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A/N: Best thoughts going out to Nurse_Ratchet, currently in the hospital for some major pain. She's a trooper and I'm hoping to have her back on wattpad soon.

    By the time I’d collected myself enough to leave the bathroom, it had been nearly three hours. I knew that at this time, Angela and Daniel must have gone to the airport to pick up the girls Daniel had wanted for the movie. I still hadn’t met them. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. But it was high time for me to pull together and be the woman everyone expected me to be.

    Without any further thought, I pushed the emotional weight away. Well, not really away, away, I knew it’d hit me again at some point, but I wouldn’t let it be today. I had to get over it. I had to do something besides freak out.

~First-Person Narration: Angela~

    I was, unfortunately, stuck with Daniel on this little trip to the airport, but I seemed to be one of few people capable of keeping him in line. And awake. If the man would stop getting one or two hours of sleep some nights, it would definitely help. I’d seen him fall asleep standing up, sometimes even walking. And if he was walking, it wasn’t pretty. He would up face-first on the pavement. At least when standing, he had a fair chance of staying upright.

    And the sunglasses he wore, designer, of course, told me that he’d been deprived of sleep again last night. When he was tired, he always tried to hide it. It didn’t work too well anymore.

    But I didn’t have time to dwell on it, while I was trying to figure out whether Daniel was asleep already or not, the plane we’d been waiting for had landed, and a very odd, very loud girl caught my attention.


    She squealed, skipping along inside the airport. In her white capris, rainbow-colored ruffle tank and high-wedge paint-splattered sandals she looked like someone had dumped about fifty neon paint cans on her clothes. Even her sunglasses looked like someone had taken a bedazzler to them. What an odd, colorful girl. Another girl nearby was dressed in different shades of purple and yet another in perfectly coordinated silver, white and black.

???: "Chill Yisty!"

The one in purple called after her. Two small, dark-skinned children ran by, whooping and cheering.

???: "Kids!"

A man called after them, hauling a few suitcases along with who I assumed to be his wife.

???: "Stick together!"

    It took only a second for me to identify her. Emery. Emery Johnes. A techno-organic and wonderful person. It looked like she had grown into quite the woman. I smiled at the thought. Standing here in a favorably tailored white sundress, I wondered if she’d recognize me. I hoped the color was a tip-off. We may have gotten off to a rocky start, but near the end of our adventures, we could be quite the team.

    I was sure their attention would drift to us, but I hadn’t even realized I was zoning out a little. Emery. It was really Emery. I was imagining what kind of comments the old Emery would make about Daniel and his eccentric outfit. A blue suit accented by an underlying red shirt and tie. Heh. Oh the insults that would have come out of her mouth.

    It took me a moment to remember that if these were our girls, they’d need some kind of way to know that we were their destination. I immediately turned to Daniel.

Angela: “Daniel, we need the sign out.”

Daniel: “Then why don’t you get it?”

    I rolled my eyes. Of course he’d be difficult. Why wouldn’t he be? I gestured to the poster board again.

Angela: “Just hold the sign.”

Daniel: “I’m a producer! That is beneath me!”

    I stared up at him. He was taller, but I wasn’t short, either. He was about 6’4”, actually. I was about 5’10”. I crossed my arms.

Angela: “And I’m Jasmine’s manager. I can make her leave you behind because I can get her any acting job in the business.”

    Daniel groaned, but grabbed the board off the ground. Inscribed on the white surface were the letters “MYT”.

    Daniel mumbled underneath his breath in obvious unhappiness.

Daniel: “I will get her in a lifetime contract one of these days, and then you can make no such threats.”

    I smiled and patted him on the shoulder lightheartedly.

Angela: “Good luck, Sweetheart.”

    If there was anything Jasmine avoided, it was commitment. And the sad truth I knew about that killed me some days. I would give anything to find him for her.

    The girl in purple was the one to take notice first. Or at least voice it.

???: "Whoop that's us! YISTY!"

The girl in multi-colored clothes soon joined the girl in purple and the girl in silver as they walked over towards us. Yup. This had to be our group.

Emery followed them after a moment. The man and the two younger children left to go their own way.

I beamed at the small group happily.

Angela: "Hello girls, my name is Angela, and this is Daniel. I'm Jasmine's representative and dear Daniel is your new director. We have paperwork for you, unfortunately, but it's mostly so we don't get sued and you get paid fairly. Your accommodations have all been taken care of and you will have two days to adjust to the city before you'll start rehearsing for the film. Everything sound good so far?"

During the miniature speech, I'd shaken everyone's hands, pausing slightly at the sight of Emery, but my smile never dropped.

Emery. It was actually Emery. It was impossible to mistake her.

???: "Sure!”

The girl in purple said, shrugging.

???: "Okay!"

The girl dressed in a rainbow cheered.

???: "I wanna go to EVERY store in Cali!"

???: "You do that we'll be out there for a week, Yisty!"

    The girl in purple retorted, grinning.

The only makeup I wore today was a healthy dose of red lipstick, accenting my naturally pale shade. I nodded at Emery, a few quiet words slipping from the red.

Angela: "Hey, Sugar."

No one but Emery could hear, but I was certain that those two words spoke volumes. She whispered back quietly.

Emery: "Hey Ange. Was wondering when I'd find you. We'll talk later kay?"

I simply nodded again, turning my attention back to the girls. And Daniel. What was wrong with that man now?

Angela: "Daniel you are so quiet! You are the one who wanted the girls here!"

No response. Whatsoever. Not even a slight movement.

Angela: "Daniel!"

I pulled away his sunglasses. His eyes were closed. Typical. How very typical.

Angela: "Oh Darling.  Another late night?"

I sighed, pitying him and what just HAD to happen next.

Angela: "Such a shame I don't care."

I stomped on his foot carelessly, almost cruelly, but if the man would just take better care of himself, it would help SO much.

Daniel: "Ow! Angela-!"

He began, attempting to scold me, but then he saw the girls.

Daniel: "MYT! Fantastic!"

I sighed again. He was so clueless.

Okay, so I tried to recall the information Daniel had collected. The girl in the multiple colors was Yistina, Yisty for short, the girl in purple was Meghan, Meggy for short, and the last, decked out in silver, black and white was . . . Tanisha, I believe. I wasn’t sure if she went by a nickname or not.

Yistina: “Hey!”

Meggy: “Hi-hi!”

    Yistina nudged Tanisha, whispering.

Yistina: “Say something!”

Meggy: "Yisty!"

The purple girl shot back in a very hushed tone, purple ponytails bouncing.Tanisha blinked, apparently collecting herself.

Tanisha: "Hi!"

She exclaimed without thinking, then she sent  a small glare to Yistina. Meggy grinned.

Meggy: "So yeah I'm Meggy. She's Yistina and that's Tanisha."

Well, at least Daniel’s research had proved right. Thank AllSpark for that. Emery smiled.

Emery: "I'm Emery Collins. Em for short. Girl's manager/agent."

    Yes, that’s right. Seth Collins had been Emery’s flame back when . . . the incident had occurred and separated nearly everyone.

Meggy lifted up her sunglasses briefly, and her grass-green eyes dazzled. I couldn’t imagine why, but I smiled anyway.

Angela: "So when we start rehearsing,  you will get to meet Jasmine on set. But she can be a tad . . . unpredictable some days, so you never know . . ."

    I recalled multiple occasions, though not all, where Jasmine had decided to introduce herself to co-stars far before they would have met on set. And that wasn’t the extent of some of the things she’d done.

Yistina: "Same as Meg-."

Meggy: "AHEM!"

Meggy cleared her throat loudly, interrupting Yistina.

Meggy: "Sorry. Heh. Airline food was dry."

    Yeah. I’m sure it was.

I raised a curious eyebrow but said no more. I’m sure there was more to this.

Angela: "Come now, we've got the limousine waiting outside."

I motioned for them to follow as myself and Daniel quickly took the lead. I was honestly surprised he was even awake. I mean, really, the man was probably dozing as he walked right now. I kind of wished he’d trip over his own feet in the half-sleep state. Serves him right for staying up late and getting up early so often.

"Limousine?!" All three girls exclaimed. Emery sighed.

Emery: "Yup. After this I'm gonna need a 'better' car than the one I drive."

Outside,  the chauffeur was waiting, and upon seeing the familiar approach of Angela and Daniel, opened the door, waiting for the group to pile in.

Yistina looked at Meggy and Tanisha pleadingly. Seeing no one around, she sighed, nodded, and along with Emery and Tanisha plugged their ears.

Yistina: "EEEEEEEEEEE!!! There. I'm better now."

I eyed the girls curiously from the limo,  and Tanisha offered a simple explanation.

Tanisha: "That's normal for her."

Daniel: "Fabulous, girls! That's the kind of enthusiasm i want on set!"

Daniel praised. I shook my head at him. Of course he would. Unless it was a day where he was having a hangover. Then he’d be losing it.

Yistina perked up and sent Tanisha a smug look as she climbed in. Meggy rolled her eyes and followed suit.

Tanisha took her seat in the spacious car near Angela.

Meggy sat next to Emery, and Yistina sat near the window seat, eyes glued to outside.

Angela: "You know where to go."

I called to the driver once he was situated back in the front. He nodded simply and the car slowly took off down the street.

The entire time Yistina kept gasping and babbling about different things. Meggy half-plugged into her tunes, relaxing a little. Emery seemed nervous, and I had a few guesses why. Yistina gasped.

Ysitina: "Girls we're here!!! Wooo!!!"

I smiled good-naturedly.

Angela: "This is your hotel, Darlings. Every night you check in with the front desk so they know you're here and when you leave you check out. We like to keep tabs on you just so we know you're safe, but as I said, you'll have a couple days to explore the city. "

    It was very important to the studio to keep all staff safe while in the city. And with some . . . events that had been experienced with Jasmine, they’d upped their standards a little with anyone involved in those things. No one else had had any run-ins, but better safe than sorry.

All three girls jaws dropped. They scrambled out as soon as they parked.

Emery: "I need to speak with, uhm, Angeline here about a few things girls."

Emery said, giving them their suitcases.

Angeline? Was she TRYING to get my name wrong?

Emery: "I'll be along in a few to say goodbye, kay?"

Meggy: "Yes ma'am!"

They scurried off. Making sure 'Daniel' didn't overhear them, Emery smirked.

Emery: "So Ange, where have you been hiding all of these years?"

Angela: "Just . . . around . . ."

I admitted quietly. It was a long story, really.

Angela: "I've been keeping close tabs on JB. Making sure nothing happens to her. But . . . she's been having nightmares."

I shook my head softly. It was upsetting that I was currently unable to pull up the walls that would protect her.

Across the seat, Daniel was snoring softly by now. He was so eccentric it was silly. Stayed up all night and that led to his body forcing him into slumber during the day.

Emery;"What?! JB's alive?!"

Her eyes widened.

Emery: "Yo girl do you know exactly HOW many years I've been looking for her?!"

Angela: "She hasn't got a clue who she is, Em. She doesn't remember ANYTHING. All she knows are those two pieces of jewelry: the engagement ring she never wears anymore because all it does is make her remember feeling unwanted and the bracelet. Says all it makes her see is blue."

I glanced up at Emery's hair, and back to her eyes.

Angela: "Your blue."

Emery: "Aw man! Jasmine Brookes. JewelBlade! JB! Why the scrap didn't I clue in sooner!"

Then it dawned on her.

Emery: "What about Prime and Sounders? Are they . . . ?"

I shook my head lightly.

Angela: "Haven't seen Prime in person, but I have my suspicions.  Sound . . . well, he's her head of security. Always looking out for her, but he's clueless, too."

Emery: "Any sign of JumpStart or 'Cee?"

Angela: "Not a sound. Well, okay, Jay . . . hm . . . I swear he's one of the extras that shows up for the movies once in a while. Orange-ish redhead, blue eyes. Muscular. Yeah, pretty sure, but I don't talk to him much. I think the reason he shows up is cause . . . well, without his memory, he's drawn to her . . . I just . . . wish I could expel Star from her. That mech is so lost . . . And Arcee . . . I don't even know. There's a motorcycle shop not too far from here worth looking into, but that's all I got."

Emery: "And . . . . Red . . . ?"

Emery bit her lip, but I hardly noticed. My eyes hardened; the memory burned my mind to know that Bombshell had been so, so close to ending Red. And that saving her had cost me time in stasis. As well as my once absolute control over the UP.

Angela: "You needn't worry about her. I don't have a fix on her whereabouts, but she lives."

Emery's eyes widened.

Emery: "Hah! No way! You actually managed to save her?!"

Electricity briefly crackled around her skin.

Emery: "Gah! Agh . . ."

She rolled her eyes.

Emery: "Typical. As you can see, Meggy made it too. But she's . . . starting to remember things. She didn't have her memory wiped, but the trauma I think was enough to lock most of it away."

    Yes, I could tell it was her. My mind just . . . wasn’t shocked enough to make a full-blown reaction to the information.

    Oh, how interesting the days were growing.

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