn't Airachnid be a better choice? She's much better at assassination than I am, m-my lord!"

Starscream: "True."

The slender mech agreed.

Megatron: "I don't care who does it so long as YOU are out of my sight, and that pest is taken care of!"

Knockout: "Y-yes my Lord!"

The redheaded medic scurried off.

Starscream took a deep breath in and sighed. When Bombshell wasn't happy, Megatron was DEFINITELY not happy.

Starscream: "Lord Megatron, I assure you. Once she is through with her 'plan', we will rebel against her."

He just growled unhappily.

Megatron: "I would much prefer sooner. If anyone is going to plot against this world, it ought to be me and not that weak Halfling! I swear if she hadn't trapped me in this body she would by long gone by now!"

Starscream kept quiet, then smiled.

Starscream: "You know, if you were to, ahem! Approach Red with a 'limited' offer about our investment, she'd accept instantly."

He slowly said, his mind beginning to run with an idea.

Megatron: "Which would have been much easier had you not already rejected her."

The larger mech added, though his mood improved slightly.

Starscream: "Just say that one of our clients, ahem, 'dropped out' suddenly. It happens in business, of course. Pressure, persuasion, you are good in all of those areas. Far succeeding my own of course Lord Megatron."

Megatron growled lightly, pondering it over. Yes, perhaps that would work. And then, of course, Bombshell would throw less of a fit over the teenage femme.

Starscream: "I have the details on her current name and such in case you don't have any luck. Personal visits might also help."

Starscream handed him a manila folder.

Megatron flipped through it. Yes. Red would fall right into his servos.

~General Narration: Angel~

    Her long blonde hair was kept in a messy french brain today, swung over her shoulder. She dug through her purse as she made her way down the street, looking for something specific that she wouldn’t remember in two seconds, anyway, when her name was called from behind.

??? “Angela! Wait up!”

    She paused, turning around to see a pair of deep brown eyes meet her own silver ones tinted with blue.

Angela: “Sara? What’s up?”

    She had just passed by Sara’s studio, but it was her usual route and she didn’t see the woman very often unless Jasmine had an interview to attend.

    Sara handed Angela a letter, obviously personal, as the name “Ms. Jasmine Brookes” was scrawled across the back in a messy cursive. No indication was given as to who the sender was.

    Angela looked it up and down as she took it from the slightly older woman.

Angela: “What’s this?”

    Sara smiled, putting a finger to her lips momentarily, and winked.

Sara: “I’ve been sworn not to say who it’s from. But your little actress seems to have a secret admirer . . . You need to tell her to stop stealing hearts and settle down. And this guy might just be the one to do it, but you didn’t hear it from me!”

    She grinned broadly, turning and going back into the studio before Angela could say a word. Angela examined the letter again, the envelope a deep blue.

    The traces of energy left behind on it left no question in her mind who it was from, and for a moment, she pondered if she should even give it to Jasmine. She shook her head quickly, knowing her answer soon after. She had no choice if Jasmine was ever going to get better. She placed the envelope carefully in her purse and continued her walk down to the studio.

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