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Megatron: "Do you understand it yet, Maiden? Do you understand how easy it is to get what I want? How easily I take things? I don't even have to ask . . ."

Megatron had once again invaded Jasmine's sleep. He paced in front of her, where she was tied to the chair with layers of rope.

Tonight was different. She was at the point where she was aware of things in the UP rather quickly, and took a blessing that neither of her little ones had taken it upon themselves to interfere. She was far from giving in . . . She was just waiting for the right moment as she hung her head in silence. She smiled, looking up at him slowly.

Jasmine: "Really . . . ? 'Cause you don't have me, do you . . . ?"

Megatron growled, gripping her throat with his massive hand.

Megatron: "Shut up you harlot! I could've had you whenever I wanted! You should be groveling at my feet that I showed restraint on your miserable form!"

She just looked at him plainly, unaffected by his grasp, irritating him more.

Megatron: "You should be crying you wench! You should be upset! You should be begging me for forgiveness!"

Jasmine: "And why's that, Megsy? Give me a good reason!"

He smiled, leaning in, his hand resting on her shoulder.

Megatron: "Because I have that child . . . Sunny . . . Or whatever her dreadful name is . . ."

Jasmine froze, staring past him, even as he straightened, brushing off his shirt.

Jasmine: "You didn't . . ."

She looked to him slowly.

Jasmine: "You CRETIN! Give her back right now or I swear it'll be the end of you, you hear me?! I will hunt you down and make you suffer!"

Megatron laughed at her.

Megatron: "And how do you intend to do that? Hop over in a chair?"

She growled, the ropes falling away, grabbing an end.

Jasmine: "No. But I might just strangle you."

She swept forward and he deflected the first blow, but her second hand got through, wrapping the rope around his throat, once, twice, thrice . . . Pulling hard before he backhanded her into a wall. He immediately set to loosening the rope around his neck as Jasmine coughed up a few drops of blood, shuddering.

Jasmine: "So that's how you wanna play tonight, huh . . . ? Well, with all the times you've played dirty, I don't exactly feel bad about it . . ."

She wiped her mouth as she stood, already sore as she focused on an old friend, scowling at the Deception leader.

Jasmine: "EM!"

There was a short pause, then a crackle of electricity and from the darkness...

Emery: "YO! SHARKY!"

Her blue eyes crackled.

Emery: "You seriously don't know when to quit, huh?"

Megatron scowled at the new arrival. Jasmine smiled.

Jasmine: "Not so fun when the shoe's on the other foot, huh, Megsy?"

Megatron: "Don't test me!"

He growled, flicking his eyes over to Emery.

Megatron: "I really don't know why you insist on showing yourself. This does not concern you."

Emery: "Oh, wrong words to speak to me, buster."

Her blue plating shrank around her body, sheathing her staff which quickly turned into a scythe.

Emery: "Ready to rock it JB?!"

Jasmine smiled, nodding slightly.

Jasmine: "I've missed these days, Em . . . I really wonder if it's fair though . . . But then I remember, I don't care."

A green and purple mesh armor slid from Jasmine's joints out over her limbs, energy-fueled blades extending from her hands.

Jasmine: "Well whattya know? Looks like I got an upgrade, Em."

She tossed the blades in the air. They wavered like fire.

Megatron: "Maiden, I swear-!"

Jasmine: "Swear on this!"

She tossed the blade in her right hand, and it whizzed past, leaving a gash in Megatron's shoulder. He screamed, gripping it tightly, red and blue ooze seeping through his fingers.


Emery lunged, swinging her scythe and hit him hard, then swing-kicked him into a 'wall'.

Emery: "And THAT'S for the misery you and BS caused!"

Megatron growled, glaring at both the femmes.

Megatron: "You'll both pay . . . I promise you that . . ."

Jasmine sighed, tossing the other blade in the air, catching it again.

Jasmine: "I suggest you get out of here before we cause a situation where your promises become null and void, Megsy . . ."

She strode over to him, leaning in as she pressed the other blade against his ribcage.

Jasmine: "Don't wanna die just yet, do you . . . ?"

He growled again, a primal sound, and Jasmine smiled.

Jasmine: "Get out of here, Megsy."

She pushed him back against the wall, and he scowled as he vanished through the seemingly solid structure. Jasmine shrugged, turning around.

Jasmine: "Some people, huh, Em?"

Emery: "Yeah."

Her plating pulled away.

Emery: ". . . . Wait. A. Sec."

She ran over and nearly knocked her over in a hug.


Jasmine laughed, wrapping her arms around Em, the flexible armor complying easily. Jasmine: "Now why would you say that?"

Emery: "You-. . . You . . ."

She punched her on the shoulder.


Same old Emery. Jasmine smiled, picking Emery up over her shoulder.

Jasmine: "Just because I'm not giant anymore doesn't mean you can push me around, Missy!"


Emery laughed.

Emery: "Did I mention I was married?!"

Jasmine laughed in turn.

Jasmine: "Well, I would hope you haven't been engaged all these years, Em! If that was the case I'd have to hunt that boy down and beat some sense into him!"

She chuckled.

Emery: "I did THAT ten years ago! Kids always make me tell the story of how I dragged him into a jewelry store and proposed to HIM all over again!"

Jasmine laughed softly, putting Emery back down.

Jasmine: "Oh that poor man . . ."

Emery: "And I got a little revenge on him too. Guess who pulled a Soundwave-faint after a trip to the doctor's confirmed that his wife was expecting not one, but two little bundles? Mmh?"

She raised an eyebrow, grinning like mad. Jasmine's smile held a tinge of sorrow.

Jasmine: "You had . . . Twins . . . ?"

A hand instinctively went to her abdomen.

Emery: "Yeah. Jaycee and Blaine. Both have my trouble-streak and their dad's energy."

She chuckled tiredly.

Emery: "They know all about you and Prime. Been telling them stories of your guts since they were in diapers."

Jasmine sighed, looking down, smile weakening.

Jasmine: "Two little ones . . . You're so lucky . . ."

Emery: "JB you okay?"

She placed a hand on the auburn-haired woman’s shoulder.

Jasmine: "I, um . . . Never told you . . . At first it was just too soon, and then the transfer, and the explosion, but I . . . Em, I was . . . With spark before . . ."

She closed her eyes momentarily, hand clenching over her abdomen.

Emery: "You were gonna have WHA-."

It dawned on her.

Emery: "Oh . . . J-JB . . ."

She hugged her.

Emery: "Oh ggh-. . . JB I'm so sorry."

Jasmine: "I-It . . . My body couldn't handle it . . . I lost . . . Twins . . . A femme . . . And a mech . . . Jade and Blaze . . ."

She focused, pulling them in slowly.

Jasmine: "They're . . . Very sweet . . ."

The two small forms appeared, both immediately taking to their mother. Jade stated at Em cautiously, calmly, and Blaze was wide-eyed. Both lacked a bit of energy today.

Blaze: "Who's she, Mom?"

He asked, looking up.

Jasmine: "That's your Aunty Em, guys. Em . . . These are my babies . . ."

She gripped both of their hands, eyes watering as the armor slipped away.

Emery: "Gah-. . . Well . . . Hi."

She awkwardly waved then muttered.

Emery: "I thought you said they . . . Y'know."

Jasmine nodded. The pair was indeed deceased and out of reach in the conscious world.

Jasmine: "They did . . . We um . . . This is the only time we can really be together . . . I'll take what I can get . . ."

Jade nodded, stepping towards Em cautiously, speaking very calmly in a voice beyond her current seven-year-old form.

Jade: "You know my mom . . . ? What was she like before the sadness . . . ?"

Jasmine closed her eyes.

Jasmine: "Baby . . ."

Emery: "We-heh-heh-ell, since I've got the time . . ."

She smirked over at Jasmine.

Emery: "Your mom was pretty wild, a little crazy, kinda weird, and all-in-all; my best friend. She was my partner-in-crime, my pal . . . My scapegoat."

Em chuckled at the thought.

Emery: "But she was someone who helped me become who I am today. Without her in my life, I wouldn't have gotten married or had my own twins or raised Meggy- HOLY SCRAP I FORGOT!!!"

She whirled around.

Emery: "JB, we have a sitch. Bombshell's here in town!!!"

Jasmine frowned, pulling both of the twins closer.

Jasmine: "Why's she around? She better not make a move on them . . . ShockWave already did . . . Do you know what her motives are?"

Emery: "Not yet but-."

???: "Like I said, darling . . ."

A chilling voice said.

Emery: "Oh. Scrap."

Emery whirled around to see an all-too familiar Angela-look-alike strut over to them.

Bombshell: "It's for me to know, and I suppose you'll try and find out."

She smirked at Emery's wide eyes.

BS: "What's the matter? Can't use a little lightning to lock me up?"


Jasmine scowled as the young pair slipped behind her, albeit with a glare to the new arrival.

Jasmine: "Leave. Now."

She growled, armor sliding back over her body.

Jasmine: "Get any fragging closer and I swear you'll regret it."

Bombshell laughed, a haughty and fearless, creepy sound.

BS: "My dear, dear JewelBlade. You don't understand, do you?"

A rush of tremors ran through their bodies.

BS: "In this world, I am in control!"

Emery: "JB-!!!"

Emery screeched as she began to explode.

Emery: "AAAAUGH!"

Bombshell quickly stopped, however, sparing her.

BS: "A warning. If you meddle in my affairs, your family, Soundwave's little brat AND her friends all end up like Red did."

She smirked.

BS: "Now . . . to get rid of these two."

She set her sights on the twins. Jasmine scowled, glaring at her, ready to rip out the blonde’s throat if necessary.

Jasmine: "Sweetheart, I don't think you understand. The Plane doesn't like you much. It has no issues with us."

Her eyes began to glow as Jasmine strode towards Bombshell.

Jasmine: "You don't mess with my babies. Ever. Do. You. Understand?!"

She lifted Bombshell by the throat, scowling, using all her restraint not to kill her in front of her children.

Jasmine: "Jade. Blaze. Open a gate."

She locked eyes with the blonde.

Jasmine: "Count it a blessing that I haven't broken your neck!"

Bombshell merely chuckled and Jasmine's hand pulled away on it's own. She wanted to rip Bombshell apart at the moment.

BS: "Wrong. Move."

All around them, the place shattered and exploded, pulling Jasmine and Emery out of the Plane and shoving the twins away . . .

BS: "Never underestimate me."

Were the final words all of them heard.

    Jasmine sat up in her bed, panting, a sheen of sweat covering her forehead, eyes wide as she stared at nothing. She shook slightly, gripping the blankets, a flurry of images staying with her. Orion was awake shortly and held her close, trying his best to comfort her.

Orion: “Jasmine . . . What’s wrong . . . ?”

    He pulled her close, kissing her cheek. She shivered, seeing that face . . . the perfectly blonde hair and the horrid feeling associated with it.

Jasmine: “D-do you ever wonder if maybe you can’t trust someone you always have . . . ?”

    A hand rested over her stomach, feeling that motherly instinct to protect running rampant, but no one to exercise it on . . .

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