. . . Yet So Far

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Angela smiled, glancing back at Jasmine. Daniel and Ariel looked fairly confused but were able to piece things together from the exclamations of Sunny and Jasmine's head guard.  Akane opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off quickly.

Becky: "Akane, say ONE word, 'an ah'll make sure Gran'ma knows ya didn't eat none 'a 'er relish!"

He shut his mouth, blushing, and looked away. Jasmine offered Becky a small, thankful smile.

Jasmine: "Maybe  I should bring you to live with us full-time . . ."

Becky laughed.

Becky: "Nah, don' worray."

Her voice dropped down to a whisper.

Becky: "Ah got a load 'a dirt on everyone 'ere . . ."

Ariel glanced at her curiously.

Ariel: "Is that so?"

Becky: "Oh, ya live it, ya learn it, ya love it."

She shrugged with a smile.

Becky: "Though-."

Sunny: "So as I was saying, Becky goes RUNNING when the swan chases her-."

Becky: "Ah alreaday git tortured 'nuff. 'An most 'a these storays 'appened when ah was in high school!"

Becky: "I thought this happened last week."

Sunny looked at Becky innocently enough. Ariel smiled, and Angela tried to keep her eyes on the woods, or else she'd have them glued on the pair behind her.

Angela: "Got some angry swans around here, then?"

The blonde woman asked, watching warily as though the things might attack at any second.

Sunny: "A couple in the pond! Terror 'an Discord! Becky named 'em!"

Becky's face was as red as her hair. Ariel laughed softly.

Ariel: "That's what I'd name them, too, if I got attacked by those vicious beasts."

Suddenly, Becky held up her hand.

Becky: "Whoa!"

She pulled the reins, stopping her horse. Sunny gasped.

Sunny: "Lookit! A rattlesnake!"

Daniel shrieked briefly before Ariel slapped a hand over his mouth.

Ariel: "Would you stop being such a girl? You are perfectly fine, you pansy!"

He made a muffled protest that couldn't be understood anyway through her block, but his eyes stayed wide. Jasmine rolled her eyes at his exaggeration.

Orion: "And you say he's a good guy? Seems like a wuss to me . . ."

Orion mumbled, and Jasmine shot him a small glare, doing her best not to smile, but hardly succeeded as the corners of her lips rose.

Jasmine: "Wusses can be good guys, too."

She retorted, unable to resist the urge of picking on her dear friend. He was sweet, and she owed him a lot, but, well, he was kind of asking for it. The snake watched them with beady eyes, so close they could see the diamond-pattern back. He gave a few shakes with his tail, then turned and slithered off.

Becky: "See? Tha' makes 'bout 'th fifteenth we've seen on these trails."

Ariel removed her hand slowly, and Daniel screamed.

Daniel:  "I could have been killed!"

The blue haired woman sighed, slapping a hand to her forehead.

Ariel: "Is there no pleasing you?"

Becky burst out laughing at the man’s reaction.

Becky: "Ya ain't experienced 'pain' 'till ya've bin bit! Which, not ta brag, 'as 'appened 't meh plentay 'a tahmes. Now c'mon y'all, gett'n late!"

She set her horse into a trot. And Sunny, being herself, looked at Daniel and innocently.

Sunny: "Wasn't that cool?!"

He shook his head wildly in disbelief.

Daniel: "That thing could've killed me or-!"

Angela: "Danny Boy! Shush up and get riding before I find another snake for you to make friends with!"

Angel teased, having had enough of his squeamishness, and he promptly shut his mouth, riding after Becky with Ariel. They rode into the yard and Becky dismounted, quickly taking her horse into the barn. The kids were all up to different activities. A couple of the boys had portable video games out and were huddled on the side porch, Anya was plugged into an iPod and practicing ballet, Courtney was chatting away on a cellphone, while the rest of the kids ran around, playing a game of soccer.

Jasmine smiled, watching them, dismounting with the rest of their group. Orion glanced at her before going over to Sunny, bringing Darth Vader along.

Orion: "Need any help or do you have this, Princess Sunny?"

Sunny: "I can do it!"

She said confidently, though Sydes stood put.

Sunny: "C-C'mon!"

She yanked at the stubborn horse.

Suny: "No! You can't stay out here!"

She argued, putting her hands on her hips and glaring up at him. She seemed to stare at him intently for a few minutes, then . . .

Sunny: "MARCH!"

She pointed at the barn. Syde got up and reluctantly trotted away. Sunny bobbed her hand in satisfaction.

Sunny: "'An don't dawdle!"

   Orion chuckled, watching the horse go.

Orion: "What about you, Jasmine?"

She rolled her eyes, leading Elvis into the barn, everyone else having gone in while Sunny and Syde were having a war of wills.

Jasmine: "I'm just fine, thank you."

He shrugged, following her, Darth Vader at his side. Sunny kept lecturing the poor horse all the way into the stall.

Sunny: ". . . 'An if ya think ya can dawdle you gotta 'nother thing coming to you Syde!"

The horse snorted, and the other horses nickered, as if laughing at the poor animal. Jasmine smiled at the scene, sliding Elvis out of his saddle and bridle, edging him back into the stall. Orion did the same with Darth Vader.

Jasmine: "Guess it's getting late out, huh Becky?"

Jasmine asked quietly, sliding her hands over the bay's neck and jaw.

Becky: "Yep! 'An actuallay."

She checked her watch, a bulky black one.

Becky: "It 'appens 't beh a certain 'lil Sunnay's bed tahme!"

Sunny: "Awwh!"

The young girl whined in protest.

Becky: "Now c'mon gal, go 'an wash up 'an git reday 'an ah'll-."

Sunny: "I want Jasmine 'an Orion to do it! Please Becky?! Please?!!"

Jasmine blinked, looking at the small girl.

Jasmine: "Oh, I don't know about that, Hon . . ."

Orion shrugged, picking her up.

Orion: "I'll put you to bed, Sweetie. Sure thing."

Sunny: "Jasmine too?!"

The small blonde girl gave an adorable look to the older auburn haired woman.

Becky: "Uh oh!"

Becky chuckled to Daniel and Angela as she helped Daniel off.

Becky: "Sunnay's Sad Bambi Eyes are in affect!"

Jasmine blinked, flustered at the child’s enthusiasm to have both of them there.

Jasmine: "I, um . . ."

She sighed lightly, giving in to the girl’s wishes, despite her desire to keep away from the man she barely knew.

Jasmine: "I guess it won't hurt just this once . . ."

Sunny: "YAY! I'll go 'an get ready!"

She easily leapt out of his arms and hurried off. Becky chuckled.

Becky: "Ya gotta love 'er."

Jasmine nodded, avoiding Orion's gaze. He just smiled.

Orion: "She's very sweet. Well, M'Lady, let's head inside shall we? I'm sure she'll be ready in no time."

He walked over, offering his arm, throwing Akane a cautious glance. Jasmine bit her lip, sighing, taking his arm and he led her inside slowly. She just had to get through tonight. That was all. Akane opened his mouth but Becky took his hand, effectively silencing him for the moment.

Becky: "Ah'll show ya 'th rabbits."

She drug him off, and a blush lit up his cheeks. Angela grinned at the sight. Pieces were falling into place. Even if it had taken more than long enough for it to happen. Jasmine tensed slightly as Orion led her into the house, heading upstairs.

Orion: "Sunny? Oh Sunny?"

Sunny: "In my room!"

A little room off to the side had the door open, and a pair of cats were curled on the foot of her bed, and Missy and Grief were there as well. Her small room was simply furnished with a toy chest, small bookcase and a little bulletin board above her bed. On it were pictures of school, School Fair Ribbons, Jasmine's autograph . . . and a picture of a beautiful woman with Sunny's blonde curly hair, holding a baby in her arms. Her mother.

Jasmine smiled slightly, hiding the bit of sorrow the room caused her, walking over to the small bed with Orion, wrenching her arm from his carefully.

Jasmine: "How are you feeling, Sunny?"

Sunny: "This was the best day ever!!!"

She cheered adamantly, obviously delighted with the day’s events. Jasmine laughed, kneeling on the floor. Orion imitated her, straightening Sunny's light blanket with careful hands.

Orion: "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Sunny."

She giggled, and picked up a book. It was a copy of Aesop's Fables.

Sunny: "Becky reads me one every night! They're my favorite! 'Specially the Turtle 'an the Rabbit."

Jasmine nodded. Something about this girl just made her smile.

Jasmine: "It's a good tale, Sweetie. Do you want me to read or . . . Orion . . . ?"

He chuckled at her reluctance to even say his name.

Sunny:"If you read a short one, then Orion can read another short one!"

She pointed at the shorter fables.

Sunny: "'An that's a whole story, 'cause half-'an-half is one, right?"

Orion smiled, brushing a hair from Sunny's face.

Orion: "All right, Sunny. Any preferences?"

She looked for a second, then pointed out one.

Sunny: “ 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse'.”

Orion smiled, nodding, reading the tale to the small girl. Once he was done, she was yawning, but picked out another for Jasmine to read; ‘The Fox and the Grapes’. She smiled at Sunny, taking the book, indulging in the tale, fluctuating her voice and moving her hands as she read, trying to make it as entertaining as she could. Orion watched with a grin.

Sunny laughed and giggled, watching her, and once she was done, yawned loudly and rubbed her eyes. With a  soft meow, an orange-patched tabby walked over and curled up beside her, closing her eyes.

Sunny: "Yoko . . . liked the story too . . ."

Jasmine smiled, kissing the girl's forehead.

Jasmine: "I'm glad, Honey . . . Sleep tight, okay . . . ?"

Sunny: "Night Jasmine!"

The small girl quickly hugged her.

Sunny: "I love you."

She then hugged Orion.

Sunny: "I love you too!"

The pair blushed, blinking slowly.

Jasmine: "We . . . Love you too, Sunny."

Orion nodded his agreement.

Orion: "We do, Princess. Have a good night, okay . . . ?"

Sunny: "Okay!"

She snuggled around the cats and dogs, instantly falling asleep. Jasmine smiled, kissing the girl's forehead gently before standing, walking quietly out of the room. Orion smiled warmly, kissing the girl's temple before following her out, leaving the door open just a crack.

Orion: "You're wonderful with children, you know that . . . ?"

He asked in a hushed voice, following her down the hall. She rolled her eyes at him.

Jasmine: "I'm just trying to make her happy. I'm not ready to be a mother by any means."

Orion: "Now when did I mention being a mother?"

She paused, turning to face him.

Jasmine: "I . . . I don't know . . ."

He just smiled, taking her hand.

Orion: "Come with me."

He led her outside past the children, going to a spot barely illuminated by the house, laying down in the grass. Reluctantly, she laid down with him and they spent nearly an hour watching the stars.

Orion: "Do you know where the North Star is? I can never quite pinpoint it . . . Not that I look at the stars often from the city . . ."

Orion continued, using Jasmine's love of the stars to keep her here. She glanced around slowly, searching, then pointed.

Jasmine: "It's that one. It's brighter than the others. And it's part of the Little Dipper."

Orion: "All right . . . What about Orion?"

She laughed,nudging him gently.

Jasmine: "You're right here, in case you have noticed."

His smile grew. He loved to hear her laugh instead of see her scowl in his presence.

Orion: "I noticed . . . I meant the constellation."

Jasmine: "I don't know if it's out this time of year . . ."

She searched around the sky for Orion's belt, the tell-tale marker of the constellation itself. The stars shone brightly enough that if it was there, it should be more than easy to pinpoint. Jasmine sighed, shaking her head when it wasn’t to be seen.

Jasmine: "Nope . . . I believe it's mostly a winter kind of constellation, anyway . . . It's not out now."

Orion: "Well maybe you'll have to show me where it is in winter."

She rolled her eyes at his proposition.

Jasmine: "I'm not sure I could tolerate you that long."

The man laughed softly, taking her hand.

Orion: "I believe you do not tolerate me. You enjoy my company."

Jasmine scoffed, pulling her hand away. But her words held a playful air when she spoke again.

Jasmine: "I believe you're delusion, Mr. Pax."

Orion: "Then prove it. Leave. I don't believe you will unless instructed to do so."

Jasmine bit her lip, sighing.

Jasmine: "What does it matter if I do?"

Orion's smile grew, placing a hand on either side of her shoulders, positioning part of himself over her.

Orion: "Because if you don't, then I plan to kiss you."

A small flush crept onto her face at the closeness, nearly invisible in the dark.

Jasmine: "Then why don't you just do it . . . ?"

Orion: "I would have earlier if we hadn't been interrupted . . ."

He smiled, one hand lifting her chin, the other holding him up carefully.


Becky was visiting with Angela, Daniel, Ariel and Akane while all of this happened, Jason sitting next to her with a grin.

Jason: "Y'know, I'm not busy next weekend. How about . . . you and me, the bar?"

Becky: "Uh, look, ah reallay don' think-."

Jason: "Who knows? I could book us a motel roo-."

Akane: "She said no.”

He interjected sharply.

Jason: "Hey, you her boyfriend or something?"

Akane: "No, but! She said no. And she is clearly not interested in you."

Becky's face flushed slightly as he intervened on her behalf.

Becky: "Ah . . . well, ah do 'preciate 'th offah."

She told Jason. Akane, noticing Jasmine hadn't joined them yet, crept over to Sunny's room, seeing the girl fast asleep.

Akane: "Hm."

He quickly walked outside. Akane looked around the dark area, squinting his eyes, and as he surveyed the area, he could have sworn he saw movement behind the barn. But a laugh caught his attention and he headed over that way.


Akane shouted, spotting the pair the pair in the grass, lips moments from meeting. Jasmine groaned quietly, pushing Orion off and back into the grass, walking towards Akane, biting her lip.

Jasmine: "I was just showing him constellations and he . . . ambushed . . . me . . . Won't happen again. When are we leaving . . . ? It's getting late. Driving tired is just as dangerous as driving drunk, you know."

She said in a hurry, trying to change the subject desperately. Orion just smiled, placing his hands behind his head, acting like nothing had happened.

Akane: "Immediately."

He growled, then took her hand and led her inside.

Akane: "Pardon us, but, we must be going.”

Becky stood up.

Becky: "Aw well, it is kinda late. Nice tha' y'all came ovah!"

Jasmine gnawed at her lip nervously, rubbing her arm.

Jasmine: "We'd love to come back sometime . . . Though . . . It might be wiser if your other guests weren't here at the same time . . ."

Becky smiled, shaking her hand.

Becky: "Thank ya fer come'n-."

Granma: "HOLD IT!"

Granma Roseabelle rushed out from the kitchen, giving her something.

Granma: "I ain't 'bout to let you offa this ranch without some decent food! You're thinner than a twig! You need meat on your bones!"

She wagged a finger at her. Becky slapped her palm onto her forehead.

Becky: "G-Granma . . . !"

Jasmine blushed, taking it.

Jasmine: "I . . . Just have a . . . fast metabolism . . ."

She blinked slowly as her companions stood, fetching her keys from her pocket.

Jasmine: "Well it was nice, but we really should be going. C'mon, Ang."

The blonde walked over to her, ready to get going.

Granma: "Stop wear'n sucha brigh' colour!"

Becky: "Granma-."

Granma: "'An ya, sonny!"

She grabbed Daniel's shoulder and yanked off his sunglasses.

Granma: "Ah-HA! Just what I suspected. Ya bin neglect'n sleep! I won't letchya offa this ranch until ya swear on God's name you'll drink decaf 'an get at least SEVEN hours of sleep! Ya get me?"

Becky groaned and Daniel raised an eyebrow.

Daniel: "I cannot control my brilliance, you strange woman. I cannot choose when I create. And you . . . You are awfully unusual."

Jasmine sighed. Typical Daniel. At least he wasn't shrieking like a little girl as he was prone to doing lately.

Jasmine: "All right . . . Well, if the criticism is over, let's go. I'll talk to you later, Becky!"

She rushed outside with Angel, unlocking her car and jumping inside, the blonde woman close behind, Ariel and Daniel already filing into the other car. She shook her head.

Granma: "If ya keel over, don't blame me!"

She called after him. Becky sighed.

Becky: "Ya tried Granny.”

She hurried out to watch them leave. Akane looked over her, and offered a smile as he got into the driver's side. She smiled back, and Akane looked away with a blush, then composed himself.

Akane: "Miss Brookes, you'll be riding with me."

Jasmine: "What? I'm not riding in anything but my car!"

She started it up, Angel looking between them cautiously, having a feeling another lecture was brewing.

Akane: "Then I will drive."

He said, with a short glare. Jasmine groaned, rolling her eyes.

Jasmine: "Fine . . ."

She slipped into the passenger seat, crossing her arms, seat belt fastened, muttering nonsense to herself. Ariel nodded, taking up the driver's seat in the other car, and Angela got in the passenger side, Daniel in the back. Akane quickly set to lecturing her about doing this and that. Jasmine sighed, ignoring him for the most part as they drove home. Orion left with Jason shortly after. Becky sighed, and yawned.

Becky: "Whatta day . . ."

She murmured in the now quiet house.

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