Transformers Prime - Intimacy

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Time frame: Night of the wedding/spark bonding

    It was late at night now, possibly in the early hours of the morning, and the hustle and bustle of the wedding had finally died down. We said our last goodnights to the various mechs, femmes and humans who’d attended, though on the human front, most of them had left hours ago, curfew, of course.

    I felt a knot in my gut as Optimus closed the door. As well as a knot in my spark.

    I yearned for him, I really did, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t incredibly nervous. Of all the close calls and preparations made, I was still a bit . . . uneasy about it. And I couldn’t imagine the tension building up in my body would make it any easier.

    I shuttered my optics, taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

    ‘It’s all right, I’m all right. He’ll do his best to make this good for me. He won’t hurt me . . . much . . .’

    I bit my lower lip. I didn’t know how much Cybertronian anatomy differed from human anatomy, but based on the obvious similarities, I guessed losing my ‘V-Card’ would be . . . slightly ‘uncomfortable’ just as it would be as a human.

    And given Optimus’ body size, I could only guess what I’d be dealing with tonight . . .

    I squeezed my optics shut, standing in the middle of the room, feeling incredibly awkward in the situation. Optimus was experienced, he knew what he was doing . . . me? Not so much . . .

    A large servo rested lightly on my shoulder.

Optimus: “Maiden, you are under no circumstances required to follow your human customs and . . . interface with me . . .”

    I couldn’t believe what he was saying. It made me feel like . . . he didn’t want me that way. Like I wasn’t good enough. Considering he had experience where I didn’t, that made me feel incredibly inadequate.

    I bit my lip harder to keep it from quivering. I don’t know what caused this sudden swing in emotion, but I knew Optimus could feel it, and I felt his concern for me come through our fresh bond. And I immediately remembered that he had probably felt my nervous tension, and had said that out of kindness, not a lack of desire.

    As I thought of it, I could immediately feel the desire he’d been trying to hide from me. He didn’t want to pressure me . . .

    Though I wasn’t watching him, I knew his helm had turned when I’d found what he’d been trying to hide, a slight twinge of shame ringing through him.

Optimus: “Maiden, I wish to make you happy. What is it you desire from me? What can I do for you?”

    I . . . I wanted him. I wanted him to take away that fear of Megatron . . . I wanted him to make me feel the bliss my body craved from him. The bliss my body craved from only him.

    I guessed he could feel what I wanted, because he scooped me up in his arms, carrying me gently to the berth, lying me down below his larger form, kissing me gently.

    I kissed him back, somewhat reluctantly, still nervous, still tense.

    My resolve faltered, and he broke the kiss.

Optimus: “Maiden, if you wish for me to stop, simply say so. I will not do anything you don’t want me to. I will not push you into anything you are uncomfortable with.

    I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t take NOT being with him any longer. My spark ached for him. To be bonded through spark and yet without the body . . .

    It made me feel partial.

Maiden: “Optimus, please . . .”

    My spark swelled, filled with the desire to be with him, nervous tension and all, no matter how much it unnerved me at the moment.

    I knew he felt my decision when he kissed me again, pressing his body lightly to mine. He murmured lightly, his lips leaving mine for a short instant.

Optimus: “I promise to be gentle . . .”

    His kiss came to me again before I could reply, and it was nerve-wracking to think of the-.

    I didn’t exactly have time to think anymore, though, a strong servo rested on my waist, drifting down to my hip, another drifting up, slowly unhooking my breast plate, the piece of metal clanging down to the floor.

    I tensed slightly as my chest became exposed, but Optimus’s servo was gentle as it drifted over the breast-like wiring and cables, held together with a small amount of metal, much thinner than what had covered it before, his thumbs stroking lightly. I let out a slow breath, trying to ease the tension in my body.

    His lips slowly moved down to my jawline, then down my neck, to my collarbone and my sternum, his glossa slowly teasing between my breasts. I shuddered lightly as he moved his helm, glossa now sliding over one of my breasts, slowly beginning to lap at the collection of sensitive wiring at the center.

    I couldn’t help a small gasp as his digits played with the other gathering of wires at the adjacent breast.

    Okay, so maybe him being experienced wasn’t a bad thing . . . he knew what he was doing . . . he knew how to make my body tick, how to make sure I enjoyed the experience . . .

    A small moan escaped my lips as his denta grazed across the wiring, slowly taking a portion of my breast into his mouth.

    I exhaled slowly, trying to relax the tension building in my body, slowly shuttering my optics, a servo roaming gently over my abdomen. His glossa continued moving over my breasts lightly, distracting me from the servo on my abdomen, having made it’s way to the cover that protected my . . . opening . . .

    I didn’t notice until I heard the metal hit the floor with a clang. And I suddenly felt very, very exposed. I shuddered lightly, trying to control my breathing, knowing I was without the armor I’d known my entire Cybertronian life.

    I felt . . . vulnerable . . . and that caused me to tense my lower body, crossing my arms over my chest the instant his helm left it. He wouldn’t harm me, I knew that, but it was hard not to feel this way when I no longer had the defenses I’d known . . .

    I knew when his own armor, from both his chest, arms and groin, went falling to the floor that he understood my reaction. His body . . . well it looked surprisingly human. And the removal of his chest plating was a plus. He didn’t seem as . . . intimidating . . . anymore . . . his body didn’t look quite so large, it was closer to the leanness he’d had before he’d almost died and-.

    Okay, scratch that. He was still large, just . . . in a different way . . .

    I averted my optics, blushing madly, tensing again. His body lowered to mine again. And his erect cable just barely brushed against me.

    He whispered to me.

Optimus: “Do you wish me to stop . . . ?”

    I shook my helm slowly.

    He kissed my cheek lightly before moving down, and for a moment, I actually bothered wondering what he was doing.

    Well, I didn’t have to wonder anymore when his servos slowly parted my legs, and his glossa slid over the sensitive wiring between them.

    I gasped lightly, my legs tensing, trying to move together, but his servos held them in place.

Optimus: “Easy, Sweetspark . . .”

    I relaxed again, if only slightly, and his glossa went back to teasing over a particular sensitive set of wiring, and I squeezed my optics tightly shut.

    His glossa drug over it repeatedly, slowly, and I could feel the significant amount of lubricant coating my port. I guess he noticed it, too, because as I let out a soft moan, a digit slowly slipped into me, his glossa lapping gently at the wiring just above, soliciting a slightly louder moan . . .

    I was breathing heavier, not from exhaustion but from anticipation. His digit moved gently inside me, stroking the inner wiring, moving in small circles. I exhaled heavily, squeezing my optics tighter shut, biting lightly at my lower lip.

Optimus: “Look at me, Sweetspark . . .”

    His voice was low . . . different from what I was used to with him . . . lusty, maybe?

    I opened my optics slowly, lifting my helm just slightly to look at him, just as his glossa slid over that wiring again, simultaneously adding a second digit. I closed my optics, my helm angling back towards the berth. I gave up trying to look at him as he’d instructed me to, lying on the berth, gripping the structure tightly, feeling his digits move in and out slowly, stroking the wires tenderly, his denta grazing across the sensitive group of wiring lightly, glossa lapping in between each pass.

    I exhaled slowly, moaning.

Maiden: “Optimus . . .”

    His digits pulled out a little further this time, but only for a third to slip in. I gasped lightly, biting at my lower lip as they moved in and out of me, attempting to move my lower half, but his elbow and free servo held me in place.

Optimus: “Easy, Maiden . . . It’s just me . . .”

    I took a deep breath, relaxing again as his digits moved slightly faster, glossa teasing the tip of the too-sensitive wiring. My body was warm, my port dripping . . .

    It was still a few minutes before he crawled back up over me, kissing me gently as he gently pressed the tip of his member between my legs. I caught my breath, trying not to shutter my optics, opening myself to him slowly. He eased in, pausing every few inches, watching my reaction.

    I still felt pain, but this was Optimus, the mech I’d desired so long . . . and that caused the pleasure to overwrite the pain easily.

    Soon, his cord was in me completely, and I felt so much better having taken him into me. I wrapped my arms around him gently, not quite ready to wrap my legs around his waist . . .  Slowly, he began to move himself in and out of me, and I couldn’t help moaning lightly into his mouth, and his glossa quickly took the opportunity to invade my mouth.

    He kept thrusting gently, in and out, in and out . . . his servos slowly went back to my breasts, thumbs stroking gently over the wiring in the center, his other digits at my sides, holding me close against him.

    Finally, my body had adjusted to his size, thank AllSpark for the advantages of being Cybertronian. His speed slowly increased, his cord filling me over and over . . .

    I moaned again into his mouth, slowly wrapping my legs around his waist. I felt him smile into the kiss, losing a small amount of his restraint as he moved faster, thrusting harder into me. My breath hitched for a moment, but I pulled him closer, not wanting him to stop, not even wanting him to think I wanted him to stop.

    And he didn’t. He kept moving faster, servos massaging my breasts softly, a bit more of his commonplace restraint falling away as he moved deeper each time, hitting the sensitive wiring over and over again . . .

    I was breathing heavier now, pressing against him, my body slowly tensing, his member stroking the wiring so many times I wouldn’t have been able to keep track if I’d tried, his hips rocking faster . . .

    I moaned again, his glossa tangling with mine, as my body arched towards him, my body tensing as I pulled him closer, reaching overload. He moaned lightly back into my mouth, continuing to thrust faster, his overload coming split seconds later, holding me pressed tightly against me.

    It lasted for a few seconds before our bodies began losing their tension, and I let my back relax against the berth again, breathing heavily. Optimus stayed above me, carefully, one servo holding his weight, the other caressing the side of my face gently. Slowly, he laid down next to me, but as he began to pull away just slightly, I pulled him back.

Maiden: “Please . . . stay . . . in . . .”

    I felt awkward saying it aloud, but I couldn’t deny that it was what I wanted. I didn’t want our bodies to be separated. Not yet.

    His helm tilted.

Optimus: “Maiden, you need to recharge. You need rest.”

    I shuttered my optics slowly, unable to deny what my body wanted.

    But, well, it kind of wanted two things at once . . .

Maiden: “Just . . . sleep . . . recharge . . . whatever . . . inside me . . . please? Help my body adjust . . .”

    I could practically hear his smile as he placed a small kiss on my forehead.

Optimus: “As you wish, Maiden, now rest . . .”

    I wasn’t going to fight it anymore, and I drifted into recharge happily. Optimus was here. He loved me. And he had now been my first . . .

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