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Sunny sat beside her.

Sunny: "I go to this tree lots too."

Jasmine shook slightly before gaining a hold on herself.

Jasmine: "Yeah . . . ? Seems like a good tree . . . Great personality . . ."

She patted the bark, and Sunny giggled.

Sunny: "His name is Clyde."

Jasmine forced a small smile, wanting to make the girl happy.

Jasmine: "Nice to meet you, Clyde . . ."

She sighed, opening her eyes again, extending her hand.

Jasmine: "You're Sunny, right . . . ? Did I get you that autograph . . . ? I know you asked for one, but I can't seem to recall if I filled the order . . ."

The small girl nodded.

Sunny: "You did! It's hanging in my room! Next to my picture of my mommy."

She looked down at her feet at the mention.

Sunny: "I miss her lots."

Jasmine's smile saddened thinking about a girl without her mother. It was a painful thought.

Jasmine: "I'm sorry, Kiddo . . . Becky says you came here from a bad place . . ."

She nodded and held up her arm, showing many circular burns.

Sunny: "Daddy got drunk a lot. He called me bad names. H-he kicked me 'an punched me 'an burnt me with his cigarettes . . . it really hurt. A teacher found out 'an she called the police, 'an they locked him up. I didn't like to talk to people, b'cause I was afraid they'd hurt me too."

Jasmine sighed. No child deserved that.

Jasmine: "I'm sorry, Honey . . ."

She took hold of the little girl carefully, pulling her into her lap, holding her close to her body, feeling quite protective of her.

Jasmine: "Not everyone is bad, I promise . . . There's lots of good people out there . . ."

She rubbed the girl's back gently, her other hand, sliding a few stray hairs back out of Sunny's face.

Sunny: "I know. But I was afraid. I still kinda am. But Becky told me that the animals 'an the trees would listen to me."

She giggled as Grief licked Jasmine's cheek.

Sunny: "See? He knows you're sad."

Jasmine smiled slightly.

Jasmine: "Sometimes it's just hard to be happy . . . I . . . Was taken off guard today . . . But you want to go look at the horses with me . . . ? Becky says we're going riding after dinner . . . Speaking of which, aren't you hungry?"

Sunny: "Nope."

She shook her head, then lowered her voice to a whisper.

Sunny: "I ate a few apples with Orion when nobody was looking."

The blonde girl giggled. Jasmine smiled softly, trying to keep from flinching.

Jasmine: "Orion . . . The man you were with earlier?"

Sunny nodded her confirmation.

Sunny: "He's really nice! He reminds me of my big brother! Well . . . I used 't have one. He died with mommy when I was really little. Daddy said they got into a car accident."

Jasmine nodded, standing carefully, keeping the girl in her arms.

Jasmine: "How about we go visit those horses . . . ? I'm sure they'd love some company."

Sunny smiled and nodded.

Sunny: "Okay!"

Her blue eyes shone with excitement as they walked in.

Sunny: "There's mine! His name is Syde! I named him that 'cause he's always b'side himself. He only really likes me 'an Becky."

She told her, then pointed out several more.

Sunny: "That's Miska, she's Anya's horse. She's Russian, well . . . she can understand it."

She pointed to each horse and named them. Persona, Gatsby, Tremor, Crystalline, and several more.

Jasmine: "Gatsby? Like The Great Gatsby? That's one of my favorite books."

Sunny: "Granma Roseabelle named him that!"

Jasmine sighed wistfully. She wanted that shed done every second she was in this barn.

Jasmine: "What a wonderful name . . . You don't have any that go by Blaze, Jade or Optimus, do you . . . ? Maybe Jewel . . . ?"

Sunny: "We got a Jewel!"

She pointed at AJ. The big, black Fresian.

Sunny: "Her full name is Avalon Jewel! Becky got her when she was eighteen!"

Jasmine sighed, shaking her head.

Jasmine: "What I wouldn't give . . ."

A knock came at the entry of the barn and Jasmine froze, refusing to look, even when the footsteps came close. She had her suspicions, and they were quickly confirmed.

Orion: "Hey Princess. How're the horses?"

Sunny: "They're doing good! Hey, you and Jasmine wanna feed Syde an apple?"

Orion smiled. The girl never ceased to amuse him.

Orion: "I'm sure that would be wonderful, but Becky and the others will probably be out soon for that ride."

Jasmine shuddered at the sound of his voice. Sunny looked up at her.

Sunny: "You okay?"

Jasmine: "I'm fine . . . Just . . . Wasn't expecting . . . Company . . ."

She flushed slightly, still not looking at him, even as he placed his hand cautiously on her shoulder.

Orion: "I'm . . . A big fan of yours, Miss Brookes . . . I'm glad I had the chance to meet you, however unexpectedly."

He turned her slowly, extending his hand, and she took it, shaking it as though her arm may fall off at the contact.

Jasmine: "N-nice to meet you . . ." She replied keeping her eyes down, focused on the ground. He smiled.

Orion: "I'm Orion Pax, in case you haven't already been informed."

Sunny giggled at the pair, then squirmed free and dropped out of Jasmine's arms, taking off to get Syde an apple. Jasmine glared at him, eyes wavering in uncertainty.

Jasmine: "I . . . Stay away from me . . ."

His eyes narrowed slightly, head giving a slight tilt.

Orion: "Why's that . . . ? Have I done something wrong . . . ?"

Jasmine: "You can't exist. It's not possible."

She sighed, backing up slightly, needing space between them.

Jasmine: "Unless you have something important to tell me, I think you should go away . . ."

He smiled, leaning against a stall casually. He’d gotten to see her. Ahead of schedule. And now he could possibly meet her twice. How would she feel when she found out he’d been the one sending her letters? Sunny came skipping back with a rosy, red apple.

Sunny: "Why're you mad at him? Did he eat some of Granma's pie without asking?"

Orion chuckled, looking between them.

Orion: "Good question . . ."

Jasmine: "That the answer isn't going to be revealed to. I don't want to talk about . . . Whatever this is . . ."

Sunny: "Oh! Okay then! You wanna feed Syde?"

She held out an apple. Jasmine sighed, trying to relax, taking the apple and walking over to the horse, stroking it's forehead as she held out the fruit, doing her best to ignore Orion.

Sunny: "You gotta hold your hand flat!"

Sunny scuttled over and made her palm flat.

Sunny: "See? That's so he doesn't accidentally bite you!"

Jasmine sighed, nodding.

Jasmine: "I know my fair share about horses, Hon."

Sunny: "Okay! Just so y'know!"

She smiled up at her, just as Syde's soft lips tickled her palm as he took the apple. Jasmine nodded, patting the horse's cheek gently, glancing back at the bay.

Jasmine: "Think Elvis is jealous at all?"

The bay quietly scuffed his hooves on the ground in his stable. Orion smiled, trying to make himself invisible.  She grabbed Orion's hand and drug him over.

Sunny: "I dunno! I don't speak horse!"

Jasmine winced, looking down.

Jasmine: "So . . . Um . . . When do you think we'll be heading out on that ride . . . ?"

Orion shrugged, sliding a hand over Syde's neck.

Sunny: "As soon as supper's done! Does the funny man in the red shirt like horses?"

Jasmine smiled slightly.

Jasmine: "I don't imagine he's been around anything bigger than my dogs. He'd probably have a heart attack."

Sunny giggled.

Sunny: "He'll love them! Oh! Wanna see our bunnies too?! And our cats?!!"

Jasmine: "I . . . Well, I suppose if you want . . ."

She relented, not exactly keen on the idea. Mostly the part that involved spending more time around Orion.

Jasmine: "And I'm sure Daniel will try the ride if I ask him to. He's a good man."

Orion raised an eyebrow, hands in his pockets.

Orion: "Oh? Are you dating him, then?"

Jasmine scoffed, shaking her head at the accusation.

Jasmine: "He's my colleague, not a romantic interest. I don't much see how it concerns you, anyway."

He just smiled at her.

Orion: "Curiosity is all."

Jasmine: "Well then I hope you're not a cat."

She retorted, turning away from him.

Sunny: "Come ON!"

She grabbed their hands and drug them around to the side of the barn, where nicely sized wire cage was and inside . . . adorable bunnies and even a small bunch of babies hopped around. Jasmine smiled slightly at the girl and her enthusiasm. Orion chuckled, ruffling Sunny's blonde hair. She giggled, and managed to pull out a little bunny.

Sunny: "This is Hopscotch!"

"Adorable," the pair said in sync, and glanced at each other. Jasmine flushed, turning away, but Orion only looked slightly amused.  One of the bunnies stood up on its hind legs, and began to stamp his foot rapidly.

Sunny: "Betchya can't guess his name!"

Jasmine grinned, recalling the old Disney movie.

Jasmine: "Thumper?"

Sunny: "Yep! 'An that's Rosie."

She pointed at the small pinkish rabbit.

Sunny: "We feed them carrots 'an they had babies 'an I get to play with them all the time!"

They grinned at the small girl's amusement.

Jasmine: "Well isn't that something? Sounds like a lot of fun, Sunny."

Orion: "Sure does, Princess. What else have you got to show us?"

Sunny: "The cats!!! Miko just had kitties!"

She grabbed their hands and dragged them to a woodshed, and inside a dark calico with brown eyes was curled up in a box with several tiny, fluffy bundles. Jasmine smiled, kneeling down slowly.

Jasmine: "Well isn't that something? Must be fun having all these animals around."

Sunny nodded.

Sunny: "They all help out too! The bunnies eat the weeds -well, the ones that're not poisonous- 'an the cats eat 'th mice, 'an we give riding lessons with the horses 'an if we get some big horses we can have corn 'an stuff!"

Jasmine nodded, smile growing. Orion chuckled.

Orion: "Big horses? You mean the manly ones like Clydesdales?"

Jasmine laughed at his use of ‘manly’.

Jasmine: "What about the mares? You're calling them 'manly' too?"

Orion: "Well, maybe not them . . . Unless they're standing next to a normal horse then the are."

Jasmine shook her head, but she still smiled. Her denial of forced misery made Orion smile in return. One of the kittens mewled and Sunny gasped.

Sunny: "Their eyes are open'n!!! Their eyes are open'n!!!"

She leaned close, watching with her big blue eyes as the kitten all opened their tiny eyes for the first time. Jasmine smiled at the sight, watching them. Orion sat down next to her, letting his hand venture over hers slowly. She winced, and pulled it back away, but only after allowing the touch to linger longer than needed. Sunny grabbed their hands together, gasping as one of them stumbled over to her.

Sunny: "Awwwwwww!"

Jasmine laughed softly, blushing slightly at the forced contact.

Jasmine: "Apparently they can hear your excitement, Sunny . . ."

She let go of their hands and very gently petted them. Jasmine smiled.

Jasmine: "Going to name them? Or do you do that sort of thing with Becky and the others?"

Sunny: "I do it with Becky, but she won't mind if we name them!"

Jasmine's blush returned across her cheeks.

Jasmine: "Oh? You want us to name them with you?"

Orion swept a hand through Sunny's locks gently.

Orion: "Sounds like fun."

The small girl giggled.

Sunny: "That one's DEFINITELY Tigger!"

She pointed at one.

Sunny: "He's bouncy!"

Jasmine laughed, looking the kittens over.

Jasmine: "What about Shadow . . . ?"

She slid a hand over a small gray cat with black markings. Orion chuckled, looking them over.

Orion: "Um . . . What about . . . Halo . . . ?"

He glanced at a small white kitten with faint golden splotches. She nodded.

Sunny: "'An here's one more!"

She picked up a little one with reddish fur.

Jasmine: "Scarlett."

Jasmine murmured quietly.

Jasmine: "Or Ruby . . . ?"

Sunny: "Howabout Red?"

She asked. Jasmine nodded slowly.

Jasmine: "Sounds good . . ."

Sunny looked up at a quiet Orion.

Sunny: "You okay...?"

Orion smiled and nodded quickly.

Orion: "Sorry. I . . . Spaced out a little."

Sunny: "Is Red a good name?"

He nodded again cautiously.

Orion: "Sounds nice, Sunny."

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