. . . Of Broken Sparks

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Sunny: "BECK-."

Sunny was literally blown away as Shockwave emerged from the darkness, his tall, bulky, though less so than Breakdown, form imposing upon them.

ShockWave: "Your rescue is illogical. Cellina belongs to me."

Orion scowled at the scientist as he strode over to Sunny, taking her in his arms again. He lowered his voice as he held her.

Orion: “Stay calm, little girl . . . Stay calm . . . Look for a weak spot while I distract him . . .”

He huffed as he stalked around where Red was being held. Precious seconds were ticking away. He had to figure something out, had to piece it together. More so, he had to shatter the device. He glared at ShockWave.

Orion: “You cannot possess a sentient being, ShockWave.”

He scolded gently, calmly, always looking for a weakness, though he kept the majority of his gaze on ShockWave himself. Sunny noticed a spot where the wires joined and began to try and cut them.

Jasmine snarled, actually snarled in her hatred of BombShell and her immense frustration. She lunged at the blonde woman, pinning her to the ground. She couldn’t help herself. She knew what Meggy had said about Bombshell’s power, but what was she expected to do? Just forget about Jay and Jade and Blaze? Not a chance.

Jasmine: “What have you done with my babies? I swear to AllSpark, I swear to Pit, I swear to Primus himself I will rip out your throat if you hurt them!”

Bombshell laughed, the sound infuriating and frustrating and overall just grating on Jasmine’s nerves.

BS: "Oh I'd rather not say . . . Makes this more interesting."

She chortled with an evil grin.

BS: "Go ahead, just try to kill me. In five minutes, the world will be mine!"

    Jasmine screamed, raising her fist, every intent running through her processor to bash Bombshell’s skull in. But something else happened. Her fist paused. Her expression calmed. She looked at the blonde woman beneath her with nothing more than just a calm disinterest.

Jasmine: “You will not use me for your plans.”

    She told her plainly, standing and walking a fair distance from Bombshell, ignoring the blonde woman’s presence entirely. Her emotions wouldn’t be used that way. StarBreak’s emotions wouldn’t be used that way, though the long-gone femme screamed deep inside her, begging for vengeance, her pleas didn’t get far. Everything was calm inside Jasmine again. Though she hadn’t a clue why.

    Orion ran for ShockWave, striking the scientist’s jaw firmly. But he did it with an immense calm. He was level-headed and even, calculating his moves and strikes as much as he had when he were Cybertronian. He was still a Prime. He could still do this. And he could do it with ease. All he had to do was buy Sunny time to work on those wires.

Sunny sliced through them and it shut down. As Optimus delivered the finishing blow, Sunny broke the glass and an exhausted, terribly weakened Red fell into her arms.

Sunny: "Oh Becky!!!"

Meggy however, managed to break free and charge, but found herself caught in Bombshell's grasp.

BS: "So you're not going to be a part of my 'plan' eh? Fine! I just need her anyway!"

Meggy's body began to glow as Bombshell extracted her spark. Jasmine huffed, glaring at the blonde woman.

Jasmine: “I don’t think so, Darling.”

A string shot out from above Bombshell’s body, far above, and wrapped around her neck. Jasmine gripped the other end and she pulled, bit by bit, raising her off the ground, waiting to hear her choke and gasp, a cold calm creeping through her bones and veins.

Jasmine: “Let’s hear you scream like the damned problematic bitch you are.”

She laughed, and reached out her hand, and Meggy's body began to spike.

BS: "Y-you have... no idea..."

Orion strode over to Sunny and Red, leaving the unconscious scientist behind.

Orion: “Cellina . . .”

He breathed gently. He’d lost her once. He wouldn’t, couldn’t, lose her again. Surely Primus, even Unicron wouldn’t be that cruel.

Sunny: "Who's Cellina?"

The small girl asked, holding an unconscious Red close.Red's eyes snapped open suddenly, gasping for breath.

Red: "MEGGAY!"

Hearing her mother's scream, Meggy's body suddenly charged with energy and miraculously knocked her back, and she fell to her knees.

Meggy: "N-now Jasmine . . . while she's weak . . ."

Soundwave finally managed to find the right wire and cut it.

Akane: "NOW!"

He called out. Summoning all the energy she had left, Meggy released it into the satellite as it began to fire into the open rift, but it wasn't enough . . .

Red, who was down a level, added to the blast with her own energy, but she quickly collapsed into the Prime's arms, terribly exhausted.

Jasmine bit her lip, glancing up at the dark tear in the sky. Now or never, she supposed. She certainly hoped the strings would work like she wanted, as stitches, even though the tear wasn't a living being, it was physical, and it was alive enough to know things, to feel things in it's own way. Almost like a tree. Even now, she could see the pulsing waves, almost like a spark.

The silver strands shot out, hooking around one of the sides of the rip, then slid down, slipping through and around the other edge. She pulled, hard as she could, and the ends came closer and closer, at a painfully slow rate. Angel glanced over and her eyes glowed, decreasing the resistance that the Plane put up. It slid closer to closed, but not close enough. With one more harsh pull, the ends met, the silver strands like stitches on a closed wound. She released them, falling to her knees, breathing heavily, but the detached strings remained visible, holding the Gate closed.

The rift closed, and Meggy's energy gave way. She was exhausted. All at once, the satellite began to cave in. Jasmine couldn’t tell whose voice it was that had broken through the dreadful noise and reached her ears. She hardly even understood the words. Everything was too fast.

"EVERYBODY GET OUTTA HERE!" The Decepticons, who were once fighting now fled, and so did Team Prime, helping Prime, Sunny and the others get out. In a near panic, Orion’s gaze flicked around the area, but the chaos made it impossible to pinpoint his targets:Angel, his granddaughter, his bonded mate.

The satellite groaned, and began to topple over. Bombshell's energy warped and changed, and before anybody knew it . . .


Cora used her telekinesis to shove them out of the way.Angel's eyes fled over to the imploding satellite, only to see her sister become crushed in the rubble. Her sister. Not Bombshell, the destructive, corrupt girl she'd known most of her life cycle. But Cora, the vulnerable, over-loving little girl she'd known as a child.

Angel: "Cora!"

She shrieked, rushing over to the cloud of weathered metal dust, digging through the piles and heaps of chunks of ridiculous machinery.

Angel: "Cora!"

She yelled again. She was right. Cora had been in there all along. Cora had been alive. Had been. No. She had to live still.

Angel: "Dammit, Cora! Answer me!"

She rushed over to a large pile of metal and her spark dropped into her stomach.

Angel: "Cora!"

She called yet again, as if invoking her sister's name would somehow make her move. Make the small bit of her sister she could see move. Her left arm. That was all.

Angel: "No!"

She reached the heap of broken pieces, throwing them aside with every bit of strength her muscles could muster.

Angel: "Stay with me, dammit!" She dug the girl out, pulling her from the rubble, the cloud of metal still thick around them.

Angel: "Wake up, Cora, wake up . . ."

She knelt as she held her sister in her arms and lap, watching her for any sign of life.

Angel: "Wake up, Cora . . . Come on . . ."

She whispered, a few tears beginning to slide down her cheeks as she nudged the girl who had been so irreplaceably innocent before it had all gone downhill. Before she'd been destroyed by someone she'd trusted.

Angel: "You still have me, Cora . . . I promised . . . I'm still here . . . Wake up so I can prove it . . ."

Nici rushed over, her eyes wide. She looked up at the Predacon Sisters.

Nici: "Mira! Get my-."

Cora: "No . . . too late . . . lost cause . . .”

Bombshell- Cora said weakly.

Cora: ". . . time's up . . ."

Angel's lip wavered and she held Cora closer. Jasmine walked through the metallic dust cloud slowly as it began to settle. She honestly didn't understand much of this; the pieces would be filled in later.

Angel: "You are NOT a lost cause, Cora! You never were . . . You're my sister . . . And I love you . . ."

Cora smiled. A broken and bruised smile.

Cora: "He . . . he always loved . . . you . . . and . . . her . .. "

Her eyes darted towards their baby sister, all grown up, with a very weak smile.

Cora: ". . . the most . . ."

She reached out her hand weakly, and placed it on Nici’s stomach.

Cora: ". . . It's going t-to be . . . twins . . ."

Her blue eyes widened.

Nici: "H-how did you-?"

Cora: "I . . ."

She laughed weakly, tears in her eyes.

Cora: "I-I don't know . . . !"

She looked back up at Angel.

Cora: "A-Angie . . . I'm sorry . . . T-thank . . . thanks for . . . keeping your promise . . ."

Angel took a deep breath and attempted to compose herself before she opened her mouth again, singing a soft melody in an attempt to calm her little sister’s last moments. To make them worthwhile. She could still visit Cora in the UP. And things would be peaceful there.

“I took your hand, I showed you how,

I promised you I'd be around, Uh huh, That's right,

You took my words, And you believed

In everything, I said to you, Yeah huh, That's right,

If someone said three years from now, You'd be long gone,

I'd stand up and punch them out, Cause they're all wrong,

I know better, Cause you said forever, And ever, Who knew?

Remember when we were such fools,

And so convinced and just too cool, Oh no, No no

I wish I could touch you again, I wish I could still call you friend,

I'd give anything,

When someone said count your blessings now, 'fore they're long gone

I guess I just didn't know how, I was all wrong

They knew better, Still you said forever, And ever, Who knew?

Yeah yeah, I'll keep you locked in my head,

Until we meet again, Until we, Until we meet again,

And I won't forget you my friend, What happened?

If someone said three years from now, You'd be long gone,

I'd stand up and punch them out, Cause they're all wrong and,

That last kiss, I'll cherish, Until we meet again, And time makes, It harder

I wish I could remember, But I keep, Your memory,

You visit me in my sleep, My darling, Who knew?

My darling, My darling, Who knew?

My darling, I miss you, My darling, Who knew?

Who knew?”

Angel swallowed, her spark in her throat. It was tight under the pressure, under the emotional cataclysm.

Angel: "'Cause I'll kiss your eyes and lay you to sleep . . ."

She planted a chaste kiss on Cora's forehead, knowing the seconds were ticking past and that she was lucky enough her sister had even made it through the song. Cora smiled, and Nici quietly sang along, not really to be heard, but to help. To calm herself. To help herself let her sister go in peace. Cora breathed out slowly.

Cora: "Thank you Angie . . . thank you Nici . . ."

She took their hands, and with her last bit of strength, squeezed them. Then, she closed her eyes, and let herself slip away . . . into her father's arms. Angel shuddered, squeezing Cora's body one last time, kissing the bridge of her nose.

Angel: "Sleep tight, Cora . . ."

Nici: "Say hi to Dad . . ."

Nici added in with a hard swallow. She looked up and met Angel's eyes, and on and impulse . . . hugged her.

Nici: "Why didn't I figure it out sooner . . . ?"

Angel blinked, sighing as her spark came to the realization that her sister wouldn't walk this, or any other planet again. She would be confined to the Plane.

Angel: "Figure out what?"

She asked, a bit of a numbness creeping over her.

Nici: "That you and Cora . . ."

She bit her lip and pulled away.

Nici: "I should've known . . . I could've done something! To get her back. To get you back!"

Tears ran down her face.

Nici: "To ask for your apology . . . for what he did to you both . . ."

She stared at her.

Nici: "I found out only recently, and Mom . . . she told me the truth. About you, and Cora, what happened . . . what Dad did to you two . . ."

She covered her face with her hands.

Nici: "I'm so sorry . . ."

Angel shook her head gently. She'd made her peace with the situation long ago.

Angel: "It's fine, Nici. I don't need an apology for what happened. If anyone ever needed an apology, it was Cora, but I feel that she'll be okay . . . That she'll be able to make her peace now . . . It'll be all right . . ."

Nici: "Still . . ."

She took her hand.

Nici: "You're my sisters. My family. I won't have it any other way."

Angel nodded gently, looking at Cora's still form and sighed.

Angel: "I understand, Nici . . ."


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