chapter 1: cons are back

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"We begin with a muscle car driving down the road with a male voice talking to a blue motorcycle"

Cliffjumper: so there I am on the look out when out of nowhere these highbeams light up my rearview and then it hits me, I'm illegally parked!

Arcee: another parking ticket (amused)

Cliffjumper: better, the boot!

Arcee: big metal tire clamp, impossible to remove

Cliffjumper: bingo! So the local police do their thing I let the get all the way down the block, that's when I kick of my new shinny shoe and BANG!!

Arcee: New Yorks finest shit themselves

Omega: Cliffjumper you really should TRY to follow autobot rule number one, Don't. Let. Humans. See. You!!!!

Cliffjumper: ah come on big bot not like I transformed and shot at them, which I wouldn't!

Omega: pull another stunt like that and you'll be cleaning the base for a month


Cliffjumper: your cruel big bot, oh hello got a ping for energon!

Omega: transmit your location I'm the closest to you

Cliffjumper: oh I just found a whole lot of energon! (Excited)

"Suddenly the nemesis appears"

Cliffjumper: uh Omega how close are you cause the cons are here!!!

Omega: hold them off for 10 minutes, I'm still a truck with a trailer

Cliffjumper: arcee, you might want to call in back up!

Arcee: arcee to base Cliffs in trouble with cons and Omega not gonna get to him in time!

Ratchet: we're scattered across different timezones, it'll take time to get everyone back to base

"As they are all making their way back to base Cliffjumper is fighting for his life, but unfortunately is captured just as Omega arrives to help"

Omega: NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!! *shoots at the nemesis but it's shields where more powerful then his gun* Cliffjumper no (somber)

"Suddenly the other autobots arrived but saw only Omega in dispare"

Optimus: brother where's Cliffjumper?

Omega: the cons got him

Arcee: no *finds Cliffjumpers horn*

Ratchet: *tries to locate Cliffjumpers signal only for it to go offline* his life signal just went offline

Omega: this is my fault, I should have gotten here sooner!!!

"Timeskip to the afternoon"

Optimus: on this day only we six autobots are here on earth, we owe it to the memory's of our friends and to cybertron that this will be the last autobot to die here

Arcee: *places Cliffjumpers horn on the ground placing multiple rocks on top of it* standing here sulking won't do any of us good, I'm going to go back to protecting humans

Ratchet: Optimus, omega, you must admit that humans are more trouble then their worth

Optimus: your opinion is noted

Omega: and ignored, if you need me I'll be giving my minicon some energon

"Timeskip to later in the day after arcee, bumblebee and bulkhead returned to base"

Omega: (scolding them like children) you revealed yourself to humans, caused how many car accidents, and most of all YOU TRANSFORMED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT WHERE HUMANS CAN SEE YOU!!!!!

Arcee: didn't have much of a choice, cons where tailing me had to deal with them or else they'd start killing humans

Optimus: speaking of, how many humans did see you

Bumblebee: *holds up two fingers and makes noises*

Optimus: two boys, arcee bumblebee tomorrow after school is done you are to bring them here so we can explain the situation to them

"The next day bee and arcee are driving into the base with an additional human*

Ratchet: I thought you said there we're two of them?

Arcee: haven't you heard humans multiply

Omega: that usually takes about nine earth months for that

Arcee: *slightly jumps cause omega was right behinde her* I told you to stop doing that

Omega: I'm not apologizing

To be continued

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