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Becky: "Ah 'eard ya got amnesia. One 'a mah gals on 'th ranch, she keeps track on tha' sorta stuff."

Becky sat back down beside her.

Becky: "In truth . . . it ain't jest a ranch. It doubles as a fostah 'ome. Rehab centah as well. Don't tell folks 'cause 'th kids tha' go there . . . go through awful thangs. Sunnay's one 'a 'em. A 'lil warrior. Her fathah abused 'er terriblay. Used 't burn her with cigarettes 'an all 'a tha'. 'Th first words she evah spoke 't us were, 'Can ah keep 'im', when we got Grief 'few months back."

She smiled at the memory.

Becky: "'Th ranch 'elped meh git back intah spirits, aftah ah lost mah own memories. Ya do'n this . . . it 'elps so much."

Jasmine nodded, smiling slightly.

Jasmine: "I'm glad it's helping . . . that's the point of every charity I take part in . . . and I . . . really hope that Sunny, and all those kids keep getting better. They deserve more than what the world has handed them. Most people do. But . . . who am I to complain? I live comfortably. I don't have the kinds of concerns most people have. That's . . . why I try to help people any way I can. They deserve more and if I can give them more . . . then that's more than enough reason to take part."

Becky: "'An ah can't thank ya 'nuff. Ya got a good spa- ah mean 'eart."

She shook her head.

Becky: "Sorray. Ah git mah words mixed up sometahmes!"

Becky laughed. It was a sweet sound, and seemed to carry an accent of it’s own.

Becky: "Say, tell ya whut. Why don'tchya come down 't 'th ranch? Bettah yet, stay for suppah! 'Least ah could do, ya be'n so hospitable 't meh. Ya can meet 'th kids. They'll love it!"

Jasmine smiled a little more.

Jasmine: "I'd love to. Get away from this big, empty house for once."

She looked around the room slowly, like a ghost would spring from the walls themselves.

Jasmine: "Hardly ever use the extra rooms. But I want to have them. Just in case . . ."

She shook her head lightly.

Jasmine: "Of course, Akane is going to insist on coming with. The man won't let me out of his sight lately . . . I hope that's okay."

Becky: "Oh it's fine! Invite whoevah! Jest call 'head first, so we know 'ow many plates 't set at 'th table. Hm . . ."

She thought to herself for a moment.

Becky: "Ah oughta invite Orion 't. Ah know, ya might not know 'im, but 'e's this big MMA stah. 'Th gentleman, went through 'th trouble 't 'elp us out. Volunteer'n at 'th ranch. Sunnay 'an 'th boys jest adore 'im!"

Jasmine tilted her head slightly at the name.

Jasmine: "Sounds familiar . . . but I can't place him. But it sounds like a nice little getaway."

Becky smiled.

Becky: "Ah love it there. Couldn't 'magine m'self anywhere else!"

She agreed with a small sigh. Jasmine nodded.

Jasmine: "How soon?"

Becky: “Well, whenevah ya git some tahme off ah s'pose!"

Jasmine thought about it for a moment; she was certain Daniel would give her time off if she requested it. They were ahead of schedule for the movie anyway, and even if they weren’t, he adored her and treated her like family.

Jasmine: "I'm sure Daniel will give us some time off next week."

Becky: "Great! Next Saturday, 'round fahve?"

Jasmine smiled lightly and nodded. Becky smiled back.

Jasmine: "I'm sure that will work fine."

Becky: "It'll beh great 'ave'n y'all there. An ah'll make sure no fruits or grain gits mixed t'gethah."

Jasmine laughed lightly.

Jasmine: "Thanks . . . it'll be nice to get to somewhere . . . new."

Becky: "Ah'll say this; ah swear we've met b'fore."

She shrugged, like it weren’t really a big deal. Jasmine smiled weakly at the thought.

Jasmine: "Maybe . . . anything is possible with the way we are . . ."


She agreed with another laugh, then yawned.

Becky: "Good grief! Ahm plum-tuckered out!"

Jasmine nodded again.

Jasmine: "I'll leave you to rest."

She stood, heading for the door, walking out of the bedroom, a little ways down the hall and into her own, collapsing onto the bed. She laid there a few moments before feeling the irrepressible urge to open the letter. To check it over. To know the words that had been scrawled in a distinctively blue ink.

She quickly got up, heading over to where she’d stashed the letter in her underwear drawer. If there was one place Akane wouldn’t check, it was there, even if he had been working with her for years.

Taking a deep breath, Jasmine ripped it open, shaking slightly. She needed those bittersweet words now more than she had before.


Dear Jasmine,

Are you reading these? I certainly hope you are and they aren’t being caught up somewhere or being thrown out, being written off as the crazy ramblings of some mentally unstable fan who doesn’t know what he’s saying. I wish I could give you some way to correspond, to let me know that you’re reading. That you’re not just dismissing me. I know you surely get some odd letters in your line of work, but I assure you I’m not one of those.

I promise you that I’m different. I promise that if you come and meet me when the last letter comes, I will make it worth your while. I certainly hope a bodyguard or two doesn’t intrude too horribly, though. Do your guards know about me? Do they know I write to you, or have you been able to conceal this? Even more so, again, I can’t help but wonder if you read these at all or just toss them away. I hope you don’t. I would like very much to get to know you. If you allow me, I will do my best to make you a happy femme.


The words tore at her a little, bring as much comfort as pain, but swallowed it down, going back to her bed, gripping the sheets, trying desperately to fall into slumber.

It was a mistake. All she knew was that as she lost her consciousness, she’d materialized to see him. And he had Becky with him. And as usual, she was tied to a chair with rope. Jasmine’s head was hung. She didn’t want to look. She knew who was here, but she couldn’t face them.

Megatron: "And you should never attempt trickery unless you'd like to share her fate."

Becky’s eyes widened.

Becky: "J-Jasmine?!"

It suddenly hit the southern girl like a softball.


She remembered him. Who he was. Who she was. And what he wanted.

Becky: "AH AIN'T YER PET!"

The red-head's eyes flashed dangerously, the same fire she'd had years ago. She was fed up of being the victim. Of having to endure his caresses and forced kissing.

Becky: "Soundwave's 'th onlay mech who ah'll evah b'long 't."

Megatron only laughed.

Megatron: "I suggest you pay attention, Pet."

Chains materialized, holding her back, pulling her to the wall. Jasmine looked up slowly, taking in her surroundings, only confirming what she knew was there. She felt so much shame.

Jasmine: "R-Red . . . ?"

A quiet whisper blew through the room, that of a little girl.

Jade: "Mommy. . . ? Why don't you fight anymore...?"

Jasmine squeezed her eyes shut tightly, knowing very well the see-through form of a little girl was standing next to her, tugging at her sleeve.

Megatron scowled.

Megatron: "Maiden!"

He could see the tiny form. It infuriated him to see that . . . thing. And then she was gone. But something shifted at her daughter’s touch . . . She couldn’t let Megatron near her baby.

Jasmine: "Megatron!"

The ropes fell away, and Jasmine quickly rushed the tall man, but he anticipated her, grabbing her by the shoulder and flinging her into the wall, her body tensing as the impact shook her to the bone, falling the eight feet back to the ground, limp.

Becky: "HANDS: ON!"

The words spilt from her mouth, and before Becky, Red could comprehend what she was exactly doing, her hands transformed and she open fired at him, easily knocking him down!

Becky: "Battlemode: On!"

Fiery red plating clicked and clattered, shrinking over her form, green eyes glowing from behind a battlemask.

Becky: "Megatron! This stops right 'ere. Right now!"

Megatron laughed, standing and walking over to the limp body, picking up her chin and forcing her to look at him directly.

Megatron: "Maiden. Make her comply."

Jasmine's eyes were glazed over as he made her see things that had never happened, stirring an intense fear in Jasmine’s gut, and a desire to comply.

Jasmine: "Yes, Sir."

She mumbled quietly, a set of glowing, woven strings surrounding Red quickly, holding her back like a cage. She was already beginning to pale.

Jasmine: "Sir . . . it doesn't work long . . . It hurts . . ."

Megatron: "Shut up, Maiden! I swear you're worse than that horrid Emery some days!"

Jasmine: "Em . . ."

Her will came back to her, the name of her friend providing some clarity. Her hands clenched on the floor, closing her eyes.

Jasmine: "Em . . . Emery. . . Come on . . ."

Emery: "YO SHARKY!"

There was a sudden charge of electricity in the air. A woman with dark skin, long black hair and electric blue eyes stood just a few feet away.

Emery: "Miss me?"

She asked with a smirk.

Emery: "Y'know what they say about us Electrons?"

She suddenly pulled out a scythe.

Emery: "Don't mess with 'em, especially if they're a royal!!!"

She charged and struck his arm, making him drop her.She spin-kicked him into a wall, her eyes crackling.

Emery: "Yo JB, you okay?" She asked, looking at the woman.

Jasmine looked up, nodding slightly, the silver strands disappearing around Red. The woman stumbled forwards, and Emery helped her up.

Emery: "So, whaddya say Redster? Team Siren go?"

She nodded and smiled, and Emery turned back to the fallen Decepticon.

Emery: "So, Megsy, you give up? Or are you thirsty for more?"

He scowled deeply, glancing between them, his only source of pleasure coming from the one still on the floor.

Megatron: "You will never be rid of me. None of you will."

He took a step back and vanished, sending all of them a chilling glare.

Emery: "Sharky gets creepier and creepier."

She growled, then turned around and locked eyes with the auburn-haired woman.

Emery: "JB . . ."

She sat up slowly, leaning against the wall for support, looking frazzled.

Jasmine: "H-Hey Em. . . how's it. . . going. . . ?"

Emery: "JB!!!"

Emery lunged and yet again hugged her. Then shocked her.

Emery: "You j-jockhead you scared me half-to-death!!!"

Jasmine smiled lightly, her eyes closing and arms wrapping around Emery loosely, getting tighter when she decided it was actually real. That it was really her charge.

Jasmine: "I . . . I didn't really mean to, kiddo."

A small tear slipped down her cheek.

Emery: "I know you didn't . . . But . . . All this time . . . "

Emery was crying now.

Emery: "I thought I lost you t-the way I lost mom."

Red transformed back.

Red: "Emeray . . .? J-JewelBlade . . .? Oh mah gosh. Y'all . . ."

Jasmine nodded slowly.

Jasmine: "I know, Emery. I'm so sorry."

A few more tears slipped down out of control.

Jasmine: "I'm not gone, I . . . I promise . . ."

She was taking slow breaths, trying to keep her body still. Trying to keep it calm.

Emery: "Fifteen years . . . So much has happened! I g-graduated . . . S-started my own business . . . Got married . . . H-h-had kids . . ."

Emery was struggling to speak.

Emery: "And . . . took care of M-Meggy."

Red gasped, going into tears.

Red: "Megawave . . . Oh mah 'lil gal . . ."

She flopped down.

Red: "Ah was gone . . . A-ah died righ' in front 'a 'er."

Jasmine's breathing was getting ragged, but she nodded.

Jasmine: "Sh-she's. . . doing okay. . . Red. . . sh-she... thought I was . . . you . . . actually . . ."

She closed her eyes, trying to keep herself in the UP, in this moment.

Jasmine: 'Come on, come on.

She thought it over and over but it kept getting harder.

Emery: "Look, JB.”

Emery could feel it. The struggle.

Emery:  "If you remember ANYTHING, do NOT trust the Cons! Trust Meggy! She'll help you okay?! Just trust her!"

She began to fade away.

Emery: "I'll find you Redster, I promise!"

Red: "Emeray! JewelBlade!"

Red cried out, it being the last thing that either of them heard...


Jasmine was ripped out of that world, when a splash of water came to her face. Angel stood over her.

Angela: "Good AllSpark, girl, I thought you'd never wake up!"

She promptly handed her a glass of orange juice and a sandwich, giving her minimal time to react.

Angela: "What were you doing?"

Jasmine blushed, lightheaded.

Jasmine: "N-not much . . . Check on Rebecca . . ."

She hardly remembered any of it, but Becky felt like a priority. Angela nodded before heading into the occupied guest room.

Angela: "Rebecca? Becky?"

She went straight to the bed. She wasn't in there, or rather, she was underneath the bed. Oddly. She was staring up at the frame, frustrated tears in her eyes.

Angela knelt down quietly.

Angela: "Becky?"

She swallowed hard and opened her eyes.

Becky: "Oh . . . An-Angela . . . m-morn'n."

Angela nodded slowly.

Angela: "It's only about four a.m., Becky. You should try and get a little more rest."

Becky: "Ah can't."

She whispered.

Becky: "Not without 'im . . . whoevah 'e is."

She closed her eyes, a few more tears dripping down.

Becky: "Ah sound crazay but ah know . . . ah know ah b'long with someone 'an . . . 'an it's drive'n meh insane."

Angela sighed lightly.

Angela: "I know it's hard, Becky. I know it's difficult with restless nights. Jasmine's had quite a few of her own. I might be able to get something that will help you sleep at night before you leave, all right?"

Becky: "Ah've tried pills 'an teas . . . ah dunno but ya can try. Ah'd 'preciate tha'."

She sighed hopelessly.

Becky: "'An ah'll try 't rest."

Angela: "All right, Sugar. I'll work on getting something to help you. Just relax and try not to think about the bad dreams. Thinking about them only makes you more vulnerable."

She nodded, crawling out from underneath her bed, and in the dim light her bold, black marking was still visible enough.

Angela sighed lightly, trying to be sensitive about the matter.

Angela: "Honey, you may want to keep your tattoo under wraps. The abstract design may give off the wrong vibe to some people."

She gasped and covered it.

Becky: "It . . . does 'th same 't meh. Ah jest wish I knew 'ow it got on meh. S-some folks say it could beh part 'a a cult or someth'n."

She sighed again.

Becky: "It's . . . maybeh 'th reason why ah can't 'member anyth'n."

Angela shook her head lightly.

Angela: "I don't think that's it, Sweetheart. It's a fair hypothesis, given your situation, but while I think it's related to who you are, I don't think it decides who you will be."

Becky: "Wise words, Angela. Ya keep 'em."

She told her with a soft smile. Angela nodded gently.

Angela: "It's what I do, Hon."

She quietly walked out of the room, going to a hall closet and rummaging around, taking out a large dreamcatcher, and heading for Akane's room, knocking on the door.

Angela: "Wakey, wakey! Let's go, Sweetheart. I require your services."

He stepped out, his long dark hair loose, and creamy white skin from his shirtless top rippling with muscles.

Akane: "Yes Angela?"

Angela handed the dreamcatcher to him promptly.

Angela: "Indulge my insanity and trace every part of this dreamcatcher with your fingers. The frame, the strings, the feathers. Everything. Just do it."

He blinked but did so.

Becky poked her head out.

Becky: "Oh Angela-."

She froze when she saw Akane and a blush crept across her face.

Becky: ". . . Nevah mind."

She poked it back in and slammed the door.

Angela glanced over.

Angela: "All right then. . ."

She turned back to him.

Angela: "Do it again. At least ten times. I'll come for it later."

She walked away before he could argue. He blinked and just kept doing it, confused. But hey, stranger things had happened over the years.

Jasmine still sat in her room, having finally finished the food Angela had given her. Her head hurt still, but it wasn’t bad anymore. She sighed, glancing at where the letter sat in her nightstand now. She wanted to read it again, but if Akane came to check on her with Angela roaming around . . .

It just wasn’t a good idea.

But she swore she could almost feel him here . . .

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